
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\PowerShellNotebook.psd1 -Force

Describe "Test Invoke PS Notebook" {

    It "Should have Invoke-PowerShellNotebook" {
        $actual = Get-Command Invoke-PowerShellNotebook -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $actual | Should Not Be $Null

    It "Should have these results from the Invoke-PowerShellNotebook" {
        $actual = Invoke-PowerShellNotebook "$PSScriptRoot\GoodNotebooks\testPSNb1.ipynb"

        $actual | Should Not Be $Null

        $actual.Count | Should Be 2

        $actual[0] | Should Be 20
        $actual[1] | Should Be 11

    It "Should have these results from the testPSExcel.ipynb" {
        $actual = Invoke-PowerShellNotebook "$PSScriptRoot\GoodNotebooks\testPSExcel.ipynb"

        $actual.Count | Should Be 3

        # Returns results from get-service
        $propertyNames = $actual[0][0].psobject.Properties.name
        $propertyNames[0] | Should Be 'Status'
        $propertyNames[1] | Should Be 'Name'
        $propertyNames[2] | Should Be 'DisplayName'

        # Returns results from get-process
        $propertyNames = $actual[1][0].psobject.Properties.name
        $propertyNames[0] | Should Be 'Company'
        $propertyNames[1] | Should Be 'Name'
        $propertyNames[2] | Should Be 'Handles'

        # Returns results from an array
        $actual[2].Count | Should Be 10

    It "Should create and Excel file" {
        $actual = Invoke-PowerShellNotebook "$PSScriptRoot\GoodNotebooks\testPSExcel.ipynb" -AsExcel

        $actualPath = Split-Path $actual
        $expectedPath = $pwd.path

        $actualPath | Should Be $expectedPath

        $actualExcelFileName = Split-Path $actual -Leaf
        $expectedExcelFileName = "testPSExcel.xlsx"

        $actualExcelFileName | Should Be $expectedExcelFileName

        Remove-Item $actual #-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    It "Should export to an Excel file to cwd from the testPSExcel.ipynb" {
        $actual = Invoke-PowerShellNotebook "$PSScriptRoot\GoodNotebooks\testPSExcel.ipynb" -AsExcel
        $actual | Should Be "$PSScriptRoot\testPSExcel.xlsx"

        $sheets = Get-ExcelSheetInfo $actual

        $sheets.Count | Should Be 3

        $sheets[0].Name | Should Be 'Sheet1'
        $sheets[1].Name | Should Be 'Sheet2'
        $sheets[2].Name | Should Be 'Sheet3'

        Remove-Item $actual -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    It "Should read and execute a single code block" {
        $actual = @(Invoke-PowerShellNotebook "$PSScriptRoot\GoodNotebooks\SingleCodeBlock.ipynb")

        $actual.Count | Should Be 1

        $record = $actual[0]
        $record[0].Region | Should BeExactly "South"
        $record[0].Item | Should BeExactly "lime"
        $record[0].TotalSold | Should Be 20

        $record[1].Region | Should BeExactly "West"
        $record[1].Item | Should BeExactly "melon"
        $record[1].TotalSold | Should Be 76

    It "Should read and execute a code block stored as a string" {
        $actual = @(Invoke-PowerShellNotebook "$PSScriptRoot\MultiLineSourceNotebooks\MultiLineSourceAsString.ipynb")

        $actual[0][0] | Should Be 1
        $actual[0][9] | Should Be 10

    It "Should read and execute a code block stored as an array" {
        $actual = @(Invoke-PowerShellNotebook "$PSScriptRoot\MultiLineSourceNotebooks\MultiLineSourceAsArray.ipynb")

        $actual[0][0] | Should Be 1
        $actual[0][9] | Should Be 10