
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

   Tests for GitHubRepositories.ps1 module

[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '',
    Justification='Suppress false positives in Pester code blocks')]

# This is common test code setup logic for all Pester test files
$moduleRootPath = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
. (Join-Path -Path $moduleRootPath -ChildPath 'Tests\Common.ps1')

    # Define Script-scoped, readonly, hidden variables.
        defaultRepoDesc = "This is a description."
        defaultRepoHomePage = "https://www.microsoft.com/"
        defaultRepoTopic = "microsoft"
    }.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
        Set-Variable -Force -Scope Script -Option ReadOnly -Visibility Private -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\New-GitHubRepository' {

        Context -Name 'When creating a repository for the authenticated user' -Fixture {

            Context -Name 'When creating a public repository with default settings' -Fixture {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                    $newGitHubRepositoryParms = @{
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                    $repo = New-GitHubRepository @newGitHubRepositoryParms

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $repo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $repo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $repo.private | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.description | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                    $repo.homepage | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                    $repo.has_issues | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.has_projects | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.has_Wiki | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_squash_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_merge_commit | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_rebase_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.delete_branch_on_merge | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.is_template | Should -BeFalse

                AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
                    if ($repo)
                        Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

            Context -Name 'When creating a private repository with default settings' -Fixture {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                    $newGitHubRepositoryParms = @{
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                        Private = $true
                    $repo = New-GitHubRepository @newGitHubRepositoryParms

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $repo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $repo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $repo.private | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.description | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                    $repo.homepage | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                    $repo.has_issues | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.has_projects | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.has_Wiki | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_squash_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_merge_commit | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_rebase_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.delete_branch_on_merge | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.is_template | Should -BeFalse

                AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
                    if ($repo)
                        Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

            Context -Name 'When creating a repository with all possible settings' -Fixture {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)

                    $newGitHubRepositoryParms = @{
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                        Description = $defaultRepoDesc
                        HomePage = $defaultRepoHomePage
                        NoIssues = $true
                        NoProjects = $true
                        NoWiki = $true
                        DisallowSquashMerge = $true
                        DisallowMergeCommit = $true
                        DisallowRebaseMerge = $false
                        DeleteBranchOnMerge = $true
                        GitIgnoreTemplate = $testGitIgnoreTemplate
                        LicenseTemplate = $testLicenseTemplate
                        IsTemplate = $true

                    $repo = New-GitHubRepository @newGitHubRepositoryParms

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $repo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $repo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $repo.description | Should -Be $defaultRepoDesc
                    $repo.homepage | Should -Be $defaultRepoHomePage
                    $repo.has_issues | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.has_projects | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.has_Wiki | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.allow_squash_merge | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.allow_merge_commit | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.allow_rebase_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.delete_branch_on_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.is_template | Should -BeTrue

                It 'Should have created a .gitignore file' {
                    { Get-GitHubContent -Uri $repo.svn_url -Path '.gitignore' } | Should -Not -Throw

                It 'Should have created a LICENSE file' {
                    { Get-GitHubContent -Uri $repo.svn_url -Path 'LICENSE' } | Should -Not -Throw

                AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
                    if ($repo)
                        Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

            Context -Name 'When creating a repository with alternative Merge settings' -Fixture {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                    $newGitHubRepositoryParms = @{
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                        DisallowSquashMerge = $true
                        DisallowMergeCommit = $false
                        DisallowRebaseMerge = $true
                    $repo = New-GitHubRepository @newGitHubRepositoryParms

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $repo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $repo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $repo.allow_squash_merge | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.allow_merge_commit | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_rebase_merge | Should -BeFalse

                AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
                    if ($repo)
                        Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

            Context -Name 'When a TeamID is specified' -Fixture {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                    $newGitHubRepositoryParms = @{
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                        TeamID = $mockTeamID

                It 'Should throw the correct exception' {
                    $errorMessage = 'TeamId may only be specified when creating a repository under an organization.'
                    { New-GitHubRepository @newGitHubRepositoryParms } | Should -Throw $errorMessage

