
function New-WIUserAgentDescriptorObject
        Create a new UserAgentDescriptorObject.
        Create a new PS4WI.UserAgentDescriptorObject for use in initiating a new scan.
        Allows you to configure predefined user agent or use custom user agent string
    .PARAMETER Standard
        Standard option to use: firefox, internetexplorer, chrome, iphone, ipad, android, windowsphone, windowsrt, none.
    .PARAMETER Custom
        Custom user agent string.
        If you would like to use custom user agent string then standard should be set to "none".

        [validateset('firefox', 'internetexplorer', 'chrome', 'iphone', 'ipad',
            'android', 'windowsphone', 'windowsrt', 'none')]

        Write-Verbose "New-WIUserAgentDescriptorObject Bound Parameters: $( $PSBoundParameters | Remove-SensitiveData | Out-String )"

        $body = @{ }

        switch ($psboundparameters.keys)
            'scanId' { $body.scanId = $ScanId }
            'mode'   { $body.mode = $Mode }

        Add-ObjectDetail -InputObject $body -TypeName PS4WI.UserAgentDescriptorObject