
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
data regularExpression
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        ADAuditPath = Verify the auditing configuration for (the)?
        adminShares = (?=.*?\\bADMIN\\b\\$)(?=.*?\\bC\\b\\$)(?=.*?\\bIPC\\b\\$).*$
        cDrive = system drive's root directory
        cryptoFolder = ^%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\\\Microsoft\\\\Crypto$
        dnsServerLog = DNS\\sServer\\.evtx
        eventLogName = \\w+\\.evtx
        eventViewer = eventvwr\.exe
        hklmSecurity = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SECURITY
        hklmSoftware = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SOFTWARE
        hklmSystem = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SYSTEM
        InheritancePermissionMap = :\\(\\w\\)\\(\\w\\)
        inetpub = inetpub
        permissionRegistryInstalled = (?=.*?\\bHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\b)(?=.*?\\bInstalled\\sComponents\\b).*$
        permissionRegistryWinlogon = (?=.*?\\bHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\b)(?=.*?\\bWinlogon\\b).*$
        permissionRegistryWinreg = (?=.*?\\bHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\b)(?=.*?\\bwinreg\\b).*$
        permissionRegistryNTDS = (?=.*?\\bHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\b)(?=.*?\\bNTDS\\b).*$
        PermissionRuleMap = \\(\\w\\)\\s*-\\s*\\w
        programFiles = ^\\\\Program\\sFiles\\sand\\s\\\\Program\\sFiles\\s\\(x86\\)
        programFiles86 = ^\\\\Program\\sFiles\\s\\(x86\\)*
        programFileFolder = ^\\\\Program\\sFiles$
        spaceDashAnythingSpaceDash = \\s-[\\s\\S]*?\\s-
        rootOfC = ^C\\:\\\\$
        spaceDashSpace = \\s-\\s
        systemRoot = Windows installation directory
        SysVol = Windows\\\\SYSVOL
        textBetweenParentheses = \\(([^\)]+)\\)
        TypePrincipalAccess = (?:\\bType\\b\\s*-\\s*\\w*\\s*)(?:\\bPrincipal\\b\\s*-\\s*(\\w*\\s*){1,2})(?:\\bAccess\\b\\s*-\\s*\\w*\\s*)
        winDir = ^\\\\Windows
        WinEvtDirectory = %SystemRoot%\\\\SYSTEM32\\\\WINEVT\\\\LOGS
        sqlInstallDirectory = \\<drive\\>:\\\\Program Files\\\\Microsoft Sql Server\\\\
        auditingTab = on the Auditing Tab


data aDAuditPath
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        domain = {Domain}
        Domain Controller OU = OU=Domain Controllers,{Domain}
        AdminSDHolder = CN=AdminSDHolder,CN=System,{Domain}
        RID Manager$ = CN=RID Manager$,CN=System,{Domain}
        Infrastructure = CN=Infrastructure,{Domain}


data fileRightsConstant
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        Full Control = FullControl
        full access = FullControl
        Read = Read
        Modify = Modify
        Read & execute = ReadAndExecute
        Read and execute = ReadAndExecute
        Create folders = CreateDirectories
        append data = AppendData
        Create files = CreateFiles
        write data = WriteData
        list folder contents = ListDirectory
        all selected except Full control = AppendData,ChangePermissions,CreateDirectories,CreateFiles,Delete,DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles,ExecuteFile,ListDirectory,Modify,Read,ReadAndExecute,ReadAttributes,ReadData,ReadExtendedAttributes,ReadPermissions,Synchronize,TakeOwnership,Traverse,Write,WriteAttributes,WriteData,WriteExtendedAttributes


data registryRightsConstant
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        Full Control = FullControl
        Read = ReadKey


data activeDirectoryRightsConstant
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        Full Control = FullControl
        full access = FullControl
        Write all properties = WriteallProperties
        All extended rights = AllExtendedRights
        Change infrastructure master = ChangeInfrastructureMaster
        Modify Permissions = ModifyPermissions
        Modify Owner = ModifyOwner
        Change RID master = ChangeRIDMaster
        all create = Createallchildobjects
        delete and modify permissions = Delete,ModifyPermissions
        (blank) = blank


data inheritanceConstant
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        This key and subkeys = This Key and Subkeys
        This key only = This Key Only
        Subkeys only = Subkeys Only
        This folder and subfolders = This folder and subfolders
        This folder only = This folder only
        Subfolders and files only = Subfolders and files only
        This folder, subfolders, and files = This folder subfolders and files
        This folder, subfolders and files = This folder subfolders and files
        This folder, subfolder and files = This folder subfolders and files
        This folder, subfolder, and files = This folder subfolders and files
        Subfolders only = Subfolders only


data auditFileSystemRights
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        Traverse folder/execute file = Traverse,ExecuteFile
        List folder/read data = ListDirectory,ReadData
        Read attributes = ReadAttributes
        Read extended attributes = ReadExtendedAttributes
        Create files/write data = CreateFiles,WriteData
        Create folders/append data = CreateDirectories,AppendData
        Write attributes = WriteAttributes
        Write extended attributes = WriteExtendedAttributes
        Delete = Delete
        Read permissions = ReadPermissions
        Modify = Modify