        Context -Name 'When creating an organization repository' -Fixture {

            Context -Name 'When creating a public repository with default settings' -Fixture {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                    $newGitHubRepositoryParms = @{
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                        OrganizationName = $script:organizationName
                    $repo = New-GitHubRepository @newGitHubRepositoryParms

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $repo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $repo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $repo.private | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.organization.login | Should -Be $script:organizationName
                    $repo.description | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                    $repo.homepage | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                    $repo.has_issues | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.has_projects | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.has_Wiki | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_squash_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_merge_commit | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_rebase_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.delete_branch_on_merge | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.is_template | Should -BeFalse

                AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
                    if ($repo)
                        Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

            Context -Name 'When creating a private repository with default settings' -Fixture {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                    $newGitHubRepositoryParms = @{
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                        Private = $true
                        OrganizationName = $script:organizationName
                    $repo = New-GitHubRepository @newGitHubRepositoryParms

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $repo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $repo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $repo.private | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.organization.login | Should -Be $script:organizationName
                    $repo.description | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                    $repo.homepage | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                    $repo.has_issues | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.has_projects | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.has_Wiki | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_squash_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_merge_commit | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.allow_rebase_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $repo.delete_branch_on_merge | Should -BeFalse
                    $repo.is_template | Should -BeFalse

                AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
                    if ($repo)
                        Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\New-GitHubRepositoryFromTemplate' {
        BeforeAll {
            $templateRepoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
            $ownerName = $script:ownerName
            $testGitIgnoreTemplate = (Get-GitHubGitIgnore)[0]
            $testLicenseTemplate = (Get-GitHubLicense)[0].key

            $newGitHubRepositoryParms = @{
                RepositoryName = $templateRepoName
                Description = $defaultRepoDesc
                GitIgnoreTemplate = $testGitIgnoreTemplate
                LicenseTemplate = $testLicenseTemplate
                IsTemplate = $true

            $templateRepo = New-GitHubRepository @newGitHubRepositoryParms

        Context 'When creating a public repository from a template' {
            BeforeAll {
                $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                $newRepoDesc = 'New Repo Description'
                $newGitHubRepositoryFromTemplateParms = @{
                    RepositoryName = $templateRepoName
                    OwnerName = $templateRepo.owner.login
                    TargetOwnerName = $ownerName
                    TargetRepositoryName = $repoName
                    Description = $newRepoDesc

                $repo = New-GitHubRepositoryFromTemplate @newGitHubRepositoryFromTemplateParms

            It 'Should have the expected type and addititional properties' {
                $repo.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                $repo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                $repo.private | Should -BeFalse
                $repo.owner.login | Should -Be $script:ownerName
                $repo.description | Should -Be $newRepoDesc
                $repo.is_template | Should -BeFalse
                $repo.RepositoryId | Should -Be $repo.id
                $repo.RepositoryUrl | Should -Be $repo.html_url

            It 'Should have created a .gitignore file' {
                { Get-GitHubContent -Uri $repo.svn_url -Path '.gitignore' } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should have created a LICENSE file' {
                { Get-GitHubContent -Uri $repo.svn_url -Path 'LICENSE' } | Should -Not -Throw

            AfterAll {
                if (Get-Variable -Name repo -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                    Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

        Context 'When creating a public repository from a template (via pipeline input)' {
            BeforeAll {
                $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                $newRepoDesc = 'New Repo Description'
                $newGitHubRepositoryFromTemplateParms = @{
                    TargetOwnerName = $ownerName
                    TargetRepositoryName = $repoName
                    Description = $newRepoDesc

                $repo = $templateRepo | New-GitHubRepositoryFromTemplate @newGitHubRepositoryFromTemplateParms

            It 'Should have the expected type and addititional properties' {
                $repo.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                $repo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                $repo.private | Should -BeFalse
                $repo.owner.login | Should -Be $script:ownerName
                $repo.description | Should -Be $newRepoDesc
                $repo.is_template | Should -BeFalse
                $repo.RepositoryId | Should -Be $repo.id
                $repo.RepositoryUrl | Should -Be $repo.html_url

