

# ID used to uniquely identify this document
GUID = '9f574645-c774-4f15-8e3d-4ff781303753'

# Author of this document
Author = 'Jeff'

# Description of the functionality provided by these settings
Description = 'Share Admin'

# Company associated with this document
CompanyName = 'Unknown'

# Copyright statement for this document
Copyright = '(c) 2017 Jeff. All rights reserved.'

# Modules to import when applied to a session
ModulesToImport = 'ShareAdmin'

# Aliases to make visible when applied to a session
VisibleAliases = 'gcim'

# Cmdlets to make visible when applied to a session
VisibleCmdlets = @{
    'Name' = 'Get-CimInstance'
    'Parameters' = @{
        'Name' = 'classname'
        'ValidateSet' = 'win32_share' }, @{
        'Name' = 'filter' } }

# Functions to make visible when applied to a session
VisibleFunctions = 'Get-SMBShare', 'Get-SMBShareAccess', 'Get-ShareSize'

# External commands (scripts and applications) to make visible when applied to a session
# VisibleExternalCommands = 'Item1', 'Item2'

# Providers to make visible when applied to a session
# VisibleProviders = 'Item1', 'Item2'

# Scripts to run when applied to a session
# ScriptsToProcess = 'C:\ConfigData\InitScript1.ps1', 'C:\ConfigData\InitScript2.ps1'

# Aliases to be defined when applied to a session
# AliasDefinitions = @{ Name = 'Alias1'; Value = 'Invoke-Alias1'}, @{ Name = 'Alias2'; Value = 'Invoke-Alias2'}

# Functions to define when applied to a session
# FunctionDefinitions = @{ Name = 'MyFunction'; ScriptBlock = { param($MyInput) $MyInput } }

# Variables to define when applied to a session
# VariableDefinitions = @{ Name = 'Variable1'; Value = { 'Dynamic' + 'InitialValue' } }, @{ Name = 'Variable2'; Value = 'StaticInitialValue' }

# Environment variables to define when applied to a session
# EnvironmentVariables = @{ Variable1 = 'Value1'; Variable2 = 'Value2' }

# Type files (.ps1xml) to load when applied to a session
# TypesToProcess = 'C:\ConfigData\MyTypes.ps1xml', 'C:\ConfigData\OtherTypes.ps1xml'

# Format files (.ps1xml) to load when applied to a session
# FormatsToProcess = 'C:\ConfigData\MyFormats.ps1xml', 'C:\ConfigData\OtherFormats.ps1xml'

# Assemblies to load when applied to a session
# AssembliesToLoad = 'System.Web', 'System.OtherAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'
