
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

    GitHubRepositoryTypeName = 'GitHub.Repository'
    GitHubRepositoryTopicTypeName = 'GitHub.RepositoryTopic'
    GitHubRepositoryContributorTypeName = 'GitHub.RepositoryContributor'
    GitHubRepositoryCollaboratorTypeName = 'GitHub.RepositoryCollaborator'
    GitHubRepositoryContributorStatisticsTypeName = 'GitHub.RepositoryContributorStatistics'
    GitHubRepositoryLanguageTypeName = 'GitHub.RepositoryLanguage'
    GitHubRepositoryTagTypeName = 'GitHub.RepositoryTag'
 }.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
     Set-Variable -Scope Script -Option ReadOnly -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value

filter New-GitHubRepository
        Creates a new repository on GitHub.
        Creates a new repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository to be created.
    .PARAMETER OrganizationName
        Name of the organization that the repository should be created under.
        If not specified, will be created under the current user's account.
    .PARAMETER Description
        A short description of the repository.
    .PARAMETER Homepage
        A URL with more information about the repository.
    .PARAMETER GitIgnoreTemplate
        Desired language or platform .gitignore template to apply.
        For supported values, call Get-GitHubGitIgnore.
        Values are case-sensitive.
    .PARAMETER LicenseTemplate
        Choose an open source license template that best suits your needs.
        For supported values, call Get-GitHubLicense
        Values are case-sensitive.
        The id of the team that will be granted access to this repository.
        This is only valid when creating a repository in an organization.
    .PARAMETER Private
        By default, this repository will be created Public. Specify this to create
        a private repository.
    .PARAMETER NoIssues
        By default, this repository will support Issues. Specify this to disable Issues.
    .PARAMETER NoProjects
        By default, this repository will support Projects. Specify this to disable Projects.
        If you're creating a repository in an organization that has disabled repository projects,
        this will be true by default.
        By default, this repository will have a Wiki. Specify this to disable the Wiki.
    .PARAMETER AutoInit
        Specify this to create an initial commit with an empty README.
    .PARAMETER DisallowSquashMerge
        By default, squash-merging pull requests will be allowed.
        Specify this to disallow.
    .PARAMETER DisallowMergeCommit
        By default, merging pull requests with a merge commit will be allowed.
        Specify this to disallow.
    .PARAMETER DisallowRebaseMerge
        By default, rebase-merge pull requests will be allowed.
        Specify this to disallow.
    .PARAMETER DeleteBranchOnMerge
        Specifies the automatic deleting of head branches when pull requests are merged.
    .PARAMETER IsTemplate
        Specifies whether the repository is made available as a template.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName MyNewRepo -AutoInit
        'MyNewRepo' | New-GitHubRepository -AutoInit
        New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName MyNewRepo -Organization MyOrg -DisallowRebaseMerge

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $OrganizationName,

        [string] $Description,

        [string] $Homepage,

        [string] $GitIgnoreTemplate,

        [string] $LicenseTemplate,

        [int64] $TeamId,

        [switch] $Private,

        [switch] $NoIssues,

        [switch] $NoProjects,

        [switch] $NoWiki,

        [switch] $AutoInit,

        [switch] $DisallowSquashMerge,

        [switch] $DisallowMergeCommit,

        [switch] $DisallowRebaseMerge,

        [switch] $DeleteBranchOnMerge,

        [switch] $IsTemplate,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    $uriFragment = 'user/repos'
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OrganizationName') -and
        (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrganizationName)))
        $telemetryProperties['OrganizationName'] = Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OrganizationName
        $uriFragment = "orgs/$OrganizationName/repos"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TeamId') -and (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OrganizationName')))
        $message = 'TeamId may only be specified when creating a repository under an organization.'
        Write-Log -Message $message -Level Error
        throw $message

    $hashBody = @{
        'name' = $RepositoryName

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) { $hashBody['description'] = $Description }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Homepage')) { $hashBody['homepage'] = $Homepage }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('GitIgnoreTemplate')) { $hashBody['gitignore_template'] = $GitIgnoreTemplate }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LicenseTemplate')) { $hashBody['license_template'] = $LicenseTemplate }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TeamId')) { $hashBody['team_id'] = $TeamId }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Private')) { $hashBody['private'] = $Private.ToBool() }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoIssues')) { $hashBody['has_issues'] = (-not $NoIssues.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoProjects')) { $hashBody['has_projects'] = (-not $NoProjects.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoWiki')) { $hashBody['has_wiki'] = (-not $NoWiki.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AutoInit')) { $hashBody['auto_init'] = $AutoInit.ToBool() }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisallowSquashMerge')) { $hashBody['allow_squash_merge'] = (-not $DisallowSquashMerge.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisallowMergeCommit')) { $hashBody['allow_merge_commit'] = (-not $DisallowMergeCommit.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisallowRebaseMerge')) { $hashBody['allow_rebase_merge'] = (-not $DisallowRebaseMerge.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeleteBranchOnMerge')) { $hashBody['delete_branch_on_merge'] = $DeleteBranchOnMerge.ToBool() }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsTemplate')) { $hashBody['is_template'] = $IsTemplate.ToBool() }

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RepositoryName, 'Create GitHub Repository'))