            It 'Should have created a .gitignore file' {
                { Get-GitHubContent -Uri $repo.svn_url -Path '.gitignore' } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should have created a LICENSE file' {
                { Get-GitHubContent -Uri $repo.svn_url -Path 'LICENSE' } | Should -Not -Throw

            AfterAll {
                if (Get-Variable -Name repo -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                    Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

        AfterAll {
            if (Get-Variable -Name templateRepo -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $templateRepo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Get-GitHubRepository' {
        Context 'When getting a repository for the authenticated user' {
            BeforeAll {
                $publicRepo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                $privateRepo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Private

            Context 'When specify the visibility parameter' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $publicRepos = Get-GitHubRepository -Visibility Public
                    $privateRepos = Get-GitHubRepository -Visibility Private

                It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                    $publicRepos[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                    $privateRepos[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'

                It "Should return the correct membership" {
                    $publicRepo.name | Should -BeIn $publicRepos.name
                    $publicRepo.name | Should -Not -BeIn $privateRepos.name
                    $privateRepo.name | Should -BeIn $privateRepos.name
                    $privateRepo.name | Should -Not -BeIn $publicRepos.name

            Context 'When specifying the Type parameter' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $publicRepos = Get-GitHubRepository -Type Public
                    $privateRepos = Get-GitHubRepository -Type Private
                    $ownerRepos = Get-GitHubRepository -Type Owner
                    $allRepos = Get-GitHubRepository -Type All

                It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                    $publicRepos[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                    $publicRepos[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                    $ownerRepos[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'

                It "Should return the correct membership" {
                    $publicRepo.name | Should -BeIn $publicRepos.name
                    $publicRepo.name | Should -Not -BeIn $privateRepos.name
                    $privateRepo.name | Should -BeIn $privateRepos.name
                    $privateRepo.name | Should -Not -BeIn $publicRepos.name
                    $publicRepo.name | Should -BeIn $ownerRepos.name
                    $privateRepo.name | Should -BeIn $ownerRepos.name
                    $publicRepo.name | Should -BeIn $allRepos.name
                    $privateRepo.name | Should -BeIn $allRepos.name

            Context 'When specifying the Affiliation parameter' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $ownerRepos = Get-GitHubRepository -Affiliation Owner, Collaborator

                It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                    $ownerRepos[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'

                It "Should return the correct membership" {
                    $publicRepo.name | Should -BeIn $ownerRepos.name
                    $privateRepo.name | Should -BeIn $ownerRepos.name

            Context 'When specifying the Sort and Direction parameters' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $sortedRepos = Get-GitHubRepository -Sort 'FullName'
                    $sortedDescendingRepos = Get-GitHubRepository -Sort FullName -Direction Descending

                    $sortedRepoFullNames = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sortedRepos.full_Name
                    $sortedDescendingRepoFullNames = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sortedDescendingRepos.full_Name

                It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                    $sortedRepos[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                    $sortedDescendingRepos[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'

                It "Should return the correct membership order" {
                    for ($i = 1; $i -le $sortedRepos.count; $i++)
                        $sortedRepos[$i].full_name | Should -Be $sortedRepoFullNames[$i]
                        $sortedDescendingRepos[$i].full_name | Should -Be $sortedDescendingRepoFullNames[$i]

            Context 'When Specifying an invalid Visibility parameter set' {
                It 'Should throw the correct exception' {
                    $errorMessage = 'Unable to specify -Type when using -Visibility and/or -Affiliation.'
                    { Get-GitHubRepository -Type All -Visibility All } | Should -Throw $errorMessage

            Context 'When Specifying an invalid Affiliation parameter set' {
                It 'Should throw the correct exception' {
                    $errorMessage = 'Unable to specify -Type when using -Visibility and/or -Affiliation.'
                    { Get-GitHubRepository -Type All -Visibility All } | Should -Throw $errorMessage

            AfterAll {
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $publicRepo.svn_url -Force
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $privateRepo.svn_url -Force

