
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Header

        Automatically creates a STIG Viewer checklist from DSC results (DscResults) or a compiled MOF (ReferenceConfiguration) parameter for a single endpoint.
        The function will test based upon the passed in STIG file or files (XccdfPath) parameter.
        Manual entries in the checklist can be injected from a ManualChecklistEntriesFile file.
    .PARAMETER ReferenceConfiguration
        A MOF that was compiled with a PowerStig composite.
        This parameter supports an alias of 'MofFile'
    .PARAMETER DscResults
        The results of Test-DscConfiguration or DSC report server output for a node. This can also be data retrieved from a DSC pull server with
        some modifications. See the PowerSTIG wiki for more information.
    .PARAMETER XccdfPath
        The path to a DISA STIG .xccdf file. PowerSTIG includes the supported files in the /PowerShell/StigData/Archive folder.
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        The location where the checklist .ckl file will be created. Must include the filename with .ckl on the end.
    .PARAMETER ManualChecklistEntriesFile
        Location of a .xml file containing the input for Vulnerabilities unmanaged via DSC/PowerSTIG.
        This file can be created manually or by exporting an Excel worksheet as XML. The file format should look like the following:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
            <Comments>Not Applicable</Comments>
            <Details>This machine is not part of a domain, so this rule does not apply.</Details>
        See a sample at /PowerShell/StigData/Samples/ManualChecklistEntriesFileSample.xml.
        Generate a checklist for single STIG using a .MOF file:
        $ReferenceConfiguration = 'C:\contoso.local.mof'
        $xccdfPath = 'C:\SQL Server\U_MS_SQL_Server_2016_Instance_STIG_V1R7_Manual-xccdf.xml'
        $outputPath = 'C:\SqlServerInstance_2016_V1R7_STIG_config_mof.ckl'
        $ManualChecklistEntriesFile = 'C:\ManualChecklistEntriesFileExcelExport.xml'
        New-StigCheckList -ReferenceConfiguration $ReferenceConfiguration -XccdfPath $XccdfPath -OutputPath $outputPath -ManualChecklistEntriesFile $ManualChecklistEntriesFile
        Generate a checklist for a single STIG using DSC results obtained from Test-DscConfiguration:
        $audit = Test-DscConfiguration -ComputerName localhost -ReferenceConfiguration 'C:\Dev\Utilities\SqlServerInstance_config\localhost.mof'
        $xccdfPath = 'C:\U_MS_SQL_Server_2016_Instance_STIG_V1R7_Manual-xccdf.xml'
        $outputPath = 'C:\SqlServerInstance_2016_V1R7_STIG_config_dscresults.ckl'
        $ManualChecklistEntriesFile = 'C:\ManualChecklistEntriesFileSQL2016Instance.xml'
        New-StigCheckList -DscResult $audit -XccdfPath $xccdfPath -OutputPath $outputPath -ManualChecklistEntriesFile $ManualChecklistEntriesFile
        Generate a checklist for multiple STIGs for an endpoint using a .MOF file and a file containing STIGs to check:
        $XccdfPath = Get-Content 'C:\ChecklistSTIGFiles.txt'
        $outputPath = 'C:\SqlServer01_mof.ckl'
        $ManualChecklistEntriesFile = 'C:\ManualChecklistEntriesFileSqlServer01ExcelExport.xml'
        New-StigCheckList -DscResults $auditRehydrated -XccdfPath $XccdfPath -OutputPath $outputPath -ManualChecklistEntriesFile $ManualChecklistEntriesFile
        Generate a checklist for multiple STIGs for an endpoint using DSC results obtained from Test-DscConfiguration, dehydrated/rehydrated using CLIXML:
        $audit = Test-DscConfiguration -ComputerName localhost -MofFile 'C:\localhost.mof'
        $audit | Export-Clixml 'C:\TestDSC.xml'
        $auditRehydrated = import-clixml C:\TestDSC.xml
        $XccdfPath = 'C:\STIGS\SQL Server\U_MS_SQL_Server_2016_Instance_STIG_V1R7_Manual-xccdf.xml','C:\STIGS\Windows.Server.2012R2\U_MS_Windows_2012_and_2012_R2_DC_STIG_V2R19_Manual-xccdf.xml'
        $outputPath = 'C:\SqlServer01_dsc.ckl'
        $ManualChecklistEntriesFile = 'C:\ManualChecklistEntriesFileSqlServer01ExcelExport.xml'
        New-StigCheckList -DscResults $auditRehydrated -XccdfPath $XccdfPath -OutputPath $outputPath -ManualChecklistEntriesFile $ManualChecklistEntriesFile

function New-StigCheckList
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'mof')]
            if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf)
                return $true
                throw "$($_) is not a valid path to a reference configuration (.mof) file. Provide a full valid path and filename."

