
function Add-PanDevice {
   Add a PanDevice to the PanDeviceDb, providing persistence across PowerShell sessions.
   Add a PanDevice to the PanDeviceDb, providing persistence across PowerShell sessions.
      You can pipe a PanDevice to this cmdlet

         HelpMessage='PanDevice(s) to be added to PanDeviceDb.')]
      [PanDevice[]] $Device,
         HelpMessage='Internal module use only. Adds PanDevice(s) to PanDeviceDb, but does not [re]serialize.')]
      [Switch] $ImportMode

   Begin {
      # Propagate -Debug and -Verbose to this module function,
      if($PSBoundParameters.Debug) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }
      if($PSBoundParameters.Verbose) { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' }
      # Announce
      Write-Debug ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ':')

      # Initialize PanDeviceDb

   } # Begin block

   Process {
      foreach($DeviceCur in $Device) {
         $i = 0
         $Match = $false
         # Iterate looking for existing match based on Name. Need to avoid duplicate entries
         while(($i -lt $Global:PanDeviceDb.Count) -and -not $Match) {
            if($Global:PanDeviceDb[$i].Name -imatch ('^' + $DeviceCur.Name + '$')) {
               # Case-insensitive match based on [PanDevice].Name, replace it in PanDeviceDb
               Write-Debug ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ': ' + "Device Name: $($DeviceCur.Name) match found at `$Global:PanDeviceDb[$i]. Replacing")
               $Global:PanDeviceDb[$i] = $DeviceCur
               # Given match, call off the search
               $Match = $true
         # If no match after full search, no risk of duplicating, so append
         if(-not $Match) {
            Write-Debug ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ': ' + "Device Name: $($DeviceCur.Name) match not found. Appending")
   } # Process block

   End {
      # -ImportMode do not [re]serialize
      if($ImportMode.IsPresent) {
         Write-Debug ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ': ImportMode: Not [re]serializing')
      # Default behavior is to serialize after updates to PanDeviceDb
      else {
         Write-Debug ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ': Serializing')
   } # End block
} # Function