        Context 'When getting a repository for a specified owner' {
            BeforeAll {
                $ownerName = 'octocat'
                $repos = Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName $ownerName

            It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                $repos | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

            It "Should return one or more results" {
                $repos.Count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 1

            It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                foreach ($repo in $repos)
                    $repo.owner.login | Should -Be $ownerName

        Context 'When getting a repository for a specified organization' {
            BeforeAll {
                $repo = New-GitHubRepository -OrganizationName $script:organizationName -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)

            It "Should have results for the organization" {
                $repos = Get-GitHubRepository -OrganizationName $script:organizationName -Type All
                $repo.name | Should -BeIn $repos.name

            AfterAll {
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

        Context 'When getting all public repositories' {
            BeforeAll {
                $repo1 = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                $repo2 = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                $repos = Get-GitHubRepository -GetAllPublicRepositories -Since $repo1.id

            It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                $repos[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'

            It 'Should return at least one result' {
                $repos.count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 1

            It "Should return the correct membership" {
                $repo2.name | Should -BeIn $repos.name

            AfterAll {
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo1.svn_url -Force
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo2.svn_url -Force

        Context 'When getting a specific repository' {
            BeforeAll {
                $repoName = [Guid]::NewGuid().Guid
                $newGitHubRepositoryParms = @{
                    RepositoryName = $repoName
                    Description = $defaultRepoDesc
                    HomePage = $defaultRepoHomePage

                $repo = New-GitHubRepository @newGitHubRepositoryParms

            Context 'When specifiying the Uri parameter' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $uriRepo = Get-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $uriRepo.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'

                It 'Should return a single result' {
                    $uriRepo | Should -HaveCount 1

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $uriRepo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $uriRepo.description | Should -Be $defaultRepoDesc
                    $uriRepo.homepage | Should -Be $defaultRepoHomePage

            Context 'When specifying the Owner and RepositoryName parameters' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $elementsRepo = Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $uriRepo.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'

                It 'Should return a single result' {
                    $uriRepo | Should -HaveCount 1

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $uriRepo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $uriRepo.description | Should -Be $defaultRepoDesc
                    $uriRepo.homepage | Should -Be $defaultRepoHomePage

                Context 'When specifying additional invalid parameters' {
                    It 'Should throw the correct exception' {
                        $errorMessage = 'Unable to specify -Type, -Sort and/or -Direction when retrieving a specific repository.'
                        { Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name -Type All } |
                            Should -Throw $errorMessage

            Context 'When specifying only the Repository parameter' {
                It 'Should throw the correct exception' {
                    $errorMessage = 'OwnerName could not be determined.'
                    { Get-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName $repo.name } | Should -Throw $errorMessage

            AfterAll {
                if (Get-Variable -Name repo -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                    Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Delete-GitHubRepository' {

        Context -Name 'When deleting a repository' -Fixture {
            BeforeEach -ScriptBlock {
                $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -Description $defaultRepoDesc -AutoInit

            It 'Should get no content using -Confirm:$false' {
                Remove-GitHubRepository -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name -Confirm:$false
                { Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name } | Should -Throw

            It 'Should get no content using -Force' {
                Remove-GitHubRepository -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name -Force
                { Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name } | Should -Throw

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Rename-GitHubRepository' {

        Context -Name 'When renaming a repository' -Fixture {
            BeforeEach -Scriptblock {
                $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -AutoInit
                $suffixToAddToRepo = "_renamed"
                $newRepoName = "$($repo.name)$suffixToAddToRepo"

            It "Should have the expected new repository name - by URI" {
                $renamedRepo = Rename-GitHubRepository -Uri ($repo.RepositoryUrl) -NewName $newRepoName -Force -PassThru
                $renamedRepo.name | Should -Be $newRepoName

            It "Should have the expected new repository name - by Elements" {
                $renamedRepo = Rename-GitHubRepository -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name -NewName $newRepoName -Confirm:$false -PassThru
                $renamedRepo.name | Should -Be $newRepoName