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'dsc')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            foreach ($filename in $_)
                if (Test-Path -Path $filename -PathType Leaf)
                    return $true
                    throw "$($filename) is not a valid path to a DISA STIG .xccdf file. Provide a full valid path and filename."

            if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf)
                return $true
                throw "$($_) is not a valid path to a ManualChecklistEntriesFile.xml file. Provide a full valid path and filename."

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            if (Test-Path -Path $_.DirectoryName -PathType Container)
                return $true
                throw "$($_) is not a valid directory. Please provide a valid directory."
            if ($_.Extension -ne '.ckl')
                throw "$($_.FullName) is not a valid checklist extension. Please provide a full valid path ending in .ckl"
                return $true

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ManualChecklistEntriesFile'))
        [xml] $manualCheckData = Get-Content -Path $ManualChecklistEntriesFile

    # Values for some of these fields can be read from the .mof file or the DSC results file
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'mof')
        $mofString = Get-Content -Path $ReferenceConfiguration -Raw
        $targetNode = Get-TargetNodeFromMof -MofString $mofString
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'dsc')
        # Check the returned object
        if ($null -eq $DscResults)
            throw 'Passed in $DscResults parameter is null. Please provide a valid result using Test-DscConfiguration.'

        $targetNode = $DscResults.PSComputerName

    $statusMap = @{
        NotReviewed   = 'Not_Reviewed'
        Open          = 'Open'
        NotAFinding   = 'NotAFinding'
        NotApplicable = 'Not_Applicable'

    $targetNodeType = Get-TargetNodeType -TargetNode $targetNode

    switch ($targetNodeType)
            $HostnameMACAddress = $targetNode
            $HostnameIPAddress = $targetNode
            $HostnameIPAddress = $targetNode
            $HostnameFQDN = $targetNode
            $Hostname = $targetNode

    $xmlWriterSettings = [System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings]::new()
    $xmlWriterSettings.Indent = $true
    $xmlWriterSettings.IndentChars = "`t"
    $xmlWriterSettings.NewLineChars = "`n"
    $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($OutputPath.FullName, $xmlWriterSettings)


    #region ASSET


    $assetElements = [ordered] @{
        'ROLE'            = 'None'
        'ASSET_TYPE'      = 'Computing'
        'HOST_NAME'       = "$Hostname"
        'HOST_IP'         = "$HostnameIPAddress"
        'HOST_MAC'        = "$HostnameMACAddress"
        'HOST_FQDN'       = "$HostnameFQDN"
        'TECH_AREA'       = ''
        'TARGET_KEY'      = '2350'
        'WEB_OR_DATABASE' = 'false'
        'WEB_DB_SITE'     = ''
        'WEB_DB_INSTANCE' = ''

    foreach ($assetElement in $assetElements.GetEnumerator())


    #endregion ASSET

    #region STIGS

    #region STIG_iteration
    foreach ($xccdfPathItem in $XccdfPath)


        #region iSTIG/STIG_INFO


        $xccdfBenchmarkContent = Get-StigXccdfBenchmarkContent -Path $XccdfPathItem

        $stigInfoElements = [ordered] @{
            'version'        = $xccdfBenchmarkContent.version
            'classification' = 'UNCLASSIFIED'
            'customname'     = ''
            'stigid'         = $
            'description'    = $xccdfBenchmarkContent.description
            'filename'       = Split-Path -Path $xccdfPathItem -Leaf
            'releaseinfo'    = $xccdfBenchmarkContent.'plain-text'.InnerText
            'title'          = $xccdfBenchmarkContent.title
            'uuid'           = (New-Guid).Guid
            'notice'         = $xccdfBenchmarkContent.notice.InnerText
            'source'         = $xccdfBenchmarkContent.reference.source

        foreach ($stigInfoElement in $stigInfoElements.GetEnumerator())


        #endregion STIGS/iSTIG/STIG_INFO

        #region STIGS/iSTIG/VULN[]

        # Parse out the STIG file name for lookups
        $stigPathFileName = $XccdfPathItem.Split('\\')
        $stigFileName = $stigPathFileName[$stigPathFileName.Length-1]

        # Pull in the processed XML file to check for duplicate rules for each vulnerability
        [XML] $xccdfBenchmark = Get-Content -Path $xccdfPathItem -Encoding UTF8
        $fileList = Get-PowerStigFileList -StigDetails $xccdfBenchmark -Path $XccdfPathItem
        $processedFileName = $fileList.Settings.FullName
        [XML] $processed = Get-Content -Path $processedFileName

