
function Get-AzureOpenAIOptions {


function Set-AzureOpenAIOptions {

    $options = @{} + $PSBoundParameters

    foreach ($key in $options.Keys) {
        $Script:AzureOpenAIOptions[$key] = $options[$key]

function Reset-AzureOpenAIOptions {

    $Script:AzureOpenAIOptions = @{
        Endpoint       = 'not set'
        DeploymentName = 'not set'
        ApiVersion     = 'not set'

function Get-ChatAzureOpenAIURI {
            Get the URI for the Azure OpenAI API.


    $options = Get-AzureOpenAIOptions

    if ($options.Endpoint -eq 'not set') {
        throw 'Azure Open AI Endpoint not set'
    elseif ($options.DeploymentName -eq 'not set') {
        throw 'Azure Open AI DeploymentName not set'
    elseif ($options.ApiVersion -eq 'not set') {
        throw 'Azure Open AI ApiVersion not set'

    $uri = "$($options.Endpoint)/openai/deployments/$($options.DeploymentName)/chat/completions?api-version=$($options.ApiVersion)"


function Get-ChatAPIProvider {
            Get the current chat API provider.



function Set-ChatAPIProvider {
            Set the chat API provider.
        .PARAMETER Provider
            The chat API provider to use.
            Valid values are 'AzureOpenAI' and 'OpenAI'.
            Default value is 'OpenAI'.
            Set-ChatAPIProvider -Provider 'AzureOpenAI'

        [ValidateSet('AzureOpenAI', 'OpenAI')]
        $Provider = 'OpenAI'

    $Script:ChatAPIProvider = $Provider

function Get-ChatSessionOptions {
            Get the current chat session options.



function Set-ChatSessionOption {
            Set a chat session option.
        .PARAMETER model
            The model to use for the chat session.
            Valid values are 'gpt-4' and 'gpt-3.5-turbo'.
            Default value is 'gpt-4'.
        .PARAMETER max_tokens
            The maximum number of tokens to generate.
            Default value is 256.
        .PARAMETER temperature
            The temperature of the model.
            Default value is 0.
        .PARAMETER top_p
            The top_p of the model.
            Default value is 1.
        .PARAMETER frequency_penalty
            The frequency penalty of the model.
            Default value is 0.
        .PARAMETER presence_penalty
            The presence penalty of the model.
            Default value is 0.
        .PARAMETER stop
            The stop sequence of the model.
            Default value is $null.
            Set-ChatSessionOption -model 'gpt-4'
            Set-ChatSessionOption -max_tokens 512

        [ValidateSet('gpt-4', 'gpt-4-0613', 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0613')]
        $max_tokens = 256,
        $temperature = 0,
        $top_p = 1,
        $frequency_penalty = 0,
        $presence_penalty = 0,

    $options = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
    foreach ($entry in $options.GetEnumerator()) {
        $Script:ChatSessionOptions["$($entry.Name)"] = $entry.Value

function Reset-ChatSessionOptions {
            Reset the chat session options to their default values.


    $Script:ChatSessionOptions = @{
        'model'             = 'gpt-4'
        'temperature'       = 0.0
        'max_tokens'        = 256
        'top_p'             = 1.0
        'frequency_penalty' = 0
        'presence_penalty'  = 0
        'stop'              = $null


function Clear-ChatMessages {
            Clear the chat messages in the current chat session.



function Add-ChatMessage {
            Add a chat message to the current chat session.
        .PARAMETER Message
            The chat message to add.
            Add-ChatMessage -Message <#PSCustomObject#>


    $null = $Script:ChatMessages.Add($Message)

function New-ChatMessageTemplate {
            Create a new chat message template.
        .PARAMETER Role
            The role of the chat message.
            Valid values are 'user', 'system', and 'assistant'.
        .PARAMETER Content
            The content of the chat message.
        .PARAMETER Name
            The name of the author of this message. name is required if role is function, and it should be the name of the function whose response is in the content
            New-ChatMessageTemplate -Role 'user' -Content <#string#>

        [ValidateSet('user', 'system', 'assistant', 'function')]

    $returnObject = [ordered]@{
        role    = $Role
        content = $Content

    if ($Role -eq 'function' -and $null -eq $Name) {
        throw 'Name is required if role is function'
    if ($Name) {
        $ = $Name


function New-ChatMessage {
            Create a new chat message.
            Create a new chat message and add it to the current chat session.
        .PARAMETER Role
            The role of the chat message.
            Valid values are 'user', 'system', and 'assistant'.
        .PARAMETER Content
            The content of the chat message.
            New-ChatMessage -Role 'user' -Content <#string

        [ValidateSet('user', 'system', 'assistant')]

    $Script:ChatInProgress = $Script:true

    $message = New-ChatMessageTemplate -Role $Role -Content $Content

    Add-ChatMessage -Message $message


function New-ChatSystemMessage {
            Create a new chat system message.
            Create a new chat system message and add it to the current chat session.
        .PARAMETER Content
            The content of the chat message.
            New-ChatSystemMessage -Content <#string#>

    New-ChatMessage -Role 'system' -Content $Content

function New-ChatUserMessage {
            Create a new chat user message.
            Create a new chat user message and add it to the current chat session.
        .PARAMETER Content
            The content of the chat message.
            New-ChatUserMessage -Content <#string#>


    New-ChatMessage -Role 'user' -Content $Content

function New-ChatAssistantMessage {
            Create a new chat assistant message.
            Create a new chat assistant message and add it to the current chat session.
        .PARAMETER Content
            The content of the chat message.
            New-ChatAssistantMessage -Content <#string


    New-ChatMessage -Role 'assistant' -Content $Content

function Get-ChatMessages {
            Get the chat messages in the current chat session.



function Get-ChatPayload {
            Get the chat payload.
            Get the chat payload as a PSCustomObject.
        .PARAMETER AsJson
            Return the chat payload as a JSON string.


    $payload = (Get-ChatSessionOptions).Clone()
    $payload.messages = @(Get-ChatMessages)

    if ($AsJson) {
        return $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
    else {
        return $payload

function New-Chat {
            Start a new chat session.
            Start a new chat session and optionally send a message to the assistant.
        .PARAMETER Content
            The content of the chat message.
            New-Chat -Content <#string#>


    $Script:ChatInProgress = $true

    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Content)) {
        New-ChatSystemMessage -Content $Content

function Test-ChatInProgress {
            Test if a chat session is in progress.


function Stop-Chat {
            Stop the current chat session.


    $Script:ChatInProgress = $false

function Get-GPT4Completion {
            Get a GPT-4 completion.
            Get a GPT-4 completion from the OpenAI API.
            chat "use powershell: what is my IP address?"
            Get-GPT4Completion -Prompt <#string#>


    New-ChatUserMessage -Content $Content

    Get-GPT4Response -Temperature $temperature

function Get-GPT4Response {

    $payload = Get-ChatPayload -AsJson
    $body = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($payload)

    if ((Get-ChatAPIProvider) -eq 'OpenAI') {
        $uri = Get-OpenAIChatCompletionUri
    elseif ((Get-ChatAPIProvider) -eq 'AzureOpenAI') {
        $uri = Get-ChatAzureOpenAIURI
    if ($Temperature) {
        (Get-ChatSessionOptions)['temperature'] = $Temperature

    $result = Invoke-OpenAIAPI -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -Body $body 

    if ($result.choices) {
        $response = $result.choices[0].message.content
        New-ChatAssistantMessage -Content $response
        return $response