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = $uriFragment
        'Body' = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $hashBody)
        'Method' = 'Post'
        'AcceptHeader' = $script:baptisteAcceptHeader
        'Description' = "Creating $RepositoryName"
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    return (Invoke-GHRestMethod @params | Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties)

filter New-GitHubRepositoryFromTemplate
        Creates a new repository on GitHub from a template repository.
        Creates a new repository on GitHub from a template repository.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the template repository.
        If no value is specified, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used,
        and if there is no configuration value defined, the current authenticated user will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the template repository.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER TargetOwnerName
        The organization or person who will own the new repository.
        To create a new repository in an organization, the authenticated user must be a member
        of the specified organization.
    .PARAMETER TargetRepositoryName
        Name of the repository to be created.
    .PARAMETER Description
        A short description of the repository.
    .PARAMETER Private
        By default, this repository will created Public. Specify this to create a private
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        The authenticated user must own or be a member of an organization that owns the repository.
        To check if a repository is available to use as a template, call `Get-GitHubRepository` on the
        repository in question and check that the is_template property is $true.
        New-GitHubRepositoryFromTemplate -OwnerName MyOrg -RepositoryName MyTemplateRepo -TargetRepositoryName MyNewRepo -TargetOwnerName Me
        Creates a new GitHub repository from the specified template repository.
        $repo = Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName MyOrg -RepositoryName MyTemplateRepo
        $repo | New-GitHubRepositoryFromTemplate -TargetRepositoryName MyNewRepo -TargetOwnerName Me
        You can also pipe in a repo that was returned from a previous command.

        PositionalBinding = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Elements')]
        [string] $OwnerName,

            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'Elements')]
        [string] $RepositoryName,

            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = 'Uri')]
        [string] $Uri,

            Position = 3)]
        [string] $TargetOwnerName,

            Position = 4)]
        [string] $TargetRepositoryName,

        [string] $Description,

        [switch] $Private,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        RepositoryName = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)
        OwnerName = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        TargetRepositoryName = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $TargetRepositoryName)
        TargetOwnerName = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $TargetOwnerName)

    $uriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/generate"

    $hashBody = @{
        owner = $TargetOwnerName
        name = $TargetRepositoryName

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) { $hashBody['description'] = $Description }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Private')) { $hashBody['private'] = $Private.ToBool() }

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "Create GitHub Repository From Template $RepositoryName"))

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = $uriFragment
        'Body' = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $hashBody)
        'Method' = 'Post'
        'Description' = "Creating $TargetRepositoryName from Template"
        'AcceptHeader' = $script:baptisteAcceptHeader
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    return (Invoke-GHRestMethod @params | Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties)

filter Remove-GitHubRepository
        Removes/deletes a repository from GitHub.
        Removes/deletes a repository from GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER Force
        If this switch is specified, you will not be prompted for confirmation of command execution.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        Remove-GitHubRepository -OwnerName You -RepositoryName YourRepoToDelete
        Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri
        Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri -Confirm:$false
        Remove repository with the given URI, without prompting for confirmation.
        Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri -Force
        Remove repository with the given URI, without prompting for confirmation.
        $repo = Get-GitHubRepository -Uri
        $repo | Remove-GitHubRepository -Force
        You can also pipe in a repo that was returned from a previous command.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="The Uri parameter is only referenced by Resolve-RepositoryElements which get access to it from the stack via Get-Variable -Scope 1.")]
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [switch] $Force,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    if ($Force -and (-not $Confirm))
        $ConfirmPreference = 'None'

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RepositoryName, 'Remove GitHub Repository'))

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName"
        'Method' = 'Delete'
        'Description' = "Deleting $RepositoryName"
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    return Invoke-GHRestMethod @params

filter Get-GitHubRepository
        Retrieves information about a repository or list of repositories on GitHub.
        Retrieves information about a repository or list of repositories on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER OrganizationName
        The name of the organization to retrieve the repositories for.
    .PARAMETER Visibility
        The type of visibility/accessibility for the repositories to return.
    .PARAMETER Affiliation
        Can be one or more of:
        owner - Repositories that are owned by the authenticated user
        collaborator - Repositories that the user has been added to as a collaborator
        organization_member - Repositories that the user has access to through being
        a member of an organization. This includes every repository on every team that the user
        is on.
        The type of repository to return.
        Property that the results should be sorted by
    .PARAMETER Direction
        Direction of the sort that is to be applied to the results.
    .PARAMETER GetAllPublicRepositories
        If this is specified with no other parameter, then instead of returning back all
        repositories for the current authenticated user, it will instead return back all
        public repositories on GitHub in the order in which they were created.
    .PARAMETER Since
        The ID of the last public repository that you have seen. If specified with
        -GetAllPublicRepositories, will only return back public repositories created _after_ this
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        Gets all repositories for the current authenticated user.
        Get-GitHubRepository -GetAllPublicRepositories
        Gets all public repositories on GitHub.
        Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName octocat
        Gets all of the repositories for the user octocat
        Get-GitHubUser -UserName octocat | Get-GitHubRepository
        Gets all of the repositories for the user octocat
        Get-GitHubRepository -Uri
        Gets information about the microsoft/PowerShellForGitHub repository.
        $repo | Get-GitHubRepository
        You can pipe in a previous repository to get its refreshed information.
        Get-GitHubRepository -OrganizationName PowerShell
        Gets all of the repositories in the PowerShell organization.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AuthenticatedUser')]
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $OrganizationName,

        [ValidateSet('All', 'Public', 'Private')]
        [string] $Visibility,

        [ValidateSet('Owner', 'Collaborator', 'OrganizationMember')]
        [string[]] $Affiliation,

        [ValidateSet('All', 'Owner', 'Public', 'Private', 'Member', 'Forks', 'Sources')]
        [string] $Type,

        [ValidateSet('Created', 'Updated', 'Pushed', 'FullName')]
        [string] $Sort,