        $vulnerabilities = Get-VulnerabilityList -XccdfBenchmark $xccdfBenchmarkContent

        foreach ($vulnerability in $vulnerabilities)

            foreach ($attribute in $vulnerability.GetEnumerator())
                $status = $null
                $findingDetails = $null
                $comments = $null
                $manualCheck = $null

                if ($attribute.Name -eq 'Vuln_Num')
                    $vid = $attribute.Value





            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'mof')
                $setting = Get-SettingsFromMof -ReferenceConfiguration $ReferenceConfiguration -Id $vid
                $manualCheck = $manualCheckData.stigManualChecklistData.stigRuleData | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.STIG -eq $stigFileName -and $_.ID -eq $vid}
                if ($setting)
                    $status = $statusMap['Open']
                    $comments = "To be addressed by PowerStig MOF via $setting"
                    $findingDetails = Get-FindingDetails -Setting $setting

                elseif ($manualCheck)
                    $status = $statusMap["$($manualCheck.Status)"]
                    $findingDetails = $manualCheck.Details
                    $comments = $manualCheck.Comments
                    $status = $statusMap['NotReviewed']
            elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'dsc')
                $manualCheck = $manualCheckData.stigManualChecklistData.stigRuleData | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.STIG -eq $stigFileName -and $_.ID -eq $vid}
                if ($manualCheck)
                    $status = $statusMap["$($manualCheck.Status)"]
                    $findingDetails = $manualCheck.Details
                    $comments = $manualCheck.Comments
                    $setting = Get-SettingsFromResult -DscResults $DscResults -Id $vid
                    if ($setting)
                        if ($setting.InDesiredState -eq $true)
                            $status = $statusMap['NotAFinding']
                            $comments = "Addressed by PowerStig MOF via $setting"
                            $findingDetails = Get-FindingDetails -Setting $setting
                        elseif ($setting.InDesiredState -eq $false)
                            $status = $statusMap['Open']
                            $comments = "Configuration attempted by PowerStig MOF via $setting, but not currently set."
                            $findingDetails = Get-FindingDetails -Setting $setting
                            $status = $statusMap['Open']
                        $status = $statusMap['NotReviewed']

            # Test to see if this rule is managed as a duplicate
            $convertedRule = $processed.SelectSingleNode("//Rule[@id='$vid']")

            if ($convertedRule.DuplicateOf)
                # How is the duplicate rule handled? If it is handled, then this duplicate should have the same status
                if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'mof')
                    $originalSetting = Get-SettingsFromMof -ReferenceConfiguration $ReferenceConfiguration -Id $convertedRule.DuplicateOf

                    if ($originalSetting)
                        $status = $statusMap['Open']
                        $findingDetails = 'See {0} for Finding Details.' -f $convertedRule.DuplicateOf
                        $comments = 'Managed via PowerStigDsc - this rule is a duplicate of {0}' -f $convertedRule.DuplicateOf
                elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'dsc')
                    $originalSetting = Get-SettingsFromResult -DscResults $DscResults -Id $convertedRule.DuplicateOf

                    if ($originalSetting.InDesiredState -eq 'True')
                        $status = $statusMap['NotAFinding']
                        $findingDetails = 'See {0} for Finding Details.' -f $convertedRule.DuplicateOf
                        $comments = 'Managed via PowerStigDsc - this rule is a duplicate of {0}' -f $convertedRule.DuplicateOf
                        $status = $statusMap['Open']
                        $findingDetails = 'See {0} for Finding Details.' -f $convertedRule.DuplicateOf
                        $comments = 'Managed via PowerStigDsc - this rule is a duplicate of {0}' -f $convertedRule.DuplicateOf


            $findingDetails = ConvertTo-SafeXml -UnescapedXmlString $findingDetails

            $comments = ConvertTo-SafeXml -UnescapedXmlString $comments




        #endregion STIGS/iSTIG/VULN[]


    #endregion STIG_iteration


    #endregion STIGS



        Gets the vulnerability details from the rule description

function Get-VulnerabilityList

    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $vulnerabilityList = @()

    foreach ($vulnerability in $XccdfBenchmark.Group)
        $vulnerabilityDiscussion = ConvertTo-SafeXml -UnescapedXmlString $($vulnerability.Rule.description)
        [XML] $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement = "<discussionroot>$vulnerabilityDiscussion</discussionroot>"

