
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

   Tests for GitHubGists.ps1 module

[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '',
    Justification='Suppress false positives in Pester code blocks')]

# This is common test code setup logic for all Pester test files
$moduleRootPath = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
. (Join-Path -Path $moduleRootPath -ChildPath 'Tests\Common.ps1')

filter New-LargeFile
        Creates a large dummy file with random conntent
        Creates a large dummy file with random conntent
        Credits for the random content creation logic goes to Robert Robelo
        The full path to the file to create.
        The size of the random file to be genrated. Default is one MB
        The type of file should be created.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Will allow this to overwrite the target file if it already exists.
        New-LargeFile -Path C:\Temp\LF\bigfile.txt -SizeMB 10

        [String] $Path,

        [ValidateRange(1, 5120)]
        [UInt16] $SizeMB = 1,

        [ValidateSet('Text', 'Binary')]
        [string] $Type = 'Text',

        [switch] $Force

    $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile

    if ($Type -eq 'Text')
        $streamWriter = New-Object -TypeName IO.StreamWriter -ArgumentList ($tempFile)
            # get a 64 element Char[]; I added the - and \n to have 64 chars
            [char[]]$chars = 'azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbnAZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN0123456789-\n'
            1..$SizeMB | ForEach-Object {
                # get 1MB of chars from 4 256KB strings
                1..4 | ForEach-Object {
                    $randomizedChars = $chars | Get-Random -Count $chars.Count

                    # repeat random string 4096 times to get a 256KB string
                    $output = (-join $randomizedChars) * 4kb

                    # write 256KB string to file

                    # release resources
                    Clear-Variable -Name @('randomizedChars', 'output')
            Remove-File -Path $tempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            # Force the immediate garbage collection of allocated resources
        $content = New-Object -TypeName Byte[] -ArgumentList ($SizeMB * 1mb)
        (New-Object -TypeName Random).NextBytes($content)
        [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($tempFile, $content)

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path'))
            return (Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $Path -Force:$Force)
            return (Get-Item -Path $tempFile)
        Remove-File -Path $tempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Describe 'Get-GitHubGist' {
        Context 'Specific Gist' {
            $id = '0831f3fbd83ac4d46451' # octocat/git-author-rewrite.sh
            $gist = Get-GitHubGist -Gist $id
            It 'Should be the expected gist' {
                $gist.id | Should -Be $id

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'
                $gist.history[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistCommit'
                $gist.forks[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistFork'

            $gist = $gist | Get-GitHubGist
            It 'Should be the expected gist with the gist on the pipeline' {
                $gist.id | Should -Be $id

        Context 'Commits and specific Gist with Sha' {
            $id = '0831f3fbd83ac4d46451' # octocat/git-author-rewrite.sh

            $gist = Get-GitHubGist -Gist $id
            $commits = Get-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id -Commits

            It 'Should have multiple commits' {
                $commits.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 1

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                foreach ($commit in $commits)
                    $commit.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistCommit'
                    $commit.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                    $commit.Sha | Should -Be $commit.version
                    $commit.user.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $oldestSha = $commits | Sort-Object -Property 'committed_at' | Select-Object -First 1

            $firstGistCommit = Get-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id -Sha $oldestSha.version
            It 'Should be the expected commit' {
                $firstGistCommit.created_at | Should -Be $oldestSha.committed_at

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $firstGistCommit.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $firstGistCommit.GistId | Should -Be $firstGistCommit.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'
                $gist.history[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistCommit'
                $gist.forks[0].PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistFork'

            It 'Should fail if we specify Sha _and_ Commits' {
                { Get-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id -Commits -Sha $oldestSha.version } | Should -Throw

            It 'Should fail if we specify Sha _and_ Forks' {
                { Get-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id -Forks -Sha $oldestSha.version } | Should -Throw

