
function Set-PanDeviceLabelDefault{
   Modify the default Label used by Get-PanDevice
   Modify the default Label used by Get-PanDevice
   PS> Set-PanDeviceLabelDefault -Label 'PCI'
   PS> Get-PanDevice
      is functionally the same as
   PS> Get-PanDevice -Label 'PCI'
   If a default Label is not explicitly set, then the default Label defaults to PanDevice(s) created in the
   current PowerShell session.
   PS> Get-PanDevice
   By default, Get-PanDevice without additional parameters returns PanDevice(s) created in the current PowerShell
   session only.
   PS> Set-PanDeviceLabelDefault -Label 'PCI'
   PS> Get-PanDevice
   Get-PanDevice would return all PanDevice(s) with the 'PCI' label, without having to specify the -Label parameter.
   PS> Set-PanDeviceLabelDefault -Label 'PCI','us-central'
   PS> Get-PanDevice
   Get-PanDevice would return all PanDevice(s) with both 'PCI' and 'us-central' labels. Both labels must match.
   Multiple Label(s) (via array) is a logical AND match when selecting PanDevice(s)
   PS> Set-PanDeviceLabelDefault -Label $null
   PS> Get-PanDevice
   Restores Get-PanDevice default behavior of returning PanDevice(s) created in the current PowerShell session only.

         HelpMessage='Label. Multiple Label(s) (array) is logical AND match')]
      [String[]] $Label

   # Propagate -Debug and -Verbose to this module function,
   if($PSBoundParameters.Debug) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }
   if($PSBoundParameters.Verbose) { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' }
   # Announce
   Write-Debug ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ':')

   if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('PanDeviceDb','Change Get-PanDevice default label(s) to ' + $($PSBoundParameters.Label -join ','))) {
      Set-Variable -Name 'PanDeviceLabelDefault' -Value $PSBoundParameters.Label -Scope 'Global'
} # Function