
function Set-PowerPlan
   Sets a Powerplan by name or by value provided from the pipeline
   This cmdlet invokes the CIM-method Activate in class Win32_PowerPlan. See also Get-PowerPlan cmdlet
   Set-PowerPlan -PlanName high*
   This will set the current powerplan to High for the current computer
   Get-Powerplan -PlanName "Power Saver" | Set-PowerPlan
   Will set the powerplan to "Power Saver" for current computer
   Get-Powerplan -PlanName "Power Saver" -ComputerName "Server1","Server2" | Set-PowerPlan
   This will set the current powerpla to "Power Saver" for the computers Server1 and Server2
   Set-PowerPlan -PlanName "Power Saver" -ComputerName "Server1","Server2"
   This will set the current powerpla to "Power Saver" for the computers Server1 and Server2
   Powerplan and performance
   This cmdlet invokes CIM-methods in the class Win32_PowerPlan

    [string]$PlanName = "*"

        $f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
        Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START"
        $GetCimInstance = @{
            Namespace = "root\cimv2\power"
            ClassName = "Win32_PowerPlan"

        $InvokeCimMethod = @{
            MethodName = "Activate"



        Write-Verbose -Message "$f - ElementName=$PlanName"
        $CimObjectPowerPlan = Get-CimInstance @GetCimInstance -Verbose:$false | Where-Object ElementName -like "$PlanName"

        foreach($Instance in $CimObjectPowerPlan)
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($instance.CimSystemProperties.ServerName, "Activating powerplan '$($instance.ElementName)'"))
                $null = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $Instance @InvokeCimMethod
        if(-not $CimObjectPowerPlan)
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to find powerplan $PlanName"

        Write-Verbose -Message "$f - END"