            $firstGistCommit = $gist | Get-GitHubGist -Sha $oldestSha.version
            It 'Should be the expected gist commit with the gist on the pipeline' {
                $firstGistCommit.created_at | Should -Be $oldestSha.committed_at

            $firstGistCommit = $firstGistCommit | Get-GitHubGist
            It 'Should be the expected gist commit with the gist commit on the pipeline' {
                $firstGistCommit.created_at | Should -Be $oldestSha.committed_at

        Context 'Forks' {
            $id = '0831f3fbd83ac4d46451' # octocat/git-author-rewrite.sh

            $gist = Get-GitHubGist -Gist $id
            $forks = Get-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id -Forks

            It 'Should have multiple forks' {
                $forks.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 1

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                foreach ($fork in $forks)
                    $fork.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistFork'
                    $fork.GistId | Should -Be $fork.id
                    $fork.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $forks = $gist | Get-GitHubGist -Forks

            It 'Should have multiple forks when gist is on the pipeline' {
                $forks.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 1

        Context 'All gists for a specific user' {
            $username = 'octocat'
            $gists = Get-GitHubGist -UserName $username

            It 'Should have multiple gists' {
                $gists.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 1

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                foreach ($gist in $gists)
                    $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistSummary'
                    $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                    $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $since = (Get-Date -Date '01/01/2016')
            $sinceGists = Get-GitHubGist -UserName $username -Since $since
            It 'Should have fewer results with using the since parameter' {
                $sinceGists.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
                $sinceGists.Count | Should -BeLessThan $gists.Count

        Context 'All gists for the current authenticated user' {
            $gist = New-GitHubGist -Filename 'sample.txt' -Content 'Sample text'
            $gists = @(Get-GitHubGist)
            It 'Should at least one gist including the one just created' {
                $gists.Count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 1
                $gists.id | Should -Contain $gist.id

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                foreach ($gist in $gists)
                    $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistSummary'
                    $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                    $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should be removed' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

        Context 'All gists for the current authenticated user, but not authenticated' {
            # This would just be testing that an exception is thrown.
            # There's no easy way to cover unauthenticated sessions in the UT's,
            # so we'll just accept the lower code coverage here.

        Context 'All starred gists for the current authenticated user' {
            $id = '0831f3fbd83ac4d46451' # octocat/git-author-rewrite.sh
            Add-GitHubGistStar -Gist $id

            $gists = @(Get-GitHubGist -Starred)
            It 'Should include the one we just starred' {
                $gists.Count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 1
                $gists.id | Should -Contain $id

            Remove-GitHubGistStar -Gist $id

        Context 'All starred gists for the current authenticated user, but not authenticated' {
            # This would just be testing that an exception is thrown.
            # There's no easy way to cover unauthenticated sessions in the UT's,
            # so we'll just accept the lower code coverage here.

        Context 'All public gists' {
            # This would require 100 queries, taking over 2 minutes.
            # Given the limited additional value that we'd get from this additional test relative
            # to the time it would take to execute, we'll just accept the lower code coverage here.

    Describe 'Get-GitHubGist/Download' {
        BeforeAll {
            # To get access to New-TemporaryDirectory
            $moduleRootPath = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
            . (Join-Path -Path $moduleRootPath -ChildPath 'Helpers.ps1')
            $tempPath = New-TemporaryDirectory

        AfterAll {
            if (Get-Variable -Name tempPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                Remove-Item -Path $tempPath -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force

        Context 'Download gist content' {
            BeforeAll {
                $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile
                $fileA = "$($tempFile.FullName).ps1"
                Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $fileA
                $fileAName = (Get-Item -Path $fileA).Name
                $fileAContent = 'fileA content'
                Out-File -FilePath $fileA -InputObject $fileAContent -Encoding utf8

                $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile
                $fileB = "$($tempFile.FullName).txt"
                Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $fileB
                $fileBName = (Get-Item -Path $fileB).Name
                $fileBContent = 'fileB content'
                Out-File -FilePath $fileB -InputObject $fileBContent -Encoding utf8

