
function Test-InNotebook {
          Returns true if the current session is in a Polyglot Interactive Notebook
          Returns true if the current session is in a Polyglot Interactive Notebook
          This is a helper function for the other functions in this module
          It is not intended to be used directly
          if (Test-InNotebook) { 'in notebook' }

  $typename = 'Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Kernel'
  $null -ne ($typename -as [type])
function New-NBCell {
          Creates a new cell in a Polyglot Interactive Notebook
          Creates a new cell in a Polyglot Interactive Notebook
          This is a helper function for the other functions in this module
          It is not intended to be used directly
          New-NBCell -cellType 'pwsh' -code 'Get-Process'

    [ValidateSet('pwsh', 'csharp', 'fsharp', 'html', 'markdown', 'javascript', 'sql', 'mermaid')]
    $cellType = 'pwsh',
  Begin {
    if (-not (Test-InNotebook)) {
      throw 'This can only be used in a Polyglot Interactive Notebook'
  Process {
    $cellContent = New-Object Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Commands.SendEditableCode -ArgumentList $cellType, $code.Trim()
    $null = [Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Kernel]::Root.SendAsync($cellContent)
function New-PwshCell {
          Creates a new PowerShell cell in a Polyglot Interactive Notebook
          Creates a new PowerShell cell in a Polyglot Interactive Notebook
          This is a helper function for the other functions in this module
          New-PwshCell -code 'Get-Process'

  Process {
    $code | New-NBCell
function NBCopilot {
      Interactes with GPT and sends the result to a Polyglot Interactive Notebook cell
      NBCopilot 'Write a PowerShell core function, just code, no explanation, do not show how to use it, that will: show a date and time in timestamp form'
      NBCopilot 'add comment based help to your code'
      $prompt = 'Write c#, just the function, no explanation, do not show how to use it, that will: show a date and time in a regular timestamp form'
      NBCopilot $prompt -cellType csharp

    [ValidateSet('pwsh', 'csharp', 'fsharp', 'html', 'markdown', 'javascript', 'sql', 'mermaid')]
    $cellType = 'pwsh'      
  if (-not (Test-InNotebook)) {
    throw 'This can only be used in a Polyglot Interactive Notebook'
  $result = chat $prompt
  $result = $result -replace '```powershell', '' -replace '```', ''
  $result | New-NBCell -cellType $cellType