
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using module .\..\..\Common\Common.psm1
using module .\..\AuditPolicyRule.psm1
using namespace System.Text
# Header

        Converts the xccdf check-content element into an audit policy object.

class AuditPolicyRuleConvert : AuditPolicyRule
            Empty constructor for SplitFactory

    AuditPolicyRuleConvert ()

            Converts an xccdf stig rule element into a Audit Policy Rule
        .PARAMETER XccdfRule
            The STIG rule to convert

    AuditPolicyRuleConvert ([xml.xmlelement] $XccdfRule) : base ($XccdfRule, $true)
        $tokens = $this.ExtractProperties()
        $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present

            Extracts and returns the audit policy settings from the check-content.
            This match looks for the following patterns
            1. Category >> Subcategory - AuditFlag
            2. Category -> Subcategory - AuditFlag
            If any rule does not match this pattern, please update the xccdf
            change log file to align to one of these options.

    [RegularExpressions.MatchCollection] ExtractProperties ()
        return [regex]::Matches(
            '(?:(?:\w+(?:\s|\/))+(?:(?: >|>|-)>(?:\s+)?))(?<subcategory>(?:.+?(?=\s-\s)))\s-\s(?<auditflag>(?:\w+)+)'

            Set the subcategory name
            Set the subcategory value. If the returned audit policy subcategory
            is not valid, the parser status is set to fail.

    [void] SetSubcategory ([RegularExpressions.MatchCollection] $Regex)
        $thisSubcategory = $regex.Groups.Where(
            {$_.Name -eq 'subcategory'}
        # Windows STIGS have 'Audit Audit' as part of the string, but the actual policy is 'Audit Policy Change'
        $thisSubcategory = $thisSubcategory -replace 'Audit Audit', 'Audit'

        if (-not $this.SetStatus($thisSubcategory))

            Set the subcategory flag
            Set the subcategory flag. If the returned audit policy subcategory
            is not valid, the parser status is set to fail.

    [void] SetAuditFlag ([RegularExpressions.MatchCollection] $Regex)
        $thisAuditFlag = $Regex.Groups.Where(
            {$_.Name -eq 'auditflag'}

        if (-not $this.SetStatus($thisAuditFlag))

    hidden [void] SetDscResource ()
        if ($null -eq $this.DuplicateOf)
            $this.DscResource = 'AuditPolicySubcategory'
            $this.DscResource = 'None'

            Checks if a rule matches an audit policy setting.

    static [bool] Match ([string] $CheckContent)
            $CheckContent -Match "\bAuditpol\b" -and
            $CheckContent -NotMatch "resourceSACL"
            return $true
        return $false