        [ValidateSet('Ascending', 'Descending')]
        [string] $Direction,

        [switch] $GetAllPublicRepositories,

        [int64] $Since,

        [string] $AccessToken


    # We are explicitly disabling validation here because a valid parameter set for this function
    # allows the OwnerName to be passed in, but not the RepositoryName. That would allow the caller
    # to get all of the repositories owned by a specific username. Therefore, we don't want to fail
    # if both have not been supplied...we'll do the extra validation within the function.
    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements -DisableValidation
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'UsageType' = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

    $uriFragment = [String]::Empty
    $description = [String]::Empty
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
        'ElementsOrUser' {
            # This is a little tricky. Ideally we'd have two separate ParameterSets (Elements, User),
            # however PowerShell would be unable to disambiguate between the two, so unfortunately
            # we need to do some additional work here. And because fallthru doesn't appear to be
            # working right, we're combining both of those.

            if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OwnerName))
                $message = 'OwnerName could not be determined.'
                Write-Log -Message $message -Level Error
                throw $message
            elseif ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RepositoryName))
                $telemetryProperties['UsageType'] = 'User'
                $telemetryProperties['OwnerName'] = Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName

                $uriFragment = "users/$OwnerName/repos"
                $description = "Getting repos for $OwnerName"
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Type') -or
                    $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Sort') -or
                    $message = 'Unable to specify -Type, -Sort and/or -Direction when retrieving a specific repository.'
                    Write-Log -Message $message -Level Error
                    throw $message

                $telemetryProperties['UsageType'] = 'Elements'
                $telemetryProperties['OwnerName'] = Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName
                $telemetryProperties['RepositoryName'] = Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName

                $uriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName"
                $description = "Getting $OwnerName/$RepositoryName"


        'Uri' {
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Type') -or
                $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Sort') -or
                $message = 'Unable to specify -Type, -Sort and/or -Direction when retrieving a specific repository.'
                Write-Log -Message $message -Level Error
                throw $message

            $telemetryProperties['OwnerName'] = Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName
            $telemetryProperties['RepositoryName'] = Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName

            $uriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName"
            $description = "Getting $OwnerName/$RepositoryName"


        'Organization' {
            $telemetryProperties['OrganizationName'] = Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OrganizationName

            $uriFragment = "orgs/$OrganizationName/repos"
            $description = "Getting repos for $OrganizationName"


        'AuthenticatedUser' {
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Type') -and
                ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Visibility') -or
                $message = 'Unable to specify -Type when using -Visibility and/or -Affiliation.'
                Write-Log -Message $message -Level Error
                throw $message

            $uriFragment = 'user/repos'
            $description = 'Getting repos for current authenticated user'


        'PublicRepos' {
            $uriFragment = 'repositories'
            $description = "Getting all public repositories"

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Since'))
                $description += " since $Since"


    $sortConverter = @{
        'Created' = 'created'
        'Updated' = 'updated'
        'Pushed' = 'pushed'
        'FullName' = 'full_name'

    $directionConverter = @{
        'Ascending' = 'asc'
        'Descending' = 'desc'

    $getParams = @()
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Visibility')) { $getParams += "visibility=$($Visibility.ToLower())" }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Sort')) { $getParams += "sort=$($sortConverter[$Sort])" }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Type')) { $getParams += "type=$($Type.ToLower())" }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Direction')) { $getParams += "direction=$($directionConverter[$Direction])" }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Affiliation') -and $Affiliation.Count -gt 0)
        $affiliationMap = @{
            Owner = 'owner'
            Collaborator = 'collaborator'
            OrganizationMember = 'organization_member'
        $affiliationParam = @()

        foreach ($member in $Affiliation)
            $affiliationParam += $affiliationMap[$member]
        $getParams += "affiliation=$($affiliationParam -join ',')"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Since')) { $getParams += "since=$Since" }

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = $uriFragment + '?' +  ($getParams -join '&')
        'Description' = $description
        'AcceptHeader' = "$script:nebulaAcceptHeader,$script:baptisteAcceptHeader,$script:mercyAcceptHeader"
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    return (Invoke-GHRestMethodMultipleResult @params | Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties)

filter Rename-GitHubRepository
        Rename a GitHub repository
        Renames a GitHub repository with the new name provided.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository to rename. You can supply this directly, or more easily by
        using Get-GitHubRepository to get the repository as you please,
        and then piping the result to this cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The new name to set for the given GitHub repository
    .PARAMETER Force
        If this switch is specified, you will not be prompted for confirmation of command execution.
    .PARAMETER PassThru
        Returns the renamed Repository. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.
        You can use "Set-GitHubConfiguration -DefaultPassThru" to control the default behavior
        of this switch.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        Get-GitHubRepository -Owner octocat -RepositoryName hello-world | Rename-GitHubRepository -NewName hello-again-world
        Get the given 'hello-world' repo from the user 'octocat' and then
        rename it to be
        Get-GitHubRepository -Uri | Rename-GitHubRepository -NewName hello-again-world -Confirm:$false
        Get the repository at and then
        rename it
        Will not prompt for confirmation, as -Confirm:$false was specified.
        Rename-GitHubRepository -Uri -NewName hello-again-world
        Rename the repository at to
        New-GitHubRepositoryFork -Uri | Foreach-Object {$_ | Rename-GitHubRepository -NewName "$($"}
        Fork the `hello-world` repository from the user 'octocat', and then
        rename the newly forked repository by appending '_fork'.
        Rename-GitHubRepository -Uri -NewName hello-again-world -Confirm:$false
        Rename the repository at to without prompting for confirmation.
        Rename-GitHubRepository -Uri -NewName hello-again-world -Force
        Rename the repository at to without prompting for confirmation.