            It "Should work via the pipeline" {
                $renamedRepo = $repo | Rename-GitHubRepository -NewName $newRepoName -Confirm:$false -PassThru
                $renamedRepo.name | Should -Be $newRepoName
                $renamedRepo.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'

            It "Should be possible to rename with Set-GitHubRepository too" {
                $renamedRepo = $repo | Set-GitHubRepository -NewName $newRepoName -Confirm:$false -PassThru
                $renamedRepo.name | Should -Be $newRepoName
                $renamedRepo.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'

            AfterEach -Scriptblock {
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri "$($repo.svn_url)$suffixToAddToRepo" -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Set-GitHubRepository' {

        Context -Name 'When updating a public repository' -Fixture {
            BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName $repoName

            Context -Name 'When updating a repository with all possible settings' {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $updateGithubRepositoryParms = @{
                        OwnerName = $repo.owner.login
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                        Private = $true
                        Description = $defaultRepoDesc
                        HomePage = $defaultRepoHomePage
                        NoIssues = $true
                        NoProjects = $true
                        NoWiki = $true
                        DisallowSquashMerge = $true
                        DisallowMergeCommit = $true
                        DisallowRebaseMerge = $false
                        DeleteBranchOnMerge = $true
                        IsTemplate = $true

                    $updatedRepo = Set-GitHubRepository @updateGithubRepositoryParms -PassThru

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $updatedRepo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $updatedRepo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $updatedRepo.private | Should -BeTrue
                    $updatedRepo.description | Should -Be $defaultRepoDesc
                    $updatedRepo.homepage | Should -Be $defaultRepoHomePage
                    $updatedRepo.has_issues | Should -BeFalse
                    $updatedRepo.has_projects | Should -BeFalse
                    $updatedRepo.has_Wiki | Should -BeFalse
                    $updatedRepo.allow_squash_merge | Should -BeFalse
                    $updatedRepo.allow_merge_commit | Should -BeFalse
                    $updatedRepo.allow_rebase_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $updatedRepo.delete_branch_on_merge | Should -BeTrue
                    $updatedRepo.is_template | Should -BeTrue

            Context -Name 'When updating a repository with alternative Merge settings' {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $updateGithubRepositoryParms = @{
                        OwnerName = $repo.owner.login
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                        DisallowSquashMerge = $true
                        DisallowMergeCommit = $false
                        DisallowRebaseMerge = $true

                    $updatedRepo = Set-GitHubRepository @updateGithubRepositoryParms -PassThru

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $updatedRepo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $updatedRepo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $updatedRepo.allow_squash_merge | Should -BeFalse
                    $updatedRepo.allow_merge_commit | Should -BeTrue
                    $updatedRepo.allow_rebase_merge | Should -BeFalse

            Context -Name 'When updating a repository with the Archive setting' {
                BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                    $updateGithubRepositoryParms = @{
                        OwnerName = $repo.owner.login
                        RepositoryName = $repoName
                        Archived = $true

                    $updatedRepo = Set-GitHubRepository @updateGithubRepositoryParms -PassThru

                It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                    $updatedRepo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

                It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                    $updatedRepo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                    $updatedRepo.archived | Should -BeTrue

            AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
                if (Get-Variable -Name repo -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                    Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

        Context -Name 'When updating a private repository' -Fixture {
            BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                $repoName = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName $repoName -Private

                $updateGithubRepositoryParms = @{
                    OwnerName = $repo.owner.login
                    RepositoryName = $repoName
                    Private = $false

                $updatedRepo = Set-GitHubRepository @updateGithubRepositoryParms -PassThru

            It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                $updatedRepo | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

            It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                $updatedRepo.name | Should -Be $repoName
                $updatedRepo.private | Should -BeFalse

            AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
                if ($repo)
                    Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'Common user repository pipeline scenarios' {
        Context 'For authenticated user' {
            BeforeAll -Scriptblock {
                $repo = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid) | New-GitHubRepository -AutoInit

