
# todo fix all parameterset etc. like in all other functions
# todo use for find-directory
# todo use profile expansion
# allow searching for multiple files, e.g. *.tmp within %temp%
# todo problem with environment variables and expansion
# use placeholder for gwmi win32_userprofile -filter 'special = false' | select localpath for finding userprofiles
#Get-WmiObject win32_userprofile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty localpath)
Function Find-File()
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ExternComputerName', Position=0)]
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ExternComputerList', Mandatory=$true)]
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
        [string] $ComputerList,

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
        [Switch] $UseExternal,

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [Switch] $UseWinRM,

        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
        [Switch] $UseWMI,

        [switch] $NoRemoteRegistry,

        [string] $FilePathStatic,

        [string] $FilePathVariable,

        [string] $FileName,

        [Switch] $NoRegex


    Write-Verbose "Entering $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    $returnobject = @()

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    $Method = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

    $Arguments = "StaticFilePath: $FilePathStatic, VariableFilePath: $FilePathVariable, FileName: $FileName"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('whatif') -and $PSBoundParameters['whatif'])
        $WhatIfPassed = $true
        $WhatIfPassed = $false
    Write-Verbose "whatif: $WhatIfPassed"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -and $PSBoundParameters['NoRemoteRegistry'])
        $NoRemoteRegistry = $true
        $NoRemoteRegistry = $false
    Write-Verbose "NoRemoteRegistry $NoRemoteRegistry"

    if (!$FilePathStatic)
         $Reason = 'You have to provide a file path (-FilePathStatic)'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
    elseif (!$FileName)
         $Reason = 'You have to provide a filename (-FileName)'