
function Get-Notebook {
        Get-Notebook reads the metadata of Jupyter Notebooks
        Get-Notebook .\samplenotebook\Chapter01code.ipynb
NoteBookName : Chapter01code.ipynb
KernelName : powershell
CodeBlocks : 83
MarkdownBlocks : 23
FullName : C:\Users\Douglas\Documents\GitHub\MyPrivateGit\PowerShellNotebook\samplenotebook\Chapter01code.ipynb
FormatStyle : PowerShell
HasParameterizedCell : False
        Get-Notebook .\samplenotebook\| Format-Table
NoteBookName KernelName CodeBlocks MarkdownBlocks FullName
------------ ---------- ---------- -------------- ----------------
Chapter01code.ipynb powershell 83 23 C:\Users\Douglas\Documents\GitHub\MyPrivateGit\Power...
csharp.ipynb .net-csharp 1 0 C:\Users\Douglas\Documents\GitHub\MyPrivateGit\Power...
fsharp.ipynb .net-fsharp 1 0 C:\Users\Douglas\Documents\GitHub\MyPrivateGit\Power...
powershell.ipynb .net-powershell 1 0 C:\Users\Douglas\Documents\GitHub\MyPrivateGit\Power...
python.ipynb python3 1 0 C:\Users\Douglas\Documents\GitHub\MyPrivateGit\Power...
SingleCodeBlock.ipynb powershell 1 0 C:\Users\Douglas\Documents\GitHub\MyPrivateGit\Power
        Get-Notebook -recurse | group KernelName
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
   98 powershell {@{NoteBookName=Aaron_CopyWorkspace.ipynb; KernelName=powershell; CodeBlocks=14; Mar...
    2 not found {@{NoteBookName=BPCheck.ipynb; KernelName=not found; CodeBlocks=0; MarkdownBlocks=0;...
   36 SQL {@{NoteBookName=BPCheck.ipynb; KernelName=SQL; C...
   29 python3 {@{NoteBookName=python install powershell_kernel.ipynb; KernelName=python3; CodeBloc...
  781 .net-powershell {@{NoteBookName=Using_ConvertTo-SQLNoteBook.ipynb;; CodeB...
    3 pyspark3kernel {@{NoteBookName=load-sample-data-into-bdc.ipynb; KernelName=pyspark3kernel; C...
This command will allow you to serch through a directory & all sub directories to find Jupyter Notebooks & group them by Kernel used in each of those Notebook.

        $Path = $pwd,
        $NoteBookName = '*',
  begin {
    $linguistNames = @{  #used by github to the render code in markup ```SQL will render as sql etc
        '.net-csharp'     = 'C#'
        '.net-fsharp'     = 'F#'
        '.net-powershell' = 'PowerShell'
        'not found'       = ''
        'powershell'      = 'PowerShell'
        'python3'         = 'Python'
        'Python [Root]'   = 'Python'
        'sql'             = 'SQL'
  process {
    $targetName = "$($NotebookName).ipynb"
    foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem $Path $targetName -Recurse:$Recurse) {
        $r = Get-Content $file.fullname | ConvertFrom-Json

        $kernelspecName = $
        if (!$kernelspecName) { $kernelspecName = "not found" }

        $counts = $r.cells | Group-Object cell_type -AsHashTable

            NoteBookName         = $file.Name
            KernelName           = $kernelspecName
            CodeBlocks           = $counts.code.Count
            MarkdownBlocks       = $counts.markdown.Count
            FullName             = $file.FullName
            FormatStyle          = $linguistNames[$kernelspecName]
            LanguageName         = $
            Lexer                = $r.metadata.language_info.pygments_lexer
            HasParameterizedCell = $r.cells.metadata.tags -contains "parameters"