
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
#region Method Functions
        Retreives the WindowsFeature name from the check-content element in the xccdf
    .PARAMETER CheckContent
        Specifies the check-content element in the xccdf

function Get-WindowsFeatureName
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]"
    $windowsFeatureName = @()
        switch ($checkContent)
            {$PSItem -match $regularExpression.WindowsFeatureName}
                    The regex returns and named capture group called 'featureName'
                    that contains the feature name. $regularExpression.WindowsFeatureName
                    has been updated to incorporate the patterns from
                    $regularExpression.FeatureNameEquals and
                    $regularExpression.FeatureNameSpaceColon. They are both
                    commented out below for now case other STIGs stop parsing correctly.
                    They will be removed as part of Issue #223

                $null = $PSItem -match $regularExpression.WindowsFeatureName
                $windowsFeatureName += $Matches['featureName']
            {$PSItem -match $regularExpression.FeatureNameSpaceColon}
                $matches = $checkContent | Select-String -Pattern $regularExpression.FeatureNameSpaceColon -AllMatches
                $windowsFeatureName += ( $matches.Matches.Value -replace 'FeatureName\s\:' ).Trim()
            {$PSItem -match $regularExpression.IfTheApplicationExists -and $PSItem -notmatch 'telnet'}
                $matches = $checkContent | Select-String -Pattern $regularExpression.IfTheApplicationExists
                $windowsFeatureName += (($matches.Matches.Value | Select-String -Pattern ([RegularExpression]::TextBetweenQuotes)).Matches.Value -replace '"').Trim()
            {$PSItem -match 'Telnet Client'}
                $windowsFeatureName += 'TelnetClient'
            {$PSItem -match $regularExpression.WebDavPublishingFeature}
                $windowsFeatureName += 'Web-DAV-Publishing'
            {$PSItem -match $regularExpression.SimpleTCP}
                $windowsFeatureName += 'SimpleTCP'
            {$PSItem -match $regularExpression.IISHostableWebCore}
                $windowsFeatureName += 'IIS-HostableWebCore'
            {$PSItem -match $regularExpression.IISWebserver}
                $windowsFeatureName += 'IIS-WebServer'
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] WindowsOptionalFeature : Not Found"
        return $null
    return ($windowsFeatureName -join ',')

        Retreives the WindowsFeature InstallState from the check-content element in the xccdf
    .PARAMETER CheckContent
        Specifies the check-content element in the xccdf

function Get-FeatureInstallState
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    switch ($checkContent)
            Currently ALL WindowsFeatureRules referenced in any of the STIGs will be uninstalled (Absent)
            so the default is Absent. When a STIG rule states a WindowsFeature is to be installed (Present)
            we can add the logic here.

        {$PSItem -eq $false}
            return [ensure]::Present

        Test if the check-content contains WindowsFeatures to install/uninstall.
    .PARAMETER CheckContent
        Specifies the check-content element in the xccdf

function Test-MultipleWindowsFeatureRule
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ( $FeatureName -match ',')
        return $true
    return $false

        Consumes a list of mitigation targets seperated by a comma and outputs an array
    .PARAMETER FeatureName
        A list of comma seperate WindowsFeature names

function Split-WindowsFeatureRule
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return ( $FeatureName -split ',' )