            It "Should have expected additional properties and type after creation" {
                $repo.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                $repo.RepositoryUrl | Should -Be (Join-GitHubUri -OwnerName $script:ownerName -RepositoryName $repo.name)
                $repo.RepositoryId | Should -Be $repo.id
                $repo.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It "Should have expected additional properties and type after creation" {
                $returned = ($repo | Get-GitHubRepository)
                $returned.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                $returned.RepositoryUrl | Should -Be (Join-GitHubUri -OwnerName $script:ownerName -RepositoryName $returned.name)
                $returned.RepositoryId | Should -Be $returned.id
                $returned.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It "Should get the repository by user" {
                $repos = @($script:ownerName | Get-GitHubUser | Get-GitHubRepository)
                $repos.name | Should -Contain $repo.name

            It 'Should be removable by the pipeline' {
                ($repo | Remove-GitHubRepository -Confirm:$false) | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

                { $repo | Get-GitHubRepository } | Should -Throw

    Describe 'Common organization repository pipeline scenarios' {
        Context 'For organization' {
            BeforeAll -Scriptblock {
                $org = [PSCustomObject]@{'OrganizationName' = $script:organizationName}
                $repo = $org | New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -AutoInit

            It "Should have expected additional properties and type after creation" {
                $repo.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                $repo.RepositoryUrl | Should -Be (Join-GitHubUri -OwnerName $script:organizationName -RepositoryName $repo.name)
                $repo.RepositoryId | Should -Be $repo.id
                $repo.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'
                $repo.organization.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Organization'
                $repo.organization.OrganizationName | Should -Be $repo.organization.login
                $repo.organization.OrganizationId | Should -Be $repo.organization.id

            It "Should have expected additional properties and type after creation" {
                $returned = ($repo | Get-GitHubRepository)
                $returned.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Repository'
                $returned.RepositoryUrl | Should -Be (Join-GitHubUri -OwnerName $script:organizationName -RepositoryName $returned.name)
                $returned.RepositoryId | Should -Be $returned.id
                $returned.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'
                $returned.organization.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Organization'
                $returned.organization.OrganizationName | Should -Be $returned.organization.login
                $returned.organization.OrganizationId | Should -Be $returned.organization.id

            It 'Should be removable by the pipeline' {
                ($repo | Remove-GitHubRepository -Confirm:$false) | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                { $repo | Get-GitHubRepository } | Should -Throw

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic' {

        Context -Name 'When getting a repository topic' {
            BeforeAll {
                $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
                Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name -Name $defaultRepoTopic
                $topic = Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name

            It 'Should have the expected topic' {
                Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name -Topic $defaultRepoTopic
                $topic = Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name

                $topic.names | Should -Be $defaultRepoTopic

            It 'Should have no topics' {
                Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name -Clear
                $topic = Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name

                $topic.names | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should have the expected topic (using repo via pipeline)' {
                $repo | Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -Topic $defaultRepoTopic
                $topic = $repo | Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic

                $topic.names | Should -Be $defaultRepoTopic
                $topic.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryTopic'
                $topic.RepositoryUrl | Should -Be $repo.RepositoryUrl

            It 'Should have the expected topic (using topic via pipeline)' {
                $defaultRepoTopic | Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name
                $topic = $repo | Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic

                $topic.names | Should -Be $defaultRepoTopic
                $topic.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryTopic'
                $topic.RepositoryUrl | Should -Be $repo.RepositoryUrl

            It 'Should have the expected multi-topic (using topic via pipeline)' {
                $topics = @('one', 'two')
                $topics | Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name
                $result = $repo | Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic

                $result.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryTopic'
                $result.RepositoryUrl | Should -Be $repo.RepositoryUrl
                $result.names.count | Should -Be $topics.Count
                foreach ($topic in $topics)
                    $result.names | Should -Contain $topic

            AfterAll {
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic' {
        BeforeAll {
            $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
            $topic = Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name -Name $defaultRepoTopic -PassThru

        Context -Name 'When setting a repository topic' {
            It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                $topic | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject

            It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                $defaultRepoTopic | Should -BeIn $topic.names

