
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 1.9.9: Install-Module EZOut or https://github.com/StartAutomating/EZOut -->
      <Name>PowerShell Guide Topic FilePowerShell.Guide.Topic.File</Name>
        <TypeName>PowerShell Guide Topic File</TypeName>
        <TypeName>PowerShell Guide Topic File</TypeName>
                <ScriptBlock>$moduleName = 'PowerShellGuide'

            do {
                $lm = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
                if (-not $lm) { continue }
                if ($lm.FormatPartsLoaded) { break }
                $wholeScript = @(foreach ($formatFilePath in $lm.exportedFormatFiles) {
                    foreach ($partNodeName in Select-Xml -LiteralPath $formatFilePath -XPath "/Configuration/Controls/Control/Name[starts-with(., '$')]") {
                        $ParentNode = $partNodeName.Node.ParentNode
                }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
                New-Module -Name "${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml" -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(($wholeScript + ';Export-ModuleMember -Variable *'))) |
                    Import-Module -Global
                $onRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Remove-Module '${ModuleName}.format.ps1xml'")
                if (-not $lm.OnRemove) {
                    $lm.OnRemove = $onRemove
                } else {
                    $lm.OnRemove = [ScriptBlock]::Create($onRemove.ToString() + '' + [Environment]::NewLine + $lm.OnRemove)
                $lm | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatPartsLoaded $true -Force
            } while ($false)

        &amp; ${PowerShellGuide_Format-Yaml} -InputObject $_.Metadata
        if ($_.FrontMatter) {
            &amp; ${PowerShellGuide_Format-Yaml} -InputObject $_.FrontMatter
        "---") -join [Environment]::Newline
              <NewLine />
              <NewLine />
        $guideTopic = $_

        $codeFenceRegex = [Regex]::new(@'
    (?&lt;FenceChar&gt;[`\~]){3} # Code fences start with tildas or backticks, repeated at least 3 times
(?&lt;Language&gt; # Match a specific language
[\s-[\r\n]]{0,} # Match but do not capture initial whitespace.
(?&lt;Code&gt; # Capture the &lt;Code&gt; block
    (?:.|\s){0,}? # This is anything until
    (?=\z|\k&lt;FenceChar&gt;{3}) # the end of the string or the same matching fence chars
'@, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace,Singleline')

        $topicContent = $guideTopic.ToMarkdown()
        $hostSupportedHTML = $host.UI.SupportsHTML
        $host.UI | Add-Member NoteProperty SupportsHTML $true -Force
        $codeFenceRegex.Replace($topicContent, {

            $colorizedParts = $guideTopic.ColorizeCode($match.Groups["Code"].Value)
            return ("&lt;pre&gt;" +
            $(@(foreach ($colorizedPart in $colorizedParts) {
                if ($colorizedPart.InputObject -eq [Environment]::NewLine) {
                elseif ($colorizedPart.InputObject -match '^\s+$') {
                    $colorizedPart.InputObject -replace '\s', "&amp;nbsp;"
                else {
                    &amp; ${PowerShellGuide_Format-RichText} @colorizedPart
            }) -join '') +
        $host.UI | Add-Member NoteProperty SupportsHTML $hostSupportedHTML -Force
        Formats objects as YAML
        Formats an object as YAML.
        Format-Yaml -InputObject @("a", "b", "c")
        @{a="b";c="d";e=@{f=@('g')}} | Format-Yaml
    [ValidateScript({return $true})]
    # The InputObject.

    # If set, will make a YAML header by adding a YAML Document tag above and below output.

    $Indent = 0,

    # The maximum depth of objects to include.
    # Beyond this depth, an empty string will be returned.

    begin {
        $toYaml = {
            [int]$Indent = 0)
            begin { $n = 0; $mySelf = $myInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock }
            process {
                if ($Object -eq $null) { return }