                $tempFile = New-LargeFile -SizeMB 1
                $twoMegFile = "$($tempFile.FullName).bin"
                Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $twoMegFile
                $twoMegFileName = (Get-Item -Path $twoMegFile).Name

                $gist = @($fileA, $fileB, $twoMegFile) | New-GitHubGist

            AfterAll {
                $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force
                @($fileA, $fileB, $twoMegFile) |
                    Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

            It 'Should have no files at the download path' {
                @(Get-ChildItem -Path $tempPath).Count | Should -Be 0

            Get-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id -Path $tempPath
            It 'Should download all of the files' {
                @(Get-ChildItem -Path $tempPath).Count | Should -Be 3
                [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($fileA).Trim() |
                    Should -Be ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText((Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $fileAName)).Trim())
                [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($fileB).Trim() |
                    Should -Be ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText((Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $fileBName)).Trim())
                (Get-FileHash -Path $twoMegFile).Hash |
                    Should -Be (Get-FileHash -Path (Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $twoMegFileName)).Hash

            $gist | Get-GitHubGist -Path $tempPath -Force
            It 'Should download all of the files with the gist on the pipeline and -Force' {
                @(Get-ChildItem -Path $tempPath).Count | Should -Be 3
                [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($fileA).Trim() |
                    Should -Be ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText((Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $fileAName)).Trim())
                [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($fileB).Trim() |
                    Should -Be ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText((Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $fileBName)).Trim())
                (Get-FileHash -Path $twoMegFile).Hash |
                    Should -Be (Get-FileHash -Path (Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $twoMegFileName)).Hash

        Context 'More than 300 files' {
            BeforeAll {
                $files = @()
                1..301 | ForEach-Object {
                    $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile
                    $file = "$($tempFile.FullName)-$_.ps1"
                    Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $file
                    $fileContent = "file-$_ content"
                    Out-File -FilePath $file -InputObject $fileContent -Encoding utf8
                    $files += $file

            AfterAll {
                $files | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

            # May want to consider skipping this test.
            # It works just fine, but takes 26 second to execute.
            # (May not be worth it for the moderate improvement to code coverage.)
            It 'Should throw an exception because there are too many files' {
                $gist = $files | New-GitHubGist
                { $gist | Get-GitHubGist -Path $tempPath -Force } | Should -Throw
                $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force


        Context 'Download gist content' {
            BeforeAll {
                $tempFile = New-LargeFile -SizeMB 10
                $tenMegFile = "$($tempFile.FullName).bin"
                Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $tenMegFile
                $tenMegFileName = (Get-Item -Path $tenMegFile).Name

            AfterAll {
                @($tenMegFile) |
                    Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

            # May want to consider skipping this test.
            # It works just fine, but takes 26 second to execute.
            # (May not be worth it for the moderate improvement to code coverage.)
            It 'Should throw an exception because the file is too large to download' {
                $gist = $tenMegFile | New-GitHubGist
                { $gist | Get-GitHubGist -Path $tempPath -Force } | Should -Throw
                $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force

    Describe 'Remove-GitHubGist' {
        Context 'With parameters' {
            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName 'sample.txt' -Content 'Sample text'
            It 'Should be there' {
                { Get-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should remove the gist successfully' {
                { Remove-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should be removed' {
                { Get-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id } | Should -Throw

        Context 'With the gist on the pipeline' {
            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName 'sample.txt' -Content 'Sample text'
            It 'Should be there' {
                { $gist | Get-GitHubGist } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should remove the gist successfully' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should be removed' {
                { $gist | Get-GitHubGist } | Should -Throw

    Describe 'Copy-GitHubGist' {
        BeforeAll {
            $originalGist = Get-GitHubGist -Gist '1169852' # octocat/test.cs