        Context -Name 'When clearing all repository topics' {
            BeforeAll {
                $topic = Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name -Clear -PassThru

            It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                $topic.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryTopic'

            It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                $topic.names | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

        AfterAll {
            Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor' {
        BeforeAll {
            $repoName = [Guid]::NewGuid().Guid
            $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName $repoName -AutoInit

        Context 'When getting GitHub Repository Contributors' {
            BeforeAll {
                $getGitHubRepositoryContributorParms = @{
                    OwnerName = $repo.owner.login
                    RepositoryName = $repoName

                $contributors = @(Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor @getGitHubRepositoryContributorParms)

            It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                $contributors[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryContributor'

            It 'Should return expected number of contributors' {
                $contributors.Count | Should -Be 1

            It "Should return the correct membership" {
                $repo.owner.login | Should -BeIn $contributors.login

        Context 'When getting Github Repository Contributors with Statistics' {
            BeforeAll {
                $getGitHubRepositoryContributorParms = @{
                    OwnerName = $repo.owner.login
                    RepositoryName = $repoName
                    IncludeStatistics = $true

                $contributors = @(Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor @getGitHubRepositoryContributorParms)

            It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                $contributors[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryContributorStatistics'
                $contributors[0].author.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should return expected number of contributors' {
                $contributors.Count | Should -Be 1

            It 'Should return the correct membership' {
                $repo.owner.login | Should -BeIn $contributors.author.login

            It 'Should return the correct properties' {
                $contributors.weeks | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

        Context 'When getting Github Repository Contributors including Anonymous' {
            BeforeAll {
                $getGitHubRepositoryContributorParms = @{
                    OwnerName = $repo.owner.login
                    RepositoryName = $repoName
                    IncludeAnonymousContributors = $true

                $contributors = @(Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor @getGitHubRepositoryContributorParms)

            It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                $contributors[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryContributor'

            It 'Should return at least one result' {
                $contributors.count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 1

            It 'Should return the correct membership' {
                $repo.owner.login | Should -BeIn $contributors.login

        AfterAll {
            Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Get-GitHubRepositoryCollaborator' {
        BeforeAll {
            $repoName = [Guid]::NewGuid().Guid
            $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName $repoName -AutoInit

        Context 'When getting GitHub Repository Collaborators' {
            BeforeAll {
                $getGitHubRepositoryCollaboratorParms = @{
                    OwnerName = $repo.owner.login
                    RepositoryName = $repoName

                $collaborators = @(Get-GitHubRepositoryCollaborator @getGitHubRepositoryCollaboratorParms)

            It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                $collaborators[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryCollaborator'

            It 'Should return expected number of collaborators' {
                $collaborators.Count | Should -Be 1

            It "Should return the correct membership" {
                $repo.owner.login | Should -BeIn $collaborators.login

        Context 'When getting GitHub Repository Collaborators (via pipeline)' {
            BeforeAll {
                $collaborators = @($repo | Get-GitHubRepositoryCollaborator)

            It 'Should return objects of the correct type' {
                $collaborators[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryCollaborator'

            It 'Should return expected number of collaborators' {
                $collaborators.Count | Should -Be 1

            It "Should return the correct membership" {
                $repo.owner.login | Should -BeIn $collaborators.login

        AfterAll {
            Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage' {

        Context -Name 'When getting repository languages' {
            BeforeAll {
                $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -AutoInit

            It 'Should be empty' {
                $languages = Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name
                $languages | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should contain PowerShell' {
                $languages = Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName "microsoft" -RepositoryName "PowerShellForGitHub"
                $languages.PowerShell | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
                $languages.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryLanguage'

            It 'Should contain PowerShell (via pipeline)' {
                $psfg = Get-GitHubRepository -OwnerName "microsoft" -RepositoryName "PowerShellForGitHub"
                $languages = $psfg | Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage
                $languages.PowerShell | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
                $languages.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.RepositoryLanguage'

            AfterAll {
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Force

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Get-GitHubRepositoryTag' {

        Context -Name 'When getting repository tags' {
            BeforeAll {
                $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -AutoInit