                if ($depth) {
                    $myDepth = $indent / 2
                    if ($myDepth -gt $depth) {
                        return ''
                if ($Parent -and $Parent -is [Collections.IList]) {
                    if ($Parent.IndexOf($Object) -gt 0) { ' ' * $Indent }
                    '- '
                #region Primitives
                if ( $Object -is [string] ) { # If it's a string
                    if ($object -match '\n') { # see if it's a multline string.
                        "|" # If it is, emit the multiline indicator
                        $indent +=2
                        foreach ($l in $object -split '(?&gt;\r\n|\n)') { # and emit each line indented
                            ' ' * $indent
                        $indent -=2
                    } elseif ("$object".Contains('*')) {
                        "'$($Object -replace "'","''")'"
                    } else {
                    if ($Parent -is [Collections.IList]) { # If the parent object was a list
                        [Environment]::NewLine # emit a newline.
                    return # Once the string has been emitted, return.
                if ( $Object.GetType().IsPrimitive ) { # If it is a primitive type
                    "$Object".ToLower() # Emit it in lowercase.
                    if ($Parent -is [Collections.IList]) {
                #endregion Primitives
                #region KVP
                if ( $Object -is [Collections.DictionaryEntry] -or $object -is [Management.Automation.PSPropertyInfo]) {
                    if ($Parent -isnot [Collections.IList] -and
                        ($GrandParent -isnot [Collections.IList] -or $n -gt 1)) {
                        [Environment]::NewLine + (" " * $Indent)
                    if ($object.Key -and $Object.Key -is [string]) {
                        $Object.Key +": "
                    } elseif ($object.Name -and $object.Name -is [string]) {
                        $Object.Name +": "
                if ( $Object -is [Collections.DictionaryEntry] -or $Object -is [Management.Automation.PSPropertyInfo]) {
                    &amp; $mySelf -Object $Object.Value -Parent $Object -GrandParent $parent -Indent $Indent
                #endregion KVP
                #region Nested
                if ($parent -and ($Object -is [Collections.IDictionary] -or $Object -is [PSObject])) {
                    $Indent += 2
                elseif ($object -is [Collections.IList]) {
                    $allPrimitive = 1
                    foreach ($Obj in $Object) {
                        $allPrimitive = $allPrimitive -band (
                            $Obj -is [string] -or
                    if ($parent -and -not $allPrimitive) {
                        $Indent += 2
                if ( $Object -is [Collections.IDictionary] ) {
                    $Object.GetEnumerator() |
                        &amp; $mySelf -Parent $Object -GrandParent $Parent -Indent $Indent
                } elseif ($Object -is [Collections.IList]) {
                    [Environment]::NewLine + (' ' * $Indent)
                    $Object |
                        &amp; $mySelf -Parent $Object -GrandParent $Parent -Indent $Indent
                elseif ($object -is [enum]) {
                elseif ($Object.PSObject.Properties) {
                    $Object.psobject.properties |
                        &amp; $mySelf -Parent $Object -GrandParent $Parent -Indent $Indent
                if ($Object -is [Collections.IDictionary] -or $Object -is [PSCustomObject] -or $Object -is [Collections.IList]) {
                    if ($Parent -is [Collections.IList]) { [Environment]::NewLine }
                    $Indent -= 2;
                #endregion Nested
        function IndentString([string]$String,[int]$Indent) {
            @(foreach ($line in @($String -split '(?&gt;\r\n|\n)')) {
                (' ' * $indent) + $line
            }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
        $inputWasNotPiped = $PSBoundParameters.InputObject -as [bool]
        $allInputObjects = @()

    process {
        if ($inputWasNotPiped) {
            IndentString ('' + $(if ($YamlHeader) { '---' + [Environment]::NewLine }) + (
                (&amp; $toYaml -object $inputObject) -join '' -replace
                    "$([Environment]::NewLine * 2)", [Environment]::NewLine
            ) + $(if ($YamlHeader) { [Environment]::NewLine + '---'})) -Indent $Indent
        } else {
            $allInputObjects += $inputObject

    end {
        if (-not $allInputObjects) { return }
        if ($allInputObjects.Length -eq 1) {
            IndentString ('' + $(if ($YamlHeader) { '---' + [Environment]::NewLine}) + (
                (&amp; $toYaml -object $inputObject) -join '' -replace
                    "$([Environment]::NewLine * 2)", [Environment]::NewLine
            ) + $(if ($YamlHeader) { [Environment]::NewLine + '---'})) -Indent $Indent
        } else {
            IndentString ('' + $(if ($YamlHeader) { '---' + [Environment]::NewLine}) + (
                (&amp; $toYaml -object $allInputObjects) -join '' -replace
                    "$([Environment]::NewLine * 2)", [Environment]::NewLine
            ) + $(if ($YamlHeader) { [Environment]::NewLine + '---'})) -Indent $Indent
        Formats the text color of output
        Formats the text color of output

        * ForegroundColor
        * BackgroundColor
        * Bold
        * Underline
        Stylized Output works in two contexts at present:
        * Rich consoles (Windows Terminal, PowerShell.exe, Pwsh.exe) (when $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal)
        * Web pages (Based off the presence of a $Request variable, or when $host.UI.SupportsHTML (you must add this property to $host.UI))
        $canUseANSI = $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal
        $canUseHTML = $Request -or $host.UI.SupportsHTML -or $OutputMode -eq 'HTML'
        if (-not ($canUseANSI -or $canUseHTML)) { return $false}
        return $true
    # The input object
    # The foreground color

