
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using module .\..\..\Common\Common.psm1
using module .\..\SqlScriptQueryRule.psm1

$exclude = @($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,'Template.*.txt')
$supportFileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Exclude $exclude
foreach ($supportFile in $supportFileList)
    Write-Verbose "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)"
    . $supportFile.FullName
# Header

        Convert the contents of an xccdf check-content element into a
        SqlScriptQueryRule object
        The SqlScriptQueryRule class is used to extract the SQL Server settings
        from the check-content of the xccdf. Once a STIG rule is identified as a
        SQL script query rule, it is passed to the SqlScriptQueryRule class for
        parsing and validation.

class SqlScriptQueryRuleConvert : SqlScriptQueryRule
            Empty constructor for SplitFactory

    SqlScriptQueryRuleConvert ()

            Converts a xccdf STIG rule element into a Sql Script Query Rule
        .PARAMETER XccdfRule
            The STIG rule to convert

    SqlScriptQueryRuleConvert ([xml.xmlelement] $XccdfRule) : base ($XccdfRule, $true)
        $ruleType = $this.GetRuleType($this.splitCheckContent)
        $fixText = [SqlScriptQueryRule]::GetFixText($XccdfRule)

        $this.SetSetScript($ruleType, $fixText)

    #region Methods

            Extracts the get script from the check-content and sets the value
            Gets the get script from the xccdf content and sets the value. If
            the script that is returned is not valid, the parser status is set
            to fail.
        .PARAMETER RuleType
            The type of rule to get the get script for

    [void] SetGetScript ([string] $RuleType)
        $thisGetScript = & Get-$($RuleType)GetScript -CheckContent $this.SplitCheckContent

        if (-not $this.SetStatus($thisGetScript))

            Extracts the test script from the check-content and sets the value
            Gets the test script from the xccdf content and sets the value. If
            the script that is returned is not valid, the parser status is set
            to fail.
        .PARAMETER RuleType
            The type of rule to get the test script for

    [void] SetTestScript ($RuleType)
        $thisTestScript = & Get-$($RuleType)TestScript -CheckContent $this.SplitCheckContent

        if (-not $this.SetStatus($thisTestScript))

            Extracts the set script from the check-content and sets the value
            Gets the set script from the xccdf content and sets the value. If
            the script that is returned is not valid, the parser status is set
            to fail.
        .PARAMETER RuleType
            The type of rule to get the set script for
        .PARAMETER FixText
            The set script to run

    [void] SetSetScript ([string] $RuleType, [string[]] $FixText)
        $checkContent = $this.SplitCheckContent

        $thisSetScript = & Get-$($RuleType)SetScript -FixText $FixText -CheckContent $checkContent

        if (-not $this.SetStatus($thisSetScript))

            Extracts the variable
            Gets the variable string to be used in the SqlScriptQuery resource
        .PARAMETER RuleType
            The type of rule to get the variable string for.

    [void] SetVariable ([string] $RuleType)
        if (Test-VariableRequired -Rule $
            $thisVariable = & Get-$($RuleType)Variable

            # If a SQlScriptQueryRule has a value in the variable property then it requires an OrgValue

            Extracts the rule type from the check-content and sets the value
            Gets the rule type from the xccdf content and sets the value
        .PARAMETER CheckContent
            The rule text from the check-content element in the xccdf

    [string] GetRuleType ([string[]] $CheckContent)
        $ruleType = Get-SqlRuleType -CheckContent $CheckContent

        return $ruleType

    hidden [void] SetDscResource ()
        if ($null -eq $this.DuplicateOf)
            $this.DscResource = 'SqlScriptQuery'
            $this.DscResource = 'None'

    static [bool] Match ([string] $CheckContent)
            Provide match criteria to validate that the rule is (or is not) a SQL rule.
            Standard match rules

            $CheckContent -Match "SELECT" -and
            $CheckContent -Match 'existence.*publicly available.*(").*(")\s*(D|d)atabase' -or
            $CheckContent -Match "(DISTINCT|(D|d)istinct)\s+traceid" -or
            $CheckContent -Match "Verify the SQL Server default 'sa' account name has been changed" -or
            $CheckContent -Match "SQL Server audit setting on the maximum number of files of the trace" -or
            $CheckContent -Match "Obtain the list of roles that are authorized for the SQL Server 'View any database'" -or
            $CheckContent -Match "SQL query to determine SQL Server ownership of all database objects" -or
            $CheckContent -Match "direct access.*server-level" -and
            $CheckContent -NotMatch "'Alter any availability group' permission"
            return $true
        # SQL Server 2016+ matches
                $CheckContent -Match "(\s|\[)principal_id(\s*|\]\s*)\=\s*1" #SysAdminAccount
            ) -or
                $CheckContent -Match "TRACE_CHANGE_GROUP" -or #V-79239,79291,79293,29295
                $CheckContent -Match "DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP" -or #V-79259,79261,79263,79265,79275,79277
                $CheckContent -Match "SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP" -or #V-79267,79269,79279,79281
                $CheckContent -Match "SUCCESSFUL_LOGIN_GROUP" -or #V-79287,79297
                $CheckContent -Match "FAILED_LOGIN_GROUP" -or #V-79289
                $CheckContent -Match "status_desc = 'STARTED'" #V-79141
            return $true
        return $false