        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [String] $NewName,

        [switch] $Force,

        [switch] $PassThru,

        [string] $AccessToken

    # This method was created by mistake and is now retained to avoid a breaking change.
    # Set-GitHubRepository is able to handle this scenario just fine.
    return Set-GitHubRepository @PSBoundParameters

filter Set-GitHubRepository
        Updates the details of an existing repository on GitHub.
        Updates the details of an existing repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER NewName
        Rename the repository to this new name.
    .PARAMETER Description
        A short description of the repository.
    .PARAMETER Homepage
        A URL with more information about the repository.
    .PARAMETER DefaultBranch
        Update the default branch for this repository.
    .PARAMETER Private
        Specify this to make the repository private.
        To change a repository to be public, specify -Private:$false
    .PARAMETER NoIssues
        By default, this repository will support Issues. Specify this to disable Issues.
    .PARAMETER NoProjects
        By default, this repository will support Projects. Specify this to disable Projects.
        If you're creating a repository in an organization that has disabled repository projects,
        this will be true by default.
        By default, this repository will have a Wiki. Specify this to disable the Wiki.
    .PARAMETER DisallowSquashMerge
        By default, squash-merging pull requests will be allowed.
        Specify this to disallow.
    .PARAMETER DisallowMergeCommit
        By default, merging pull requests with a merge commit will be allowed.
        Specify this to disallow.
    .PARAMETER DisallowRebaseMerge
        By default, rebase-merge pull requests will be allowed.
        Specify this to disallow.
    .PARAMETER DeleteBranchOnMerge
        Specifies the automatic deleting of head branches when pull requests are merged.
    .PARAMETER IsTemplate
        Specifies whether the repository is made available as a template.
    .PARAMETER Archived
        Specify this to archive this repository.
        NOTE: You cannot unarchive repositories through the API / this module.
    .PARAMETER Force
        If this switch is specified, you will not be prompted for confirmation of command execution
        when renaming the repository.
    .PARAMETER PassThru
        Returns the updated GitHub Repository. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.
        You can use "Set-GitHubConfiguration -DefaultPassThru" to control the default behavior
        of this switch.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        Set-GitHubRepository -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub -Description 'The best way to automate your GitHub interactions'
        Changes the description of the specified repository.
        Set-GitHubRepository -Uri -Private:$false
        Changes the visibility of the specified repository to be public.
        Get-GitHubRepository -Uri |
            Set-GitHubRepository -NewName 'PoShForGitHub' -Force
        Renames the repository without any user confirmation prompting. This is identical to using
        Rename-GitHubRepository -Uri -NewName 'PoShForGitHub' -Confirm:$false

        DefaultParameterSetName = 'Elements')]
    [Alias('Update-GitHubRepository')] # Non-standard usage of the Update verb, but done to avoid a breaking change post 0.14.0
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $NewName,

        [string] $Description,

        [string] $Homepage,

        [string] $DefaultBranch,

        [switch] $Private,

        [switch] $NoIssues,

        [switch] $NoProjects,

        [switch] $NoWiki,

        [switch] $DisallowSquashMerge,

        [switch] $DisallowMergeCommit,

        [switch] $DisallowRebaseMerge,

        [switch] $DeleteBranchOnMerge,

        [switch] $IsTemplate,

        [switch] $Archived,

        [switch] $Force,

        [switch] $PassThru,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    $hashBody = @{}
    $shouldProcessMessage = 'Update GitHub Repository'

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NewName'))
        $hashBody['name'] = $NewName
        $ConfirmPreference = 'Low'
        $shouldProcessMessage = "Rename repository to '$NewName'"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) { $hashBody['description'] = $Description }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Homepage')) { $hashBody['homepage'] = $Homepage }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DefaultBranch')) { $hashBody['default_branch'] = $DefaultBranch }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Private')) { $hashBody['private'] = $Private.ToBool() }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoIssues')) { $hashBody['has_issues'] = (-not $NoIssues.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoProjects')) { $hashBody['has_projects'] = (-not $NoProjects.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoWiki')) { $hashBody['has_wiki'] = (-not $NoWiki.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisallowSquashMerge')) { $hashBody['allow_squash_merge'] = (-not $DisallowSquashMerge.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisallowMergeCommit')) { $hashBody['allow_merge_commit'] = (-not $DisallowMergeCommit.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisallowRebaseMerge')) { $hashBody['allow_rebase_merge'] = (-not $DisallowRebaseMerge.ToBool()) }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeleteBranchOnMerge')) { $hashBody['delete_branch_on_merge'] = $DeleteBranchOnMerge.ToBool() }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsTemplate')) { $hashBody['is_template'] = $IsTemplate.ToBool() }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Archived')) { $hashBody['archived'] = $Archived.ToBool() }

    if ($Force -and (-not $Confirm))
        $ConfirmPreference = 'None'

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RepositoryName, $shouldProcessMessage))

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName"
        'Body' = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $hashBody)
        'Method' = 'Patch'
        'AcceptHeader' = $script:baptisteAcceptHeader
        'Description' = "Updating $RepositoryName"
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    $result = (Invoke-GHRestMethod @params | Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties)
    if (Resolve-ParameterWithDefaultConfigurationValue -Name PassThru -ConfigValueName DefaultPassThru)
        return $result

filter Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic
        Retrieves information about a repository on GitHub.
        Retrieves information about a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic -Uri