    # The background color

    # If set, will render as bold

    # If set, will render as italic.

    # If set, will render as faint

    # If set, will render as hidden text.

    # If set, will render as blinking (not supported in all terminals or HTML)

    # If set, will render as strikethru
    [Alias('Strikethrough', 'Crossout')]

    # If set, will underline text

    # If set, will double underline text.

    # If set, will invert text

    # If provided, will create a hyperlink to a given uri
    [Alias('Hyperlink', 'Href')]

    # If set, will not clear formatting

    # The alignment. Defaulting to Left.
    # Setting an alignment will pad the remaining space on each line.

    # The length of a line. By default, the buffer width
    [int]$LineLength = $($host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width)

    begin {
        $canUseANSI = $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal
        $canUseHTML = $Request -or $host.UI.SupportsHTML -or $OutputMode -eq 'HTML'
        $knownStreams = @{

        $ansiCode = [Regex]::new(@'
        (?-i)\e # An Escape
        \[ # Followed by a bracket
        (?&lt;ParameterBytes&gt;[\d\:\;\&lt;\=\&gt;\?]{0,}) # Followed by zero or more parameter
        (?&lt;IntermediateBytes&gt;[\s\!\"\#\$\%\&amp;\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/]{0,}) # Followed by zero or more
        intermediate bytes
        (?&lt;FinalByte&gt;[\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]\^_\`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{\|\}\~]) # Followed by a final byte
        $esc = [char]0x1b
        $standardColors = 'Black', 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Blue','Magenta', 'Cyan', 'White'
        $brightColors = 'BrightBlack', 'BrightRed', 'BrightGreen', 'BrightYellow', 'BrightBlue','BrightMagenta', 'BrightCyan', 'BrightWhite'

        $allOutput = @()

        $n =0
        $cssClasses = @()
        $colorAttributes =
            @(:nextColor foreach ($hc in $ForegroundColor,$BackgroundColor) {
                if (-not $hc) { continue }
                if ($hc[0] -eq $esc) {
                    if ($canUseANSI) {
                        $hc; continue
                $ansiStartPoint = if ($n -eq 1) { 30 } else { 40 }
                if ($knownStreams.ContainsKey($hc)) {
                    $i = $brightColors.IndexOf($knownStreams[$hc])
                    if ($canUseHTML) {
                        $cssClasses += $hc
                    } else {
                        if ($i -ge 0 -and $canUseANSI) {
                            '' + $esc + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                        } else {
                            $i = $standardColors.IndexOf($knownStreams[$hc])
                            if ($i -ge 0 -and $canUseANSI) {
                                '' + $esc + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                            } elseif ($i -le 0 -and $canUseANSI) {
                                '' + $esc + "[$($ansistartpoint + 8):5m"
                    continue nextColor
                elseif ($standardColors -contains $hc) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $standardColors.Count;$i++) {
                        if ($standardColors[$i] -eq $hc) {
                            if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                                '' + $esc + "[$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                            } else {
                                $cssClasses += $standardColors[$i]
                            continue nextColor
                } elseif ($brightColors -contains $hc) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $brightColors.Count;$i++) {
                        if ($brightColors[$i] -eq $hc) {
                            if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                                '' + $esc + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m"
                            } else {
                                $cssClasses += $standardColors[$i]
                            continue nextColor
                elseif ($psStyle -and $psStyle.Formatting.$hc -and
                    $psStyle.Formatting.$hc -match '^\e') {
                    if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                    } else {
                        $cssClasses += "formatting-$hc"
                elseif (-not $n -and $psStyle -and $psStyle.Foreground.$hc -and
                    $psStyle.Foreground.$hc -match '^\e' ) {
                    if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                    } else {
                        $cssClasses += "foreground-$hc"
                elseif ($n -and $psStyle -and $psStyle.Background.$hc -and
                    $psStyle.Background.$hc -match '^\e') {
                    if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                    } else {
                        $cssClasses += "background-$hc"

