
Converts the Assistant configuration to an OAIAssistant object.
The ConvertTo-OAIAssistant function takes an Assistant configuration as input and converts it to an OAIAssistant object. The Assistant configuration can be provided as a JSON file path or as a JSON string.
.PARAMETER AssistantConfig
The Assistant configuration. It can be provided as a file path to a JSON file or as a JSON string.
ConvertTo-OAIAssistant -AssistantConfig "C:\AssistantConfig.json"
This example converts the Assistant configuration stored in the "C:\AssistantConfig.json" file to an OAIAssistant object.
ConvertTo-OAIAssistant -AssistantConfig '{"name": "MyAssistant"}'
This example converts the Assistant configuration provided as a JSON string to an OAIAssistant object.

function ConvertTo-OAIAssistant {

    if (Test-JsonReplacement -Json $AssistantConfig) {
        $assistantParams = $AssistantConfig | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10 -AsHashtable        
    else {
        if (Test-Path $AssistantConfig) {
            $assistantParams = Get-Content -Raw $AssistantConfig | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10 -AsHashtable        
        else {
            Write-Error "$AssistantConfig not found"
    New-OAIAssistant @assistantParams