        Context 'By parameters' {
            $gist = Copy-GitHubGist -Gist $originalGist.id -PassThru
            It 'Should have been forked' {
                $gist.files.Count | Should -Be $originalGist.files.Count
                foreach ($file in $gist.files)
                    $originalFile = $originalGist.files |
                        Where-Object { $_.filename -eq $file.filename }
                    $file.filename | Should -Be $originalFile.filename
                    $file.size | Should -Be $originalFile.size

            It 'Should have the expected additional type and properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistSummary'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should be removed' {
                { Remove-GitHubGist -Gist $gist.id -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

        Context 'Gist on the pipeline' {
            $gist = $originalGist | Copy-GitHubGist -PassThru
            It 'Should have been forked' {
                $gist.files.Count | Should -Be $originalGist.files.Count
                foreach ($file in $gist.files)
                    $originalFile = $originalGist.files |
                        Where-Object { $_.filename -eq $file.filename }
                    $file.filename | Should -Be $originalFile.filename
                    $file.size | Should -Be $originalFile.size

            It 'Should have the expected additional type and properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.GistSummary'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should be removed' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

    Describe 'Add/Remove/Set/Test-GitHubGistStar' {
        BeforeAll {
            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName 'sample.txt' -Content 'Sample text'

        AfterAll {
            $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force

        Context 'With parameters' {
            $starred = Test-GitHubGistStar -Gist $gist.id
            It 'Should not be starred yet' {
                $starred | Should -BeFalse

            Add-GitHubGistStar -Gist $gist.id
            $starred = Test-GitHubGistStar -Gist $gist.id
            It 'Should now be starred' {
                $starred | Should -BeTrue

            Remove-GitHubGistStar -Gist $gist.id
            $starred = Test-GitHubGistStar -Gist $gist.id
            It 'Should no longer be starred' {
                $starred | Should -BeFalse

            Set-GitHubGistStar -Gist $gist.id -Star
            $starred = Test-GitHubGistStar -Gist $gist.id
            It 'Should now be starred' {
                $starred | Should -BeTrue

            Set-GitHubGistStar -Gist $gist.id
            $starred = Test-GitHubGistStar -Gist $gist.id
            It 'Should no longer be starred' {
                $starred | Should -BeFalse

        Context 'With the gist on the pipeline' {
            $starred = $gist | Test-GitHubGistStar
            It 'Should not be starred yet' {
                $starred | Should -BeFalse

            $gist | Add-GitHubGistStar
            $starred = $gist | Test-GitHubGistStar
            It 'Should now be starred' {
                $starred | Should -BeTrue

            $gist | Remove-GitHubGistStar
            $starred = $gist | Test-GitHubGistStar
            It 'Should no longer be starred' {
                $starred | Should -BeFalse

            $gist | Set-GitHubGistStar -Star
            $starred = $gist | Test-GitHubGistStar
            It 'Should now be starred' {
                $starred | Should -BeTrue

            $gist | Set-GitHubGistStar
            $starred = $gist | Test-GitHubGistStar
            It 'Should no longer be starred' {
                $starred | Should -BeFalse

    Describe 'New-GitHubGist' {
        Context 'By content' {
            BeforeAll {
                $content = 'This is my content'
                $filename = 'sample.txt'
                $description = 'my description'

            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName $filename -Content $content -Public
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                $gist.public | Should -BeTrue
                $gist.description | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                $gist.files.$filename.content | Should -Be $content

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should be removed' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName $filename -Content $content -Description $description -Public:$false
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                $gist.public | Should -BeFalse
                $gist.description | Should -Be $description
                $gist.files.$filename.content | Should -Be $content

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should error if file starts with "gistfile"' {
                { New-GitHubGist -FileName 'gistfile1' -Content $content } | Should -Throw

            It 'Should be removed' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

        Context 'By files' {
            BeforeAll {
                $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile
                $fileA = "$($tempFile.FullName).ps1"
                Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $fileA
                $fileAName = (Get-Item -Path $fileA).Name
                $fileAContent = 'fileA content'
                Out-File -FilePath $fileA -InputObject $fileAContent -Encoding utf8

