
Function ConvertFrom-KPObject {
        Convert one or more PwEntry or PWGroup objects into a readable PSCustomObject
        Convert one or more PwEntry or PWGroup objects into a readable PSCustomObject. By default only four columns are shown in a table, but there are 27 values for PwEntry and 21 for PwGroup
    .PARAMETER KeePassDatabase
        Specifies the KeePass database object to search
    .PARAMETER KeePassDatabase
        Specifies the KeePass database object to search
    .PARAMETER KeePassEntry
        Specifies one or more PwEntry objects to convert
    .PARAMETER KeePassGroup
        Specifies one or more PwGroup objects to convert
    .PARAMETER WithCredential
        If specifying a PwEntry, also return the username and password as a PowerShell credential object
    .PARAMETER AsPlainText
        If specifying a PwEntry, also return the password as plain text
    .PARAMETER ReplaceColumn
        Used internally. Replace a default shown column with the specified one
        ConvertFrom-KPObject -KeePassDatabase $KeePassDatabase -KeePassEntry $KeePassEntry -WithCredential -AsPlainText
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page

    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '', Scope = 'Function')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Entry', Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Group', Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Entry')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Entry')]


    Begin {
        # Set default object property display
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Entry') {
            $defaultSet = @('Title', 'UserName', 'Url', 'LastModified')
        Else {
            $defaultSet = @('Name', 'FullPath', 'EntryCount', 'GroupCount')

        If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ReplaceColumn)) {
            $del, $add = $ReplaceColumn.Split('>')
            $defaultSet.SetValue($add, $defaultSet.IndexOf($del))

        $defaultPropertySet = (New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet'('DefaultDisplayPropertySet', [string[]]$defaultSet))
        $PSMemberInfo       = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultPropertySet)

    Process {
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Entry') {
            ForEach ($entry In $KeePassEntry) {
                [string]$username = $($entry.Strings.ReadSafe('UserName'))
                [string]$clrPassW = $($entry.Strings.ReadSafe('Password'))
                [string]$passQual = ([KeePassLib.Cryptography.QualityEstimation]::EstimatePasswordBits($clrPassW))

                If ($entry.Strings.GetSafe('Password').IsEmpty -eq $true) {
                    [string]$password = '(none)'
                    [string]$passQual = '(n/a)'
                Else {
                    [string]$password = '********'
                    If ($AsPlainText.IsPresent) { $password = $clrPassW }
                    If ($WithCredential.IsPresent) {
                        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($username)) { $username = '(none)' }
                        $entryCredential = (New-Object -TypeName 'pscredential' -ArgumentList @( $username, $clrPassW | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

                $keePassObject = ([pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                    'Uuid'            = $entry.Uuid.ToHexString()
                    'Title'           = $entry.Strings.ReadSafe('Title')
                    'UserName'        = $entry.Strings.ReadSafe('UserName')
                    'Password'        = $password
                    'PasswordQuality' = $passQual    # Also set below
                    'Url'             = $entry.Strings.ReadSafe('URL')
                    'Notes'           = $entry.Strings.ReadSafe('Notes')
                    'FullPath'        = $entry.ParentGroup.GetFullPath('/', $true)
                    'Icon'            = ''    # Set below
                    'CustomIcon'      = ''    # Set below
                    'Created'         = $entry.CreationTime
                    'LastAccessed'    = $entry.LastAccessTime
                    'LastModified'    = $entry.LastModificationTime
                    'Expiry'          = ''    # Set below
                    'LocationChanged' = $entry.LocationChanged
                    'Touched'         = $entry.Touched
                    'UsageCount'      = $entry.UsageCount
                    'Fields'          = @()    # Set below
                    'Binaries'        = @($entry.Binaries)
                    'SizeKB'          = $(($entry.GetSize() / 1KB) -as [int])
                    'Foreground'      = $entry.ForegroundColor
                    'Background'      = $entry.BackgroundColor
                    'Tags'            = $entry.Tags
                    'OverrideUrl'     = $entry.OverrideUrl
                    'AutoType'        = $entry.AutoType
                    'Credential'      = $entryCredential
                    'KeePassObject'   = $entry