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Elements')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="The Uri parameter is only referenced by Resolve-RepositoryElements which get access to it from the stack via Get-Variable -Scope 1.")]
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/topics"
        'Method' = 'Get'
        'Description' = "Getting topics for $RepositoryName"
        'AcceptHeader' = $script:mercyAcceptHeader
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    return (Invoke-GHRestMethod @params |
        Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties -TypeName $script:GitHubRepositoryTopicTypeName -OwnerName $OwnerName -RepositoryName $RepositoryName)

function Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic
        Replaces all topics for a repository on GitHub.
        Replaces all topics for a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER Topic
        Array of topics to add to the repository.
    .PARAMETER Clear
        Specify this to clear all topics from the repository.
    .PARAMETER PassThru
        Returns the updated Repository Topics. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.
        You can use "Set-GitHubConfiguration -DefaultPassThru" to control the default behavior
        of this switch.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub -Clear
        Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -Uri -Topic ('octocat', 'powershell', 'github')
        ('octocat', 'powershell', 'github') | Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -Uri
        This is implemented as a function rather than a filter because the ValueFromPipeline
        parameter (Topic) is itself an array which we want to ensure is processed only a single time.
        This API endpoint doesn't add topics to a repository, it replaces the existing topics with
        the new set provided, so we need to make sure that we have all the requested topics available
        to us at the time that the API endpoint is called.

        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [string[]] $Topic,

        [switch] $Clear,

        [switch] $PassThru,

        [string] $AccessToken

        $topics = @()

        foreach ($value in $Topic)
            $topics += $value


        $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements
        $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
        $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

        $telemetryProperties = @{
            'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
            'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)
            'Clear' = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Clear')

        if ($Clear)
            $description = "Clearing topics in $RepositoryName"
            $description = "Replacing topics in $RepositoryName"

        $hashBody = @{
            'names' = $topics

        if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
            "Set GitHub Repository Topic $($Topic -join ', ')"))

        $params = @{
            'UriFragment' = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/topics"
            'Body' = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $hashBody)
            'Method' = 'Put'
            'Description' = $description
            'AcceptHeader' = $script:mercyAcceptHeader
            'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
            'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
            'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

        $result = (Invoke-GHRestMethod @params |
            Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties -TypeName $script:GitHubRepositoryTopicTypeName -OwnerName $OwnerName -RepositoryName $RepositoryName)
        if (Resolve-ParameterWithDefaultConfigurationValue -Name PassThru -ConfigValueName DefaultPassThru)
            return $result

filter Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor
        Retrieve list of contributors for a given repository.
        Retrieve list of contributors for a given repository.
        GitHub identifies contributors by author email address.
        This groups contribution counts by GitHub user, which includes all associated email addresses.
        To improve performance, only the first 500 author email addresses in the repository link to
        GitHub users. The rest will appear as anonymous contributors without associated GitHub user
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER IncludeAnonymousContributors
        If specified, anonymous contributors will be included in the results.
    .PARAMETER IncludeStatistics
        If specified, each result will include statistics for the number of additions, deletions
        and commit counts, by week (excluding merge commits and empty commits).
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Gets a list of contributors for the PowerShellForGithub repository.
        Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor -Uri '' -IncludeStatistics
        Gets a list of contributors for the PowerShellForGithub repository including statistics.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Elements')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="The Uri parameter is only referenced by Resolve-RepositoryElements which get access to it from the stack via Get-Variable -Scope 1.")]
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [switch] $IncludeAnonymousContributors,

        [switch] $IncludeStatistics,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)
        'IncludeAnonymousContributors' = $IncludeAnonymousContributors.ToBool()
        'IncludeStatistics' = $IncludeStatistics.ToBool()

    $getParams = @()
    if ($IncludeAnonymousContributors) { $getParams += 'anon=true' }

    $uriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/contributors"
    if ($IncludeStatistics) { $uriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/stats/contributors" }

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = $uriFragment + '?' + ($getParams -join '&')
        'Description' = "Getting contributors for $RepositoryName"
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    $results = Invoke-GHRestMethodMultipleResult @params

    if ($IncludeStatistics)
        foreach ($item in $results)
            $item.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $script:GitHubRepositoryContributorStatisticsTypeName)

            if (-not (Get-GitHubConfiguration -Name DisablePipelineSupport))
                $repositoryUrl = (Join-GitHubUri -OwnerName $OwnerName -RepositoryName $RepositoryName)
                Add-Member -InputObject $item -Name 'RepositoryUrl' -Value $repositoryUrl -MemberType NoteProperty -Force
                $null = Add-GitHubUserAdditionalProperties -InputObject $
        $results = $results | Add-GitHubRepositoryContributorAdditionalProperties

    return $results

filter Get-GitHubRepositoryCollaborator
        Retrieve list of collaborators for a given repository.
        Retrieve list of collaborators for a given repository.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
    .PARAMETER Affiliation
        Filter collaborators returned by their affiliation. Can be one of:
           All: All collaborators the authenticated user can see.
           Direct: All collaborators with permissions to an organization-owned repository,
                     regardless of organization membership status.
           Outside: All outside collaborators of an organization-owned repository.
        Get-GitHubRepositoryCollaborator -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Gets a list of collaborators for the PowerShellForGithub repository.
        Get-GitHubRepositoryCollaborator -Uri ''
        Gets a list of collaborators for the PowerShellForGithub repository.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Elements')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="The Uri parameter is only referenced by Resolve-RepositoryElements which get access to it from the stack via Get-Variable -Scope 1.")]
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [ValidateSet('All', 'Direct', 'Outside')]
        [string] $Affiliation = 'All',