                $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile
                $fileB = "$($tempFile.FullName).txt"
                Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $fileB
                $fileBName = (Get-Item -Path $fileB).Name
                $fileBContent = 'fileB content'
                Out-File -FilePath $fileB -InputObject $fileBContent -Encoding utf8

                $description = 'my description'

            AfterAll {
                @($fileA, $fileB) | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

            $gist = New-GitHubGist -File @($fileA, $fileB) -Public
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                $gist.public | Should -BeTrue
                $gist.description | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileAContent
                $gist.files.$fileBName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileBContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should be removed' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

            $gist = New-GitHubGist -File @($fileA, $fileB) -Description $description -Public:$false
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                $gist.public | Should -BeFalse
                $gist.description | Should -Be $description
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileAContent
                $gist.files.$fileBName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileBContent

            It 'Should be removed' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

            $gist = @($fileA, $fileB) | New-GitHubGist -Description $description -Public:$false
            It 'Should have the expected result with the files on the pipeline' {
                $gist.public | Should -BeFalse
                $gist.description | Should -Be $description
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileAContent
                $gist.files.$fileBName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileBContent

    Describe 'Set-GitHubGist' {
        BeforeAll {
            $fileAName = 'foo.txt'
            $fileAContent = 'foo content'
            $fileAUpdatedContent = 'foo updated content'
            $fileANewName = 'gamma.txt'

            $fileBName = 'bar.txt'
            $fileBContent = 'bar content'
            $fileBUpdatedContent = 'bar updated content'

            $fileCName = 'alpha.txt'
            $fileCContent = 'alpha content'
            $fileCUpdatedContent = 'alpha updated content'
            $fileCNewName = 'gamma.txt'

            $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile
            $fileD = "$($tempFile.FullName).txt"
            Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $fileD
            $fileDName = (Get-Item -Path $fileD).Name
            $fileDContent = 'fileD content'
            Out-File -FilePath $fileD -InputObject $fileDContent -Encoding utf8
            $fileDUpdatedContent = 'fileD updated content'

            $description = 'my description'
            $updatedDescription = 'updated description'

        AfterAll {
            @($fileD) | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

        Context 'With parameters' {
            BeforeAll {
                $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName $fileAName -Content $fileAContent -Description $description

            AfterAll {
                $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force

            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $fileBName -Content $fileBContent -PassThru
            It 'Should be in the expected, original state' {
                $gist.description | Should -Be $description
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content | Should -Be $fileAContent
                $gist.files.$fileBName.content | Should -Be $fileBContent

            $setParams = @{
                Gist = $gist.id
                Description = $updatedDescription
                Delete = @($fileBName)
                Update = @{
                    $fileAName = @{
                        fileName = $fileANewName
                        content = $fileAUpdatedContent
                    $fileCName = @{ content = $fileCContent }
                    $fileDName = @{ filePath = $fileD }

            $gist = Set-GitHubGist @setParams -Force -PassThru
            It 'Should have been properly updated' {
                $gist.description | Should -Be $updatedDescription
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 3
                $gist.files.$fileAName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                $gist.files.$fileANewName.content | Should -Be $fileAContent
                $gist.files.$fileBName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                $gist.files.$fileCName.content | Should -Be $fileCContent
                $gist.files.$fileDName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileDContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $setParams = @{
                Gist = $gist.id
                Update = @{
                    $fileDName = @{
                        content = 'updated content'
                        filePath = $fileD

            It 'Should throw if updating a file with both a filePath and content' {
                { $gist = Set-GitHubGist @setParams } | Should -Throw

        Context 'With the gist on the pipeline' {
            BeforeAll {
                $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName $fileAName -Content $fileAContent -Description $description

