
#create a basic console based menu

#define a here string for the menu options
$menu = @"
1. Get services
2. Get processes
3. Get System event logs
4. Check free disk space (MB)
5. Quit
Select a menu choice

#Read-Host writes strings but we can specifically treat the result as
#an integer
[int]$r = Read-Host $menu

$Computername = Read-Host "Enter a computername or press Enter to use localhost"
if ($Computername -notmatch "\w+") {
    $computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME

#code to execute
Switch ($r) {
  1 {
      Get-Service -computername $Computername
  2 {
      Get-Process -computername $Computername
  3 {
      Get-Eventlog -LogName System -Newest 25 -ComputerName $Computername
  4 {
      $params = @{
        ClassName = "win32_logicaldisk"
        ComputerName = $Computername
        Filter = "deviceid='c:'"
      $c = Get-CimInstance @params
  5 {
      Write-Host "Have a nice day" -ForegroundColor Green
  default { 
      Write-Warning "$r is not a valid choice"
} #close switch