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    $getParams = @(

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/collaborators?" + ($getParams -join '&')
        'Description' = "Getting collaborators for $RepositoryName"
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    return (Invoke-GHRestMethodMultipleResult @params |

filter Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage
        Retrieves a list of the programming languages used in a repository on GitHub.
        Retrieves a list of the programming languages used in a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        GitHub.RepositoryLanguage - The value shown for each language is the number
        of bytes of code written in that language.
        Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -Uri

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Elements')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="The Uri parameter is only referenced by Resolve-RepositoryElements which get access to it from the stack via Get-Variable -Scope 1.")]
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/languages"
        'Description' = "Getting languages for $RepositoryName"
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    return (Invoke-GHRestMethodMultipleResult @params |
        Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties -TypeName $script:GitHubRepositoryLanguageTypeName)

filter Get-GitHubRepositoryTag
        Retrieves tags for a repository on GitHub.
        Retrieves tags for a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        Get-GitHubRepositoryTag -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Get-GitHubRepositoryTag -Uri

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Elements')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="The Uri parameter is only referenced by Resolve-RepositoryElements which get access to it from the stack via Get-Variable -Scope 1.")]
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/tags"
        'Description' = "Getting tags for $RepositoryName"
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    return (Invoke-GHRestMethodMultipleResult @params |
        Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties -TypeName $script:GitHubRepositoryTagTypeName -OwnerName $OwnerName -RepositoryName $RepositoryName)

filter Move-GitHubRepositoryOwnership
        Changes the ownership of a repository on GitHub.
        Changes the ownership of a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER NewOwnerName
        The username or organization name the repository will be transferred to.
        ID of the team or teams to add to the repository. Teams can only be added to
        organization-owned repositories.
    .PARAMETER PassThru
        Returns the updated GitHub Repository. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.
        You can use "Set-GitHubConfiguration -DefaultPassThru" to control the default behavior
        of this switch.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        Move-GitHubRepositoryOwnership -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub -NewOwnerName OctoCat

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="The Uri parameter is only referenced by Resolve-RepositoryElements which get access to it from the stack via Get-Variable -Scope 1.")]
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $NewOwnerName,

        [int64[]] $TeamId,

        [switch] $PassThru,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    $hashBody = @{
        'new_owner' = $NewOwnerName

    if ($TeamId.Count -gt 0) { $hashBody['team_ids'] = @($TeamId) }

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "Move GitHub Repository Ownership from $OwnerName to $NewOwnerName"))

    $params = @{
        'UriFragment' = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/transfer"
        'Body' = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $hashBody)
        'Method' = 'Post'
        'Description' = "Transferring ownership of $RepositoryName to $NewOwnerName"
        'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
        'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties

    $result = (Invoke-GHRestMethod @params | Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties)
    if (Resolve-ParameterWithDefaultConfigurationValue -Name PassThru -ConfigValueName DefaultPassThru)
        return $result

filter Test-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
        Retrieves the status of vulnerability alerts for a repository on GitHub.
        Retrieves the status of vulnerability alerts for a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.
        Test-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -OwnerName Microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Retrieves the status of vulnerability alerts for the PowerShellForGithub repository.
        Test-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri
        Retrieves the status of vulnerability alerts for the PowerShellForGithub repository.

        PositionalBinding = $false,
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

            Position = 1,
        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    $params = @{
        UriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/vulnerability-alerts"
        Description = "Getting Vulnerability Alerts status for $RepositoryName"
        AcceptHeader = $script:dorianAcceptHeader
        Method = 'Get'
        AccessToken = $AccessToken
        TelemetryEventName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        TelemetryProperties = $telemetryProperties

        Invoke-GHRestMethod @params | Out-Null
        $result = $true
        # Temporary code to handle current differences in exception object between PS5 and PS7
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSedition -eq 'Core')
            if ($_.Exception -is [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException] -and
                ($_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json).message -eq 'Vulnerability alerts are disabled.')
                $result = $false
                throw $_
            if ($_.Exception.Message -like '*Vulnerability alerts are disabled.*')
                $result = $false
                throw $_

    return $result

filter Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
        Enables vulnerability alerts for a repository on GitHub.
        Enables vulnerability alerts for a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.
        Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -OwnerName Microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Enables vulnerability alerts for the PowerShellForGithub repository.
        Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri
        Enables vulnerability alerts for the PowerShellForGithub repository.

        PositionalBinding = $false,
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

            Position = 1,
        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RepositoryName, 'Enable Vulnerability Alerts'))

    $params = @{
        UriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/vulnerability-alerts"
        Description =  "Enabling Vulnerability Alerts for $RepositoryName"
        AcceptHeader = $script:dorianAcceptHeader
        Method = 'Put'
        AccessToken = $AccessToken
        TelemetryEventName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        TelemetryProperties = $telemetryProperties

    Invoke-GHRestMethod @params | Out-Null

filter Disable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
        Disables vulnerability alerts for a repository on GitHub.
        Disables vulnerability alerts for a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.
        Disable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -OwnerName Microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Disables vulnerability alerts for the PowerShellForGithub repository.
        Disable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri
        Disables vulnerability alerts for the PowerShellForGithub repository.

