
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using module .\..\..\Common\Common.psm1
using module .\..\VsphereNtpSettingsRule.psm1

$exclude = @($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,'Template.*.txt')
$supportFileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Exclude $exclude
foreach ($supportFile in $supportFileList)
    Write-Verbose -Message "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)"
    . $supportFile.FullName

        Convert the contents of an xccdf check-content element into a Vsphere Ntp Settings object.
        The Vsphere Ntp Settings Rule class is used to extract the Vsphere Ntp settings
        from the check-content of the xccdf. Once a STIG rule is identified a
        Vsphere Ntp Settings rule, it is passed to the Vsphere Ntp Settings Rule class for parsing
        and validation.

class VsphereNtpSettingsRuleConvert : VsphereNtpSettingsRule
            Empty constructor for SplitFactory.

    VsphereNtpSettingsRuleConvert ()

            Converts an xccdf stig rule element into a Vsphere Rule.
        .PARAMETER XccdfRule
            The STIG rule to convert.

    VsphereNtpSettingsRuleConvert ([xml.xmlelement] $XccdfRule) : base ($XccdfRule, $true)
        if ($this.IsOrganizationalSetting())


            Tests if and organizational value is required.
            Tests if and organizational value is required.

    [bool] IsOrganizationalSetting ()
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.NtpServer))
            return $true
            return $false

        Set the organizational value.
        Extracts the organizational value from the key and then sets the value.

    [void] SetOrganizationValueTestString ()
        $OrganizationValueTestString = Get-VsphereNtpSettingsOrganizationValueTestString -Id $

        if (-not $this.SetStatus($OrganizationValueTestString))

            Extracts the Vsphere NTP settings from the check-content and sets the value.
            Gets the NTP server list from the xccdf content and sets the value.
            If the value that is returned is not valid, the parser status is
            set to fail.

    [void] SetVsphereNtpSettings ()
        $vsphereNtpSettings = Get-VsphereNtpSettings -CheckContent $this.SplitCheckContent

    hidden [void] SetDscResource ()
        if ($null -eq $this.DuplicateOf)
            $this.DscResource = 'VMHostNtpSettings'
            $this.DscResource = 'None'

    static [bool] Match ([string] $CheckContent)
        if ($CheckContent -match 'Get-VMHostNTPServer')
            return $true
        return $false