            AfterAll {
                $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force

            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $fileBName -Content $fileBContent -PassThru
            It 'Should be in the expected, original state' {
                $gist.description | Should -Be $description
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content | Should -Be $fileAContent
                $gist.files.$fileBName.content | Should -Be $fileBContent

            $setParams = @{
                Description = $updatedDescription
                Delete = @($fileBName)
                Update = @{
                    $fileAName = @{
                        fileName = $fileANewName
                        content = $fileAUpdatedContent
                    $fileCName = @{ content = $fileCContent }
                    $fileDName = @{ filePath = $fileD }

            $gist = $gist | Set-GitHubGist @setParams -Confirm:$false -PassThru
            It 'Should have been properly updated' {
                $gist.description | Should -Be $updatedDescription
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 3
                $gist.files.$fileAName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                $gist.files.$fileANewName.content | Should -Be $fileAContent
                $gist.files.$fileBName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                $gist.files.$fileCName.content | Should -Be $fileCContent
                $gist.files.$fileDName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileDContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $setParams = @{
                Update = @{
                    $fileDName = @{
                        content = 'updated content'
                        filePath = $fileD

            It 'Should throw if updating a file with both a filePath and content' {
                { $gist = $gist | Set-GitHubGist @setParams } | Should -Throw

    Describe 'Set-GitHubGistFile' {
        BeforeAll {
            $origFileName = 'foo.txt'
            $origContent = 'original content'
            $updatedOrigContent = 'updated content'

            $newFileName = 'bar.txt'
            $newContent = 'new content'

            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName $origFileName -Content $origContent

        AfterAll {
            $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force

        Context 'By content with parameters' {
            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $origFileName -Content $updatedOrigContent -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $updatedOrigContent
                $gist.files.$newFileName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $newFileName -Content $newContent -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $updatedOrigContent
                $gist.files.$newFileName.content | Should -Be $newContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $origFileName -Content $origContent -PassThru
            It 'Should remove the new file' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGistFile -FileName $newFileName -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

        Context 'By content with the gist on the pipeline' {
            $gist = $gist | Set-GitHubGistFile -FileName $origFileName -Content $updatedOrigContent -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $updatedOrigContent
                $gist.files.$newFileName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $gist = $gist | Set-GitHubGistFile -FileName $newFileName -Content $newContent -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $updatedOrigContent
                $gist.files.$newFileName.content | Should -Be $newContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $origFileName -Content $origContent -PassThru
            It 'Should remove the new file' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGistFile -FileName $newFileName -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

        Context 'By files with parameters' {
            BeforeAll {
                $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile
                $fileA = "$($tempFile.FullName).txt"
                Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $fileA
                $fileAName = (Get-Item -Path $fileA).Name
                $fileAContent = 'fileA content'
                Out-File -FilePath $fileA -InputObject $fileAContent -Encoding utf8
                $fileAUpdatedContent = 'fileA content updated'

            AfterAll {
                @($fileA) | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -File $fileA -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $origContent
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileAContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            Out-File -FilePath $fileA -InputObject $fileAUpdatedContent -Encoding utf8
            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -File $fileA -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $origContent
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileAUpdatedContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $origFileName -Content $origContent -PassThru
            It 'Should remove the new file' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGistFile -FileName $fileAName -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

        Context 'By files with the gist on the pipeline' {
            BeforeAll {
                $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile
                $fileA = "$($tempFile.FullName).txt"
                Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $fileA
                $fileAName = (Get-Item -Path $fileA).Name
                $fileAContent = 'fileA content'
                Out-File -FilePath $fileA -InputObject $fileAContent -Encoding utf8
                $fileAUpdatedContent = 'fileA content updated'

            AfterAll {
                @($fileA) | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