        PositionalBinding = $false,
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

            Position = 1,
        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RepositoryName, 'Disable Vulnerability Alerts'))

    $params = @{
        UriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/vulnerability-alerts"
        Description =  "Disabling Vulnerability Alerts for $RepositoryName"
        AcceptHeader = $script:dorianAcceptHeader
        Method = 'Delete'
        AccessToken = $AccessToken
        TelemetryEventName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        TelemetryProperties = $telemetryProperties

    Invoke-GHRestMethod @params | Out-Null

filter Enable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix
        Enables automated security fixes for a repository on GitHub.
        Enables automated security fixes for a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.
        Enable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix -OwnerName Microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Enables automated security fixes for the PowerShellForGitHub repository.
        Enable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix -Uri
        Enables automated security fixes for the PowerShellForGitHub repository.

        PositionalBinding = $false,
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

            Position = 1,
        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RepositoryName, 'Enable Automated Security Fixes'))

    $params = @{
        UriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/automated-security-fixes"
        Description =  "Enabling Automated Security Fixes for $RepositoryName"
        AcceptHeader = $script:londonAcceptHeader
        Method = 'Put'
        AccessToken = $AccessToken
        TelemetryEventName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        TelemetryProperties = $telemetryProperties

    Invoke-GHRestMethod @params

filter Disable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix
        Disables automated security fixes for a repository on GitHub.
        Disables automated security fixes for a repository on GitHub.
        The Git repo for this module can be found here:
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultOwnerName configuration property value will be used.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository.
        If not supplied here, the DefaultRepositoryName configuration property value will be used.
        Uri for the repository.
        The OwnerName and RepositoryName will be extracted from here instead of needing to provide
        them individually.
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
        REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
        The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.
        Disable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix -OwnerName Microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub
        Disables automated security fixes for the PowerShellForGithub repository.
        Disable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix -Uri
        Disables automated security fixes for the PowerShellForGithub repository.

        PositionalBinding = $false,
        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName,

            Position = 1,
        [string] $Uri,

        [string] $AccessToken


    $elements = Resolve-RepositoryElements -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
    $OwnerName = $elements.ownerName
    $RepositoryName = $elements.repositoryName

    $telemetryProperties = @{
        'OwnerName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $OwnerName)
        'RepositoryName' = (Get-PiiSafeString -PlainText $RepositoryName)

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RepositoryName, 'Disable Automated Security Fixes'))

    $params = @{
        UriFragment = "repos/$OwnerName/$RepositoryName/automated-security-fixes"
        Description =  "Disabling Automated Security Fixes for $RepositoryName"
        AcceptHeader = $script:londonAcceptHeader
        Method = 'Delete'
        AccessToken = $AccessToken
        TelemetryEventName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        TelemetryProperties = $telemetryProperties

    Invoke-GHRestMethod @params | Out-Null

filter Add-GitHubRepositoryAdditionalProperties
        Adds type name and additional properties to ease pipelining to GitHub Repository objects.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The GitHub object to add additional properties to.
    .PARAMETER TypeName
        The type that should be assigned to the object.
    .PARAMETER OwnerName
        Owner of the repository. This information might be obtainable from InputObject, so this
        is optional based on what InputObject contains.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryName
        Name of the repository. This information might be obtainable from InputObject, so this
        is optional based on what InputObject contains.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="Internal helper that is definitely adding more than one property.")]
        [PSCustomObject[]] $InputObject,

        [string] $TypeName = $script:GitHubRepositoryTypeName,

        [string] $OwnerName,

        [string] $RepositoryName

    foreach ($item in $InputObject)
        $item.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $TypeName)

        if (-not (Get-GitHubConfiguration -Name DisablePipelineSupport))
            $repositoryUrl = [String]::Empty
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($item.html_url))
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OwnerName') -and
                    $repositoryUrl = (Join-GitHubUri -OwnerName $OwnerName -RepositoryName $RepositoryName)
                $elements = Split-GitHubUri -Uri $item.html_url
                $repositoryUrl = Join-GitHubUri @elements

            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($repositoryUrl))
                Add-Member -InputObject $item -Name 'RepositoryUrl' -Value $repositoryUrl -MemberType NoteProperty -Force

            if ($ -gt 0)
                Add-Member -InputObject $item -Name 'RepositoryId' -Value $ -MemberType NoteProperty -Force

            if ($null -ne $item.owner)
                $null = Add-GitHubUserAdditionalProperties -InputObject $item.owner

            if ($null -ne $item.organization)
                $null = Add-GitHubOrganizationAdditionalProperties -InputObject $item.organization

        Write-Output $item

filter Add-GitHubRepositoryContributorAdditionalProperties
        Adds type name and additional properties to ease pipelining to GitHub Contributor objects.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The GitHub object to add additional properties to.
    .PARAMETER TypeName
        The type that should be assigned to the object.
        The name of the Contributor. This information might be obtainable from InputObject, so this
        is optional based on what InputObject contains.
        The ID of the Contributor. This information might be obtainable from InputObject, so this
        is optional based on what InputObject contains.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '',
        Justification='Internal helper that is definitely adding more than one property.')]
        [PSCustomObject[]] $InputObject,

        [string] $TypeName = $script:GitHubRepositoryContributorTypeName,

        [string] $Name,

        [int64] $Id

    foreach ($item in $InputObject)
        $item.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $TypeName)
        if (-not (Get-GitHubConfiguration -Name DisablePipelineSupport))
            $UserName = $item.login
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserName) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name'))
                $UserName = $Name

            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserName))
                $addMemberParms = @{
                    InputObject = $item
                    Name = 'UserName'
                    Value = $UserName
                    MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
                    Force = $true
                Add-Member @addMemberParms