        [void]  $vulnerabilityList.Add(
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Vuln_Num'; Value = $},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Severity'; Value = $vulnerability.Rule.severity},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Group_Title'; Value = $vulnerability.title},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Rule_ID'; Value = $},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Rule_Ver'; Value = $vulnerability.Rule.version},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Rule_Title'; Value = $vulnerability.Rule.title},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Vuln_Discuss'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.VulnDiscussion},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'IA_Controls'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.IAControls},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Check_Content'; Value = $vulnerability.Rule.check.'check-content'},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Fix_Text'; Value = $vulnerability.Rule.fixtext.InnerText},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'False_Positives'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.FalsePositives},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'False_Negatives'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.FalseNegatives},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Documentable'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.Documentable},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Mitigations'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.Mitigations},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Potential_Impact'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.PotentialImpacts},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Third_Party_Tools'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.ThirdPartyTools},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Mitigation_Control'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.MitigationControl},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Responsibility'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.Responsibility},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Security_Override_Guidance'; Value = $vulnerabiltyDiscussionElement.discussionroot.SeverityOverrideGuidance},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Check_Content_Ref'; Value = $vulnerability.Rule.check.'check-content-ref'.href},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Weight'; Value = $vulnerability.Rule.Weight},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'Class'; Value = 'Unclass'},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'STIGRef'; Value = "$($XccdfBenchmark.title) :: $($XccdfBenchmark.'plain-text'.InnerText)"},
                [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'TargetKey'; Value = $vulnerability.Rule.reference.identifier}

                # Some Stigs have multiple Control Correlation Identifiers (CCI)
                    # Extract only the cci entries
                    $CCIREFList = $vulnerability.Rule.ident |
                    Where-Object -FilterScript {$PSItem.system -eq ''} |
                    Select-Object 'InnerText' -ExpandProperty 'InnerText'

                    foreach ($CCIREF in $CCIREFList)
                        [PSCustomObject] @{Name = 'CCI_REF'; Value = $CCIREF}

    return $vulnerabilityList

        Converts the mof into an array of objects

function Get-MofContent
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (-not $script:mofContent)
        $script:mofContent = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($ReferenceConfiguration, 4)

    return $script:mofContent

        Gets the stig details from the mof

function Get-SettingsFromMof
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $mofContent = Get-MofContent -ReferenceConfiguration $ReferenceConfiguration

    $mofContentFound = $mofContent.Where({$PSItem.ResourceID -match $Id})

    return $mofContentFound

        Gets the stig details from the Test\Get-DscConfiguration output

function Get-SettingsFromResult
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (-not $script:allResources)
        $script:allResources = $DscResults.ResourcesNotInDesiredState + $DscResults.ResourcesInDesiredState

    return $script:allResources.Where({$PSItem.ResourceID -match $id})

        Gets the value from a STIG setting

function Get-FindingDetails
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    switch ($setting.ResourceID)
        # Only add custom entries if specific output is more valuable than dumping all properties
        {$PSItem -match "^\[None\]"}
            return "No DSC resource was leveraged for this rule (Resource=None)"
        {$PSItem -match "^\[UserRightsAssignment\]"}
            return "UserRightsAssignment Identity = $($setting.Identity)"
            return Get-FindingDetailsString -Setting $setting

        Formats properties and values with standard string format.

function Get-FindingDetailsString
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    foreach ($property in $
        if ($property.TypeNameOfValue -Match 'String')
            $returnString += $($property.Name) + ' = '
            $returnString += $($[$property.Name].Value) + "`n"

    return $returnString

        Extracts the node targeted by the MOF file

function Get-TargetNodeFromMof
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $pattern = "((?<=@TargetNode=')(.*)(?='))"
    $targetNodeSearch = $MofString | Select-String -Pattern $pattern
    $targetNode = $targetNodeSearch.matches.value
    return $targetNode

        Determines the type of node address

function Get-TargetNodeType
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    switch ($TargetNode)
        # Do we have a MAC address?
            $_ -match '(([0-9a-f]{2}:){5}[0-9a-f]{2})'
            return 'MACAddress'

        # Do we have an IPv6 address?
            $_ -match '(([0-9a-f]{0,4}:){7}[0-9a-f]{0,4})'
            return 'IPv4Address'

        # Do we have an IPv4 address?
            $_ -match '(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})'
            return 'IPv6Address'

        # Do we have a Fully-qualified Domain Name?
            $_ -match '([a-zA-Z0-9-.\+]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,256}\b)'
            return 'FQDN'

    return ''

        Escapes invalid characters in the input to create safe XML output.
        Note: Intended for contents of attributes, elements, etc.

function ConvertTo-SafeXml
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $escapedXml = [System.Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($UnescapedXmlString)
    return $escapedXml