            $gist = $gist | Set-GitHubGistFile -File $fileA -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $origContent
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileAContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            Out-File -FilePath $fileA -InputObject $fileAUpdatedContent -Encoding utf8
            $gist = $gist | Set-GitHubGistFile -File $fileA -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $origContent
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileAUpdatedContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $origFileName -Content $origContent -PassThru
            It 'Should remove the new file' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGistFile -FileName $fileAName -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

        Context 'By files with the file on the pipeline' {
            BeforeAll {
                $tempFile = New-TemporaryFile
                $fileA = "$($tempFile.FullName).txt"
                Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $fileA
                $fileAName = (Get-Item -Path $fileA).Name
                $fileAContent = 'fileA content'
                Out-File -FilePath $fileA -InputObject $fileAContent -Encoding utf8
                $fileAUpdatedContent = 'fileA content updated'

            AfterAll {
                @($fileA) | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

            $gist = $fileA | Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $origContent
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileAContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            Out-File -FilePath $fileA -InputObject $fileAUpdatedContent -Encoding utf8
            $gist = $fileA | Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -PassThru
            It 'Should have the expected result' {
                ($gist.files | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Count | Should -Be 2
                $gist.files.$origFileName.content | Should -Be $origContent
                $gist.files.$fileAName.content.Trim() | Should -Be $fileAUpdatedContent

            It 'Should have the expected type and additional properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            $gist = Set-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $origFileName -Content $origContent -PassThru
            It 'Should remove the new file' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGistFile -FileName $fileAName -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

    Describe 'Rename-GitHubGistFile' {
        BeforeAll {
            $originalName = 'foo.txt'
            $newName = 'bar.txt'
            $content = 'sample content'

        Context 'With parameters' {
            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName $originalName -Content $content
            It 'Should have the expected file' {
                $gist.files.$originalName.content | Should -Be $content
                $gist.files.$newName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            $gist = Rename-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $originalName -NewName $newName -PassThru
            It 'Should have been renamed' {
                $gist.files.$originalName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                $gist.files.$newName.content | Should -Be $content

            It 'Should have the expected additional type and properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should successfully remove the gist' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

        Context 'With the gist on the pipeline' {
            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName $originalName -Content $content
            It 'Should have the expected file' {
                $gist.files.$originalName.content | Should -Be $content
                $gist.files.$newName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            $gist = $gist | Rename-GitHubGistFile -FileName $originalName -NewName $newName -PassThru
            It 'Should have been renamed' {
                $gist.files.$originalName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
                $gist.files.$newName.content | Should -Be $content

            It 'Should have the expected additional type and properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should successfully remove the gist' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

    Describe 'Remove-GitHubGistFile' {
        BeforeAll {
            $fileName = 'sample.txt'
            $content = 'sample'

        Context 'With parameters' {
            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName $fileName -Content $content
            It 'Should have the expected file' {
                $gist.files.$fileName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

            $gist = Remove-GitHubGistFile -Gist $gist.id -FileName $fileName -Force -PassThru
            It 'Should have been removed' {
                $gist.files.$fileName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should have the expected additional type and properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should successfully remove the gist' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw

        Context 'With the gist on the pipeline' {
            $gist = New-GitHubGist -FileName $fileName -Content $content
            It 'Should have the expected file' {
                $gist.files.$fileName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

            $gist = $gist | Remove-GitHubGistFile -FileName $fileName -Confirm:$false -PassThru
            It 'Should have been removed' {
                $gist.files.$fileName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should have the expected additional type and properties' {
                $gist.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.Gist'
                $gist.GistId | Should -Be $gist.id
                $gist.owner.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should -Be 'GitHub.User'

            It 'Should successfully remove the gist' {
                { $gist | Remove-GitHubGist -Force } | Should -Not -Throw
    if (Test-Path -Path $script:originalConfigFile -PathType Leaf)
        # Restore the user's configuration to its pre-test state
        Restore-GitHubConfiguration -Path $script:originalConfigFile
        $script:originalConfigFile = $null