            $UserId = $
            if (($UserId -eq 0) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Id'))
                $UserId = $Id

            if ($UserId -ne 0)
                $addMemberParms = @{
                    InputObject = $item
                    Name = 'UserId'
                    Value = $UserId
                    MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
                    Force = $true

                Add-Member @addMemberParms

        Write-Output $item

filter Add-GitHubRepositoryCollaboratorAdditionalProperties
        Adds type name and additional properties to ease pipelining to GitHub Collaborator objects.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The GitHub object to add additional properties to.
    .PARAMETER TypeName
        The type that should be assigned to the object.
        The name of the Collaborator. This information might be obtainable from InputObject, so this
        is optional based on what InputObject contains.
        The ID of the Collaborator. This information might be obtainable from InputObject, so this
        is optional based on what InputObject contains.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '',
        Justification='Internal helper that is definitely adding more than one property.')]
        [PSCustomObject[]] $InputObject,

        [string] $TypeName = $script:GitHubRepositoryCollaboratorTypeName,

        [string] $Name,

        [int64] $Id

    foreach ($item in $InputObject)
        $item.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $TypeName)

        if (-not (Get-GitHubConfiguration -Name DisablePipelineSupport))
            $userName = $item.login
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($userName) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name'))
                $userName = $Name

            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($userName))
                $addMemberParms = @{
                    InputObject = $item
                    Name = 'UserName'
                    Value = $userName
                    MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
                    Force = $true

                Add-Member @addMemberParms

            $userId = $
            if (($userId -eq 0) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Id'))
                $userId = $Id

            if ($userId -ne 0)
                $addMemberParms = @{
                    InputObject = $item
                    Name = 'UserId'
                    Value = $userId
                    MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
                    Force = $true

                Add-Member @addMemberParms

        Write-Output $item

# SIG # Begin signature block
# b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xKDAmBgNVBAMTH01pY3Jvc29mdCBDb2RlIFNpZ25p
# AQDOt8kLc7P3T7MKIhouYHewMFmnq8Ayu7FOhZCQabVwBp2VS4WyB2Qe4TQBT8aB
# znANDEPjHKNdPT8Xz5cNali6XHefS8i/WXtF0vSsP8NEv6mBHuA2p1fw2wB/F0dH
# sJ3GfZ5c0sPJjklsiYqPw59xJ54kM91IOgiO2OUzjNAljPibjCWfH7UzQ1TPHc4d
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# AYI3TAgBBggrBgEFBQcDAzAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUhov4ZyO96axkJdMjpzu2zVXOJcsw
# bWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS9wa2lvcHMvY3JsL01pY0NvZFNpZ1BDQTIwMTFfMjAxMS0w
# Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpb3BzL2NlcnRzL01pY0NvZFNpZ1BDQTIwMTFfMjAx
# NrU4DY/sBVqmab5AC/je3bpUpjtxpEyqUqtPc30wEg/rO9vmKmqKoLPT37svc2NV
# BmGNl+85qO4fV/w7Cx7J0Bbqk19KcRNdjt6eKoTnTPHBHlVHQIHZpMxacbFOAkJr
# qAVkYZdz7ikNXTxV+GRb36tC4ByMNxE2DF7vFdvaiZP0CVZ5ByJ2gAhXMdK9+usx
# zVk913qKde1OAuWdv+rndqkAIm8fUlRnr4saSCg7cIbUwCCf116wUJ7EuJDg0vHe
# yhnCeHnBbyH3RZkHEi2ofmfgnFISJZDdMAeVZGVOh20Jp50XBzqokpPzeZ6zc1/g
# yILNyiVgE+RPkjnUQshd1f1PMgn3tns2Cz7bJiVUaqEO3n9qRFgy5JuLae6UweGf
# AeOo3dgLZxikKzYs3hDMaEtJq8IP71cX7QXe6lnMmXU/Hdfz2p897Zd+kU+vZvKI
# 3cwLfuVQgK2RZ2z+Kc3K3dRPz2rXycK5XCuRZmvGab/WbrZiC7wJQapgBodltMI5
# GMdFrBg9IeF7/rP4EqVQXeKtevTlZXjpuNhhjuR+2DMt/dWufjXpiW91bo3aH6Ea
# jOALXmoxgltCp1K7hrS6gmsvj94cLRf50QQ4U8Qwggd6MIIFYqADAgECAgphDpDS
# OBoESbp/wwwe3TdrxhLYC/A4wpkGsMg51QEUMULTiQ15ZId+lGAkbK+eSZzpaF7S
# 35tTsgosw6/ZqSuuegmv15ZZymAaBelmdugyUiYSL+erCFDPs0S3XdjELgN1q2jz
# y23zOlyhFvRGuuA4ZKxuZDV4pqBjDy3TQJP4494HDdVceaVJKecNvqATd76UPe/7
# 4ytaEB9NViiienLgEjq3SV7Y7e1DkYPZe7J7hhvZPrGMXeiJT4Qa8qEvWeSQOy2u
# M1jFtz7+MtOzAz2xsq+SOH7SnYAs9U5WkSE1JcM5bmR/U7qcD60ZI4TL9LoDho33
# X/DQUr+MlIe8wCF0JV8YKLbMJyg4JZg5SjbPfLGSrhwjp6lm7GEfauEoSZ1fiOIl
# XdMhSz5SxLVXPyQD8NF6Wy/VI+NwXQ9RRnez+ADhvKwCgl/bwBWzvRvUVUvnOaEP
# 6SNJvBi4RHxF5MHDcnrgcuck379GmcXvwhxX24ON7E1JMKerjt/sW5+v/N2wZuLB
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# SIG # End signature block