
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using module .\..\Common\Common.psm1
using module .\..\Rule\Rule.psm1

        An Account Policy Rule object
        The IisLoggingRule class is used to maange the Account Policy Settings.
    .PARAMETER LogCustomFieldEntry
    .PARAMETER LogFlags
    .PARAMETER LogFormat
    .PARAMETER LogPeriod
    .PARAMETER LogTargetW3C

class IisLoggingRule : Rule
    [object[]] $LogCustomFieldEntry
    [string] $LogFlags
    [string] $LogFormat
    [string] $LogPeriod
    [string] $LogTargetW3C <#(ExceptionValue)#>

            Default constructor to support the AsRule cast method

    IisLoggingRule ()

            Used to load PowerSTIG data from the processed data directory
        .PARAMETER Rule
            The STIG rule to load

    IisLoggingRule ([xml.xmlelement] $Rule) : base ($Rule)

            The Convert child class constructor
        .PARAMETER Rule
            The STIG rule to convert
        .PARAMETER Convert
            A simple bool flag to create a unique constructor signature

    IisLoggingRule ([xml.xmlelement] $Rule, [switch] $Convert) : base ($Rule, $Convert)

            Creates class specifc help content

    [PSObject] GetExceptionHelp()
        return @{
            Value = "15"
            Notes = $null