
$script:Guards = @()

function New-Guard
      Sets up a file system watcher to monitor files for changes, then run tests to verify things still work.
      Sets up a file system watcher to monitor files for changes, then run tests to verify things still work. The default test running is Pester, but any test runner can be supplied.
      Watch the current directory for changes and run Pester on any changes.
      New-Guard -Path .\lib\chef\knife\ -PathFilter '*.rb' -MonitorSubdirectories -TestCommand rspec -TestPath .\spec\unit\knife\
      Watch all .rb files under .\lib\chef\knife and when they change, run the unit tests
      dir *.ps1 | New-Guard -TestPath {"./Tests/$($_.basename).Tests.ps1"}
      Enumerate a directory and set up a test runner for each ps1 file based on its file name. For example hello.p1 would have the test ./Tests/hello.Tests.ps1

  param (
      # File or directory to monitor for changes
      $Path = $pwd,
      # Monitor recursively?
      # Standard path filter syntax
      # Command to execute to run tests. Defaults to Invoke-Pester.
      $TestCommand = 'Invoke-Pester',
      # File or directory containing the tests to run.
      # Start monitoring running tests immediately.
    $Path = (resolve-path $Path).path
    if (-not $psboundparameters.containskey('TestPath'))
      $TestPath = $Path
      $TestPath = (resolve-path $TestPath).Path

    $GuardFileSystemWatcherActionParameters = @{
      TestCommand = $TestCommand
      TestPath = $TestPath

    $FileSystemWatcherParameters = @{
      Path = $Path
      Action = New-GuardFileSystemWatcherAction @GuardFileSystemWatcherActionParameters
      IncludeSubdirectories = $MonitorSubdirectories
    if ($psboundparameters.containskey('pathfilter'))
      $FileSystemWatcherParameters.PathFilter = $PathFilter
    elseif (-not (get-item $path).PSIsContainer)
      $FileSystemWatcherParameters.PathFilter = split-path -leaf $path
      $FileSystemWatcherParameters.Path = split-path $path
    New-GuardFileSystemWatcher @FileSystemWatcherParameters
    if ($Wait)

function New-GuardFileSystemWatcherAction
  param( $TestCommand, $TestPath)

  $action = @"
`$Parameters = @{
  Path = `$eventargs.fullpath
  TestCommandString = '$TestCommand $TestPath'
Add-GuardQueueCommand @Parameters


function New-GuardFileSystemWatcher
  param (

  $file = $null

  Write-Verbose "Creating file system watcher for $path"
  $FileSystemWatcher = new-object IO.FileSystemWatcher $path
  Write-Verbose "`tInclude subdirectories: $IncludeSubdirectories"
  $FileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $IncludeSubdirectories
  if ($psboundparameters.containskey('PathFilter'))
    Write-Verbose "`tPath filter: $PathFilter"
    $FileSystemWatcher.Filter = $PathFilter
  Write-Verbose "`tUsing LastWrite as the notify filter."
  $FileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]'LastWrite'
  $script:Guards += Register-ObjectEvent $FileSystemWatcher -EventName 'Changed' -Action $action

function Add-GuardQueueCommand
  param (
  if ($Path -notlike '*\.git*')
    $array = $script:GuardQueue.ToArray()
    if ($array -notcontains $TestCommandString)
      Write-Verbose "$TestCommandString"

function Wait-Guard
      Blocks and checks a queue for new tests to run.
      Blocks and checks a queue for new tests to run.
      Wait-Guard -Seconds 10
      Starts blocking and checks the queue every 10 seconds.

    #Number of seconds to wait between queue checks
    $Seconds = 5

  do {
    if ($script:GuardQueue.count -gt 0)
      $Command = $script:GuardQueue.dequeue()
      Write-Verbose $Command
      invoke-expression "$Command"
    start-sleep -seconds $SecondsToDelay
  } while ($true)

function Remove-Guard
      Removes all the existing guards from a PowerShell session.
      Removes all the existing guards from a PowerShell session.

  foreach ($Guard in $script:Guards)
    Get-EventSubscriber $Guard.Name | Unregister-Event
    $Guard | Remove-Job
  Set-GuardCommandQueue -force
  $script:guards = @()

function Get-GuardQueue
  $script:GuardQueue = [appdomain]::CurrentDomain.GetData('GuardQueue')

function Get-GuardQueuePeek

function Set-GuardCommandQueue
  param ([switch] $force)
  if ((-not (Get-GuardQueue)) -or $force)
    [appdomain]::CurrentDomain.SetData("GuardQueue", (new-object System.Collections.Queue))