                if ($hc -and $hc -notmatch '^[\#\e]') {
                        @(if ($hc.Contains('.')) {
                            $module, $setting = $hc -split '\.', 2
                            $theModule = Get-Module $module
                        } else {
                            $setting = $hc
                            $moduleColorSetting = $theModule.PrivateData.PSColors.$setting
                    foreach ($place in $placesToLook) {
                        if (-not $place) { continue }
                        foreach ($propName in $setting -split '\.') {
                            $place = $place.$propName
                            if (-not $place) { break }
                        if ($place -and "$place".StartsWith('#') -and 4,7 -contains "$place".Length) {
                            $hc = $place
                    if (-not $hc.StartsWith -or -not $hc.StartsWith('#')) {
                $r,$g,$b = if ($hc.Length -eq 7) {
                    [int]::Parse($hc[1..2]-join'', 'HexNumber')
                    [int]::Parse($hc[3..4]-join '', 'HexNumber')
                    [int]::Parse($hc[5..6] -join'', 'HexNumber')
                }elseif ($hc.Length -eq 4) {
                    [int]::Parse($hc[1], 'HexNumber') * 16
                    [int]::Parse($hc[2], 'HexNumber') * 16
                    [int]::Parse($hc[3], 'HexNumber') * 16
                if ($canUseHTML) {
                    if ($n -eq 1) { "color:$hc" }
                    elseif ($n -eq 2) { "background-color:$hc"}
                elseif ($canUseANSI) {
                    if ($n -eq 1) { $esc+"[38;2;$r;$g;${b}m" }
                    elseif ($n -eq 2) { $esc+"[48;2;$r;$g;${b}m" }
        $styleAttributes = @() + $colorAttributes
        $styleAttributes += @(
            if ($Bold) {
                if ($canUseHTML) {"font-weight:bold"}
                elseif ($canUseANSI) { '' + $esc + "[1m" }
            if ($Faint) {
                if ($canUseHTML) { "opacity:.5" }
                elseif ($canUseANSI) { '' + $esc + "[2m" }
            if ($Italic) {
                if ($canUseHTML) { "font-weight:bold" }
                elseif ($canUseANSI) {'' + $esc + "[3m" }
            if ($Underline -and -not $doubleUnderline) {
                if ($canUseHTML) { "text-decoration:underline"}
                elseif ($canUseANSI) {'' +$esc + "[4m" }

            if ($Blink) {
                if ($canUseANSI) { '' +$esc + "[5m" }

            if ($invert) {
                if ($canUseHTML) {"filter:invert(100%)"}
                elseif ($canUseANSI) { '' + $esc + "[7m"}

            if ($hide) {
                if ($canUseHTML) {"opacity:0"}
                elseif ($canUseANSI) { '' + $esc + "[8m"}
            if ($Strikethru) {
                if ($canUseHTML) {"text-decoration: line-through"}
                elseif ($canUseANSI) { '' +$esc + "[9m" }
            if ($DoubleUnderline) {
                if ($canUseHTML) { "border-bottom: 3px double;"}
                elseif ($canUseANSI) {'' +$esc + "[21m" }

            if ($Alignment -and $canUseHTML) {

            if ($Link) {
                if ($canUseHTML) {
                    # Hyperlinks need to be a nested element
                    # so we will not add it to style attributes for HTML
                elseif ($canUseANSI) {
                    # For ANSI,
                    '' + $esc + ']8m;;' + $Link + $esc + '\'
        $header =
            if ($canUseHTML) {
                    if ($styleAttributes) { " style='$($styleAttributes -join ';')'"}
                    if ($cssClasses) { " class='$($cssClasses -join ' ')'"}
                )&gt;" + $(
                    if ($Link) {
                        "&lt;a href='$link'&gt;"
            } elseif ($canUseANSI) {
                $styleAttributes -join ''

    process {
        $inputObjectAsString =
            "$(if ($inputObject) { $inputObject | Out-String})".Trim()

        $inputObjectAsString =
            if ($Alignment -and -not $canUseHTML) {
                (@(foreach ($inputObjectLine in ($inputObjectAsString -split '(?&gt;\r\n|\n)')) {
                    $inputObjectLength = $ansiCode.Replace($inputObjectLine, '').Length
                    if ($inputObjectLength -lt $LineLength) {
                        if ($Alignment -eq 'Left') {
                        } elseif ($Alignment -eq 'Right') {
                            (' ' * ($LineLength - $inputObjectLength)) + $inputObjectLine
                        } else {
                            $half = ($LineLength - $inputObjectLength)/2
                            (' ' * [Math]::Floor($half)) + $inputObjectLine +
                            (' ' * [Math]::Ceiling($half))
                    else {
                }) -join [Environment]::NewLine) + [Environment]::newline
            } else {

        $allOutput +=
            if ($header) {
                "$header" + $inputObjectAsString
            elseif ($inputObject) {

    end {
        if (-not $NoClear) {
            $allOutput +=
                if ($canUseHTML) {
                    if ($Link) {
                elseif ($canUseANSI) {
                    if ($Bold -or $Faint -or $colorAttributes -match '\[1;') {
                    if ($Italic) {
                    if ($Underline -or $doubleUnderline) {
                    if ($Blink) {
                    if ($Invert) {
                    if ($hide) {
                    if ($Strikethru) {
                    if ($ForegroundColor) {
                    if ($BackgroundColor) {

                    if ($Link) {
                    if (-not ($Underline -or $Bold -or $Invert -or $ForegroundColor -or $BackgroundColor)) {
                        '' + $esc + '[0m'

        $allOutput -join ''