
Function Remove-KeePassAttachment {
        Remove one or more attachments from a KeePass entry
        Remove one or more attachments from a KeePass entry
    .PARAMETER KeePassDatabase
        Specifies the KeePass database object to search
        Specifies the Uuid of the entry to remove from. This can be either a PwUuid object or the hex representation of it
        Specifies one or more attachment names to remove
        Remove-KeePassAttachment -KeePassDatabase $KeePassDatabase -Uuid '1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef' -Name @('Attachment1.txt', 'Attachment2.txt')
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = '__default', SupportsShouldProcess)]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Begin {
        If ($KeePassDatabase.IsOpen -eq $false) {
            Throw 'The KeePass database specified is not open'

        [KeePassLib.PwEntry]$currEntry = (Test-KPIsValidEntry -KeePassDatabase $KeePassDatabase -InputObject $Uuid)
        If (-not $currEntry) { Throw 'Invalid Uuid given' }

    Process {
        ForEach ($item In $Name) {
            If (-not $currEntry.Binaries.Get($item)) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Attachment '$item' does not exist, skipping"

            If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, 'Removing entry attachment')) {


    End {
