
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Header

        Singleton class to support variable filter and parse methods in FileContentRule
        The FileContentType is used to extend filter and parse logic for diiferent
        FileContentRules without modifing existing filtering and parsing logic
    .PARAMETER Instance
        Maintains a single instance of the class object

class FileContentType
    static [FileContentType] $Instance
    #region Constructor
    hidden FileContentType () {}

     #region Methods

            Returns an instance of the class
            Gets or sets a single instance of the FileContentType
            for use in the FileContentRule

     static [FileContentType] GetInstance()
         if ([FileContentType]::Instance -eq $null)
             [FileContentType]::Instance = [FileContentType]::new()
         return [FileContentType]::Instance

            Loads and applies specific filtering and parsing rules
            When Key-Value settings are located in a rule, the format
            of Key-Value pairs differ between technologies, this method
            supports a unique filter and parsing strategy for the rule
        .PARAMETER matchResult
            The key-value settings from the check-content element in the xccdf

    [pscustomobject] ProcessMatches ( [psobject] $matchResult )
        $exclude = @($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,'Template.*.txt')
        $supportFileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Exclude $exclude -Recurse -Include "*.$($global:stigXccdfName).*"
        foreach ($supportFile in $supportFileList)
            Write-Verbose "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)"
            . $supportFile.FullName

        $filtered = Get-FilteredItem -MatchResult $matchResult
        if ($filtered)
            return $filtered;
            return $null