
    Looks up the matching organizationalSettings file if one is not provided and and merges the
    data into the referenced StigData
    .PARAMETER stigContent
    A reference to the STIG content that is being processed
    .PARAMETER stigContentPath
    .PARAMETER OrganizationalSettingsPath
    The path to the customer provided organizational settings file that contains the values to
    define a specifc value within an allowable range.
    An example
    General notes

function Merge-OrganizationSettingsFile
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $ruleTypeToProperty = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $PSScriptRoot\stigTypes.psd1

    $OrgSettingPath = $stigContentPath -replace "\.xml", ".org.default.xml"
    # Get the org settings file
    [xml] $orgSettings = Get-Content -Path $OrgSettingPath -Raw

    # Merge the localsettings.xml file into the base stig
    foreach ( $node in $stigContent.value.DISASTIG.ChildNodes.Name )
        # Get the list of STIG settings for the current type
        foreach ( $rule in $stigContent.value.DISASTIG.$node.Rule )
            if ( $rule.OrganizationValueRequired -eq $true )
                $orgSetting = $orgSettings | 
                    Select-Xml -XPath "//OrganizationalSetting[@id='$( $ )']"
                if ( $null -eq $orgSetting )
                    throw "An organizational setting was not found for $( $ )."

                if ( -not ( & ( [Scriptblock]::Create( "$($rule.OrganizationValueTestString)" -f $orgSetting.node.value.ToString() ) ) ) )
                    throw "The local setting ($($orgSetting.node.value.ToString())) for $($ is not within the specified range ($($rule.OrganizationValueTestString))
                    Please update $OrgSettingPath"


                $propertyToOverride = $ruleTypeToProperty.$node
                $rule.$propertyToOverride = $orgSetting.node.value.ToString()