
function Invoke-AIExplain {
            Explain the last command or a command by id
            Invoke-AIExplain is a function that uses the OpenAI GPT-3 API to provide explain the last command or a command by id.
            explain 10 # where 10 is the id of the command in the history
            explain 10 13 # the start and end id of the commands in the history
            explain -Value "Get-Process"

        $max_tokens = 300
    if ($Id -and $IdEnd) {
        foreach ($targetId in ($Id..$IdEnd)) {
            $cli += (Get-History -Id $targetId).CommandLine + "`r`n"
    elseif ($Value) {
        $cli = $Value
    elseif ($Id) {
        $cli = (Get-History -Id $Id).CommandLine
    else {
        $cli = (Get-History | Select-Object -last 1).CommandLine 
    $prompt = 'You are running powershell on ' + $PSVersionTable.Platform
    $prompt += " Please explain the following:"
    $result = $cli | ai $prompt -max_tokens $max_tokens

    Write-Host $cli -ForegroundColor Green