
function ConvertTo-PowerShellNoteBook {
        Convert PowerShell scripts (ps1 files) to interactive notebooks (ipynb files)
        Convert PowerShell scripts on disk or the internet to interactive notebooks that can be run in Azure Data Studio or with `Invoke-ExecuteMethod`
        ConvertTo-PowerShellNoteBook -InputFileName c:\Temp\demo.txt -OutputNotebookName c:\Temp\demo.ipynb
        ConvertTo-PowerShellNoteBook ''
             dir *.ps1
        ) | ConvertTo-PowerShellNoteBook

        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]        
        [Alias('FullName', 'Path')]
    Process {
            Parsing section.

        Write-Progress -Activity "Converting PowerShell file to Notebook" -Status "Converting $($InputFileName)"

        if ([System.Uri]::IsWellFormedUriString($InputFileName, [System.UriKind]::Absolute)) {    
            $s = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $InputFileName
        else {
            $InputFileName = Resolve-Path $InputFileName
            $s = Get-Content -Raw $InputFileName            

        # if no $OutputNotebookName, grab the filename and replace the ps1
        # should work with both filenames and uri's
        if (!$OutputNotebookName) {
            $OutputNotebookName = (Split-Path -leaf  $InputFileName) -replace '.ps1', '.ipynb'
            $OutputNotebookName = $pwd.Path + "\" + $OutputNotebookName

        try {
            # $CommentRanges = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize((Get-Content -Raw $InputFileName), [ref]$null).Where( { $_.Type -eq 'Comment' }) |
            $CommentRanges = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($s, [ref]$null).Where( { $_.Type -eq 'Comment' }) |
            Select-Object -Property Start, Length, Type, Content 
        Catch {
            "This is not a valid PowerShell file" 
        $BlocksWitGaps = @()
        $Previous = $null
        foreach ($CommentBlock in $CommentRanges ) {
            $BlockOffsets = [ordered]@{
                Start              = $CommentBlock.Start;
                StopOffset         = $CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length;
                Length             = $CommentBlock.Length;
                GapLength          = [int] $CommentBlock.Start - $Previous.StopOffset;
                PreviousStart      = $Previous.Start;
                PreviousStopOffset = $Previous.StopOffset;
                Type               = 'Code';
                GapText            = IF ($CommentBlock.Start - $Previous.StopOffset -gt 1) { [string] $s.Substring($Previous.StopOffset, ($CommentBlock.Start - $Previous.StopOffset)).trimstart() }else { [string] '' };
                Content            = $CommentBlock.Content
            $Previous = $BlockOffsets
            $BlocksWitGaps += [pscustomobject] $BlockOffsets
        $AllBlocks = @()
        $Previous = $null
        $AllBlocks = $CommentRanges
        <# Catch anything missed from the tail of the file, add it to $AllBlocks #>
        if ($BlocksWitGaps.Count -eq 1) {
            <# This step handles ading the psobjects together if $CommentBlock isn't an array. #>
            $AllBlocks = @($CommentBlock; [pscustomobject][Ordered]@{
                    Start   = ($CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length);
                    Length  = $s.Length - ($CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length);
                    Type    = 'Gap';
                    Content = $s.Substring(($CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length), ($s.Length - ($CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length))).trimstart()
        else {
            if (($CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length) -lt $s.Length) {
                $AllBlocks += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                    Start   = ($CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length);
                    Length  = $s.Length - ($CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length);
                    Type    = 'Gap';
                    Content = $s.Substring(($CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length), ($s.Length - ($CommentBlock.Start + $CommentBlock.Length))).trimstart()
        foreach ($GapBlock in $BlocksWitGaps ) {
            $GapOffsets = [ordered]@{
                Start      = $GapBlock.PreviousStopOffset;
                StopOffset = $GapBlock.Start;
                Length     = $GapBlock.GapLength;
                Type       = 'Gap';
                Content    = $GapBlock.GapText.trimstart()
            $Previous = $GapOffsets
            $AllBlocks += if ($GapOffsets.Length -gt 0) { [pscustomobject] $GapOffsets }
            Notebook creation section.

        New-PSNotebook -NoteBookName $OutputNotebookName {
            foreach ($Block in $AllBlocks | Sort-Object Start ) {
                switch ($Block.Type) {
                    'Comment' {
                        $TextBlock = $s.Substring($Block.Start, $Block.Length) -replace ("\n", " `n ")
                        if ($TextBlock.Trim().length -gt 0) {
                            Add-NotebookMarkdown -markdown (-join $TextBlock)
                    'Gap' {
                        $GapBlock = $s.Substring($Block.Start, $Block.Length)
                        if ($GapBlock.Trim().length -gt 0) {
                            Add-NotebookCode -code (-join $GapBlock.trimstart().trimend()) -replace ("\n", " `n ")

        # Set $OutputNotebookName to $null otherwise if the $InputFileName is being piped to, it won't get reset
        $OutputNotebookName = $null