
Function Get-KPGroupTreeView {
        Helps to draw a tree view of the currently database
        Helps to draw a tree view of the currently database. This will either output to the screen in colour, or output to a text file.
    .PARAMETER KeePassDatabase
        Specifies the KeePass database object to search
    .PARAMETER Group
        Specfies the current group to be shown
    .PARAMETER ShowEntries
        Specfies if entries are being shown
    .PARAMETER Entries
        Specfies the list of entries to show at this level
    .PARAMETER Level
        Specfies the current indent level
    .PARAMETER GroupsVisitedBeforeThisOne
        Specfies the ist of group already visited. This helps prevent cyclic dependancies
    .PARAMETER LastGroupOfTheLevel
        Specfies if this is the last group of this level
    .PARAMETER LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag
        Specfies if this is the last group at this level
    .PARAMETER OutFile
        Specfies the file to output the results to
        Get-KPGroupTreeView -KeePassDatabase $KeePassDatabase -Group $KeePassDatabase.RootGroup -Level 0 -LastGroupOfTheLevel $false -GroupsVisitedBeforeThisOne = @{}
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    [string]$padding = ''
    [string[]]$char  = @(' ', "$([char]9474) ", "$([char]9492)$([char]9472) ", "$([char]9500)$([char]9472) ")

    If ($LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag.Count -le $level) {
        $LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag = $LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag + 0

    For ($i = 0; $i -lt ($level - 1); $i++) {
        If ($LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag[$i] -ne 0) {
            Write-Out -Message $($char[0]) -Colour Cyan -NoNewLine -OutFile $OutFile
            $padding += $($char[0])
        Else {
            Write-Out -Message $($char[1]) -Colour Cyan -NoNewLine -OutFile $OutFile
            $padding += $($char[1])

    If ($level -ne 0) {
        If ($LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag[$level - 1] -eq 1) {
            Write-Out -Message $($char[2]) -Colour Cyan -NoNewLine -OutFile $OutFile
        Else {
            Write-Out -Message $($char[3]) -Colour Cyan -NoNewLine -OutFile $OutFile

    [System.ConsoleColor]$drawColour = 'Yellow'
    [string]$recycleBin = ''
    If (($KeePassDatabase.RecycleBinEnabled -eq $true) -and ($Group.Uuid -eq $KeePassDatabase.RecycleBinUuid)) {
        $drawColour = 'Magenta'
        $recycleBin = '[R] '
    Write-Out -Message "$recycleBin$($Group.Name)" -Colour $drawColour -OutFile $OutFile

    [int]$cnt = 0
    If ($ShowEntries.IsPresent) {
        ForEach ($item In $Entries) {
            $sybl  = $($char[3])
            $extra = $($char[$(-not $LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag[$level - 1])])
            If ((($Level -eq 0) -or ($Group.Groups.UCount -eq 0)) -and ($Entries.Count -eq $cnt)) { $sybl = $($char[2]) }

            Write-Out -Message $padding$extra$sybl -Colour Cyan -NoNewLine -OutFile $OutFile
            Write-Out -Message "E: $($item.Strings.ReadSafe('Title'))" -Colour Green -OutFile $OutFile

    $groupsVisitedBeforeThisOne.Add($group.Uuid, $null)
    $groupMemberShipCount = $group.Groups.UCount

    If ($groupMemberShipCount -gt 0) {
        $maxSubGroupLevel = 0
        $count = 0

        ForEach($subGroup In $group.Groups) {
            $lastGroupOfTheLevel = $false

            If ($count -eq $groupMemberShipCount) {
                $lastGroupOfTheLevel = $true
                $LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag[$level] = 1

            # Prevent cyclic dependancies
            If (-not $groupsVisitedBeforeThisOne.Contains($subGroup.Uuid)) {
                If ($ShowEntries.IsPresent) {
                    $subEntries = $subGroup.Entries

                $subGroupLevel = Get-KPGroupTreeView `
                    -KeePassDatabase $KeePassDatabase `
                    -Group $subGroup `
                    -Level $($Level + 1) `
                    -GroupsVisitedBeforeThisOne $GroupsVisitedBeforeThisOne `
                    -LastGroupOfTheLevel $LastGroupOfTheLevel `
                    -LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag $LastGroupAtThisLevelFlag `
                    -ShowEntries:$ShowEntries.IsPresent `
                    -Entries $subEntries `
                    -OutFile $OutFile

                If ($subGroupLevel -gt $maxSubGroupLevel) {
                    $maxSubGroupLevel = $subGroupLevel
        $level = $maxSubGroupLevel
    Else {
        Return $level    # We've reached the top level group, return it's height
    Return $level

Function Write-Out {
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '', Scope = 'Function')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [System.ConsoleColor]$Colour = 'White',



    If ($OutFile) {
        Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Encoding utf8 -NoNewline:$NoNewLine.IsPresent -Append -Force -InputObject $Message
    Else {
        Write-Host -Object $Message -ForegroundColor $Colour -NoNewline:$NoNewLine.IsPresent