
$timeStampers = $null
$thumbprint = $null

[int]$stampIdx = 0

function GetTsUrl() {
    [string]$retVal = $script:timeStampers[$script:stampIdx]
    $script:stampIdx = ($script:stampIdx + 1) % $timeStampers.Length

    return  $retVal

function SignFile([string]$File) {
    $tsUrl = GetTsUrl
    [void] (signtool sign /sha1 $thumbprint /fd SHA256 /tr $tsUrl ""$File"")
    return $LASTEXITCODE

function GetConfigDir() {
    Join-Path -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA -ChildPath "PowerSign"

function InitConfigDir() {
    $configDir = GetConfigDir
    if (!(Test-Path $configDir -PathType Container)) {
        New-Item -Path $configDir -ItemType Directory
    return $configDir

function LoadConfig([string]$ConfigName) {
    $config = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$(GetConfigDir)\$($ConfigName).psd1"
    $script:timeStampers = $config.timeStampers
    $script:thumbprint = $config.thumbprint

Addes a config file to be used for code signing.
The PowerShell data file containing the configuration.
A logical name for the configration, it does not need to mach the file name.
Add-Config -File MyConfig.psd1 -Name ForQA
This will copy the config specified by -File into the user's %LOCALAPPDADA% directory, changing the name
to the value of the -Name paramter followed by .psd1 .
A sambple config is show below:
    # list as many rfc3161 timestamping urls as designed.
    timeStampers = @( "http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll",
    # Set this to a thumbprint of you code signing certificate.
    thumbprint = "b6b248ff8ab1bf545d3f8db6c2695a6863f4bb3c"

function Add-Config {
    param (

    BEGIN {
        $configDir = InitConfigDir
        Copy-Item -Path $File -Destination (Join-Path -Path $configDir -ChildPath "$($Name).psd1")

Calls Microsoft's signtool.exe code signing utility repeatedly until it succeeded, cycling through a list
of timestamper URLs for each attempt.
Most often, timespamping succeeds, but at times code siging fails in builds because the call for timestamping fails
and the failure is not on the part of the caller, but the timestamper. Fow whatever reason, it may be busy or other
error occurs.
Set-Sig will attemplt, upto the number specified by Attempts, to sign a particular file, cycling through a list of
timespamping URLs each signing attempt.
File to sign. Can be a full or relative path.
Name of saved configuration, see Add-Config, that contains a list of timestamp URLs and certificate hash.
Max number of attempts that will be made.

function Set-Sig {
    param (


        [int]$Attempts = 300
    BEGIN {
        [void] (Get-Command "signtool.exe")
        [void] (LoadConfig $ConfigName)
        [int]$lastExit = -1
        [int]$thisAttempt = 1
        while ($lastExit -ne 0) {
            if ($thisAttempt -gt $Attempts) {
            $lastExit = SignFile $File

Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-Config
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-Sig