
Function Get-TMRemoteListeningConfiguration {

Test remote listening ports.
This command will be used to test the network listening configuration on one
or more remote computers. It will test if standard PowerShell remoting is
enabled on both ports 5985 and 5986. It will also test if SSH is enabled on
port 22.
Because the command is testing at the network layer, you do not need to use
any credentials.
.Parameter Computername
Specify the name of IP address of a remote computer.
.Parameter ErrorLog
Specify the path to a text file to log errors. Entries will be automatically
appended. Make sure the folder location exists.
PS C:\> Get-TMRemoteListeningConfiguration -Computername srv1
Computername : SRV1
Date : 7/28/2020 5:13:57 PM
WSManHTTP : True
RemoteAddress :
WSManHTTPS : False
SSH : False
Get configuration information for a single computer.
PS C:\> Get-Content c:\work\computers.txt | Get-TMRemoteListeningConfiguration -errorlog c:\work\tmerrors.txt | Export-CSV c:\work\results.csv -NoTypeinformation
Get remote listening information for every computer in the computers.txt file and
export results to a CSV file. Any errors will be logged to c:\work\tmerrors.txt.

    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]

Begin {
    Write-Information "Command = $($myinvocation.mycommand)" -Tags Meta
    Write-Information "PSVersion = $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)" -Tags Meta
    Write-Information "User = $env:userdomain\$env:username" -tags Meta
    Write-Information "Computer = $env:computername" -tags Meta
    Write-Information "PSHost = $($" -Tags Meta
    Write-Information "Test Date = $(Get-Date)" -tags Meta

    #define a private function to write the verbose messages
    Function WV {
        Param($prefix, $message)
        $time = Get-Date -f HH:mm:ss.ffff
        Write-Verbose "$time [$($prefix.padright(7,' '))] $message"

    WV -prefix BEGIN -message "Starting $($myinvocation.MyCommand)"

    if ($errorlog) {
        WV BEGIN "Errors will be logged to $ErrorLog" 
        $outParams = @{
            FilePath    = $ErrorLog 
            Encoding    = "ascii"
            Append      = $True
            ErrorAction = "stop"
    #define a ordered hashtable of ports so that the testing
    #goes in the same order
    $ports = [ordered]@{
        WSManHTTP  = 5985
        WSManHTTPS = 5986
        SSH        = 22

    #initialize an splatting hashtable
    $testParams = @{
        Port            = ""
        Computername    = ""
        WarningAction   = "SilentlyContinue"
        #changed variable to not be confusing with helper function
        WarningVariable = "warn"
    #keep track of total computers tested
    $total = 0
    #keep track of how long testing takes
    $begin = Get-Date
} #begin
Process {
    foreach ($computer in $computername) {
        #assume the computer can be reached
        $ok = $True
        #make the computername all upper case
        $testParams.Computername = $computer.ToUpper()

        WV PROCESS "Testing $($testParams.Computername)"

        #define the hashtable of properties for the custom object
        $props = [ordered]@{
            Computername = $testparams.Computername
            Date         = Get-Date

        #this array will be used to store passed ports
        #It is used by Write-Information
        $passed = @() 

        #enumerate the hashtable
        foreach ($item in $ports.GetEnumerator()) {

            $testParams.Port = $item.Value
            WV "PROCESS" "Testing port $($testparams.port)"
            $test = Test-NetConnection @testParams

            if ($warn -match "Name resolution of $($testParams.computername) failed") {
                $msg = "[$(Get-Date)] $warn"
                if ($ErrorLog) {
                    Try {          
                        $msg | Out-File @outParams
                    Catch {
                        Write-Warning "Failed to log error. $($_.exception.message)"
                } #if errorlog
                $ok = $False
                #break out of the ForEach loop
            WV PROCESS "Adding results"
            $props.Add($, $test.TCPTestSucceeded)
            if ($test.TCPTestSucceeded) {
                $passed += $testParams.Port

            if (-NOT $props.Contains("RemoteAddress")) {
                wv "PROCESS" "Adding RemoteAddress $($test.remoteAddress)"
                $props.Add("RemoteAddress", $test.RemoteAddress)
        } #foreach port

        if ($ok) {
            WV PROCESS "Generating an object for $($testparams.computername)"
            Write-Information "$($testParams.Computername) = $($passed -join ',')" -Tags data
            $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
            Write-Output $obj
    } #foreach computer
} #process
End {
    $runtime = New-TimeSpan -Start $begin -End (Get-Date)
    WV END "Processed $total computer(s) in $runtime"

    #display a warning if errors would captured
    if (Test-Path -Path $ErrorLog) {
        Write-Warning "Errors were detected. See $ErrorLog."

    WV END "Ending $($myinvocation.mycommand)"
} #end

} #Get-TMRemoteListeningConfiguration