            It 'Should be empty' {
                $tags = Get-GitHubRepositoryTag -OwnerName $repo.owner.login -RepositoryName $repo.name
                $tags | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should be empty (via pipeline)' {
                $tags = $repo | Get-GitHubRepositoryTag
                $tags | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            AfterAll {
                Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Confirm:$false

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Test-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert' {
        BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
            $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)

        Context 'When the Git Hub Repository Vulnerability Alert Status is Enabled' {
            BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri  $repo.svn_url
                $result = Test-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri $repo.svn_url

            It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                $result | Should -BeOfType System.Boolean

            It 'Should return the correct value' {
                $result | Should -Be $true

        Context 'When the Git Hub Repository Vulnerability Alert Status is Disabled' {
            BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                Disable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri  $repo.svn_url
                $status = Test-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri $repo.svn_url

            It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                $status | Should -BeOfType System.Boolean

            It 'Should return the correct value' {
                $status | Should -BeFalse

        Context 'When Invoke-GHRestMethod returns an unexpected error' {
            It 'Should throw' {
                $getGitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlertParms = @{
                    OwnerName = 'octocat'
                    RepositoryName = 'IncorrectRepostioryName'
                { Test-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert @getGitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlertParms } |
                    Should -Throw

        Context "When specifiying the 'URI' Parameter from the Pipeline" {
            BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                $status = $repo | Test-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

            It 'Should return an object of the correct type' {
                $status | Should -BeOfType System.Boolean

        AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
            Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Force

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert' {
        BeforeAll {
            $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)

        Context 'When Enabling GitHub Repository Vulnerability Alerts' {
            It 'Should not throw' {
                { Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri  $repo.svn_url } |
                    Should -Not -Throw

        Context "When specifiying the 'URI' Parameter from the Pipeline" {
            BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                Disable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri $repo.svn_url

            It 'Should not throw' {
                { $repo | Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert } |
                    Should -Not -Throw

        AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
            Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Force

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Disable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert' {
        BeforeAll {
            $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
            Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri $repo.svn_url

        Context 'When Disabling GitHub Repository Vulnerability Alerts' {
            It 'Should not throw' {
                { Disable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri $repo.svn_url } |
                    Should -Not -Throw

        Context "When specifiying the 'URI' Parameter from the Pipeline" {
            BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri $repo.svn_url

            It 'Should not throw' {
                { $repo | Disable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert } |
                    Should -Not -Throw

        AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
            Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Force

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Enable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix' {
        BeforeAll {
            $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
            Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri $repo.svn_url

        Context 'When Enabling GitHub Repository Security Fixes' {
            It 'Should not throw' {
                { Enable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix -Uri $repo.svn_url } |
                    Should -Not -Throw

        Context "When specifiying the 'URI' Parameter from the Pipeline" {
            BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                Disable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix -Uri $repo.svn_url

            It 'Should not throw' {
                { $repo | Enable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix } |
                    Should -Not -Throw

        AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
            Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Force

    Describe 'GitHubRepositories\Disable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix' {
        BeforeAll {
            $repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)
            Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert -Uri $repo.svn_url
            Enable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix -Uri  $repo.svn_url

        Context 'When Disabling GitHub Repository Security Fixes' {
            It 'Should not throw' {
                { Disable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix -Uri $repo.svn_url } |
                    Should -Not -Throw

        Context "When specifiying the 'URI' Parameter from the Pipeline" {
            BeforeAll -ScriptBlock {
                Enable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix -Uri $repo.svn_url

            It 'Should not throw' {
                { $repo | Disable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix } |
                    Should -Not -Throw

        AfterAll -ScriptBlock {
            Remove-GitHubRepository -Uri $repo.svn_url -Force
    if (Test-Path -Path $script:originalConfigFile -PathType Leaf)
        # Restore the user's configuration to its pre-test state
        Restore-GitHubConfiguration -Path $script:originalConfigFile
        $script:originalConfigFile = $null