
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

data regularExpression
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        customFields = >>
        logFlags = (?<=(")?Select Fields(")?, verify at a minimum the following fields are checked:).+(?=\.)
        logFormat = Verify the "Format:" under "Log File" is configured to
        logPeriod = Verify a schedule is configured to rollover log files
        logTargetW3c = Under Log Event Destination, verify the
        standardFieldEntries = "([^"]*)"
        standardFields = (?<=Under "Standard Fields",).+


data logflagsConstant
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        Client IP Address = ClientIP
        Date = Date
        Method = Method
        Protocol Status = HttpStatus
        Referrer = Referer
        and Referrer = Referer
        Time = Time
        URI Query = UriQuery
        User Agent = UserAgent
        User Name = UserName