                # PASSWORD QUALITY
                # Table from:
                If ($passQual -ne '(n/a)') {
                    [float]$Quality = $(([math]::Min([float]$passQual, [double]128) / [float]128.0))
                    If     ($Quality -le 0.2) { $keePassObject.PasswordQuality =   "Very Weak ($passQual bits)" }
                    ElseIf ($Quality -le 0.4) { $keePassObject.PasswordQuality =        "Weak ($passQual bits)" }
                    ElseIf ($Quality -le 0.6) { $keePassObject.PasswordQuality =    "Moderate ($passQual bits)" }
                    ElseIf ($Quality -le 0.8) { $keePassObject.PasswordQuality =      "Strong ($passQual bits)" }
                    Else                      { $keePassObject.PasswordQuality = "Very Strong ($passQual bits)" }

                # ICON / CUSTOMICON
                If ($entry.CustomIconUuid -ne ([KeePassLib.PwUuid]::Zero)) {
                    $keePassObject.Icon       = ''
                    $keePassObject.CustomIcon = $KeePassDatabase.GetCustomIconIndex($entry.CustomIconUuid)
                Else {
                    $keePassObject.Icon       = $entry.IconId
                    $keePassObject.CustomIcon = ''

                # EXPIRY
                If ($entry.Expires -eq 'True') {
                    $keePassObject.Expiry = $entry.ExpiryTime
                Else {
                    $keePassObject.Expiry = 'N/A'

                # FIELDS
                $entry.Strings | `
                    Where-Object { $_.Key -notmatch 'Notes|Password|Title|Url|UserName' } | `
                    ForEach-Object {
                        $keePassObject.Fields += [pscustomobject]@{
                            Name = $_.Key
                            Value = $entry.Strings.ReadSafe($_.key)

                $keePassObject.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'KeePassEntry.Output')
                $keePassObject | Add-Member -MemberType MemberSet -Name PSStandardMembers -Value $PSMemberInfo
                Write-Output $keePassObject
        Else {
            ForEach ($group In $KeePassGroup) {
                $keePassObject = ([pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                    'Uuid'                    = $group.Uuid.ToHexString()
                    'Name'                    = $group.Name
                    'Notes'                   = $group.Notes
                    'FullPath'                = $group.GetFullPath('/', $true)
                    'IconId'                  = $group.IconId
                    'CustomIconIndex'         = $KeePassDatabase.GetCustomIconIndex($group.CustomIconUuid)
                    'Groups'                  = $group.Groups
                    'GroupCount'              = $group.Groups.UCount
                    'Entries'                 = $group.Entries
                    'EntryCount'              = $group.Entries.UCount
                    'Created'                 = $group.CreationTime
                    'LastAccessed'            = $group.LastAccessTime
                    'LastModified'            = $group.LastModificationTime
                    'Expiry'                  = ''    # Set below
                    'LocationChanged'         = $group.LocationChanged
                    'Touched'                 = $group.Touched
                    'UsageCount'              = $group.UsageCount
                    'EnableAutoType'          = ''    # Set below
                    'EnableSearching'         = ''    # Set below
                    'DefaultAutoTypeSequence' = ''    # Set below
                    'KeePassObject'           = $group

                If ($group.Expires -eq 'False') { $keePassObject.Expiry = $group.ExpiryTime } Else { $keePassObject.Expiry = 'N/A' }

                @('EnableAutoType','EnableSearching','DefaultAutoTypeSequence') | ForEach-Object {
                    If ($($group.$_.Length) -eq 0) { $keePassObject.$_ = 'Inherited' } Else { $keePassObject.$_ = $($group.$_) }

                $keePassObject.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'KeePassEntry.Output')
                $keePassObject | Add-Member -MemberType MemberSet -Name PSStandardMembers -Value $PSMemberInfo
                Write-Output $keePassObject

    End {