
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using module .\..\..\Common\Common.psm1
using module .\..\GroupRule.psm1

$exclude = @($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,'Template.*.txt')
$supportFileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Exclude $exclude
foreach ($supportFile in $supportFileList)
    Write-Verbose "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)"
    . $supportFile.FullName
# Header

        Convert the contents of an xccdf check-content element into a group object
        The GroupRuleConvert class is used to extract the group membership settings
        from the check-content of the xccdf. Once a STIG rule is identified as a
        group rule, it is passed to the GroupRuleConvert class for parsing
        and validation.

class GroupRuleConvert : GroupRule
        Empty constructor for SplitFactory

    GroupRuleConvert ()

            Converts a xccdf stig rule element into a Group Rule
        .PARAMETER XccdfRule
            The STIG rule to convert

    GroupRuleConvert ([xml.xmlelement] $XccdfRule) : base ($XccdfRule, $true)

        if ($this.conversionstatus -eq 'pass')


    #region Methods

            Extracts the group name from the check-content and sets the value
            Gets the group name from the xccdf content and sets the value. If
            the group that is returned is not a valid name, the parser status
            is set to fail.

    [void] SetGroupName ()
        $thisGroupDetails = Get-GroupDetail -CheckContent $this.rawString

        if (-not $this.SetStatus($thisGroupDetails.GroupName))

            Extracts the list of group names from the check-content and sets the value
            Gets the list of group name from the xccdf content and sets the value.
            If the list that is returned is not a valid, the parser status is
            set to fail

    [void] SetMembersToExclude ()
        if ($this.rawString -match 'Domain Admins group must be replaced')
            $thisGroupMember = (Get-GroupDetail -CheckContent $this.rawString).Members
            $thisGroupMember = $null
        if (-not $this.SetStatus($thisGroupMember))

    hidden [void] SetDscResource ()
        if ($null -eq $this.DuplicateOf)
            $this.DscResource = 'Group'
            $this.DscResource = 'None'

    static [bool] Match ([string] $CheckContent)
            $CheckContent -Match 'Navigate to System Tools >> Local Users and Groups >> Groups\.' -and
            $CheckContent -NotMatch 'Backup Operators|Hyper-V Administrators' -and
            $CheckContent -NotMatch 'domain-joined workstations, the Domain Admins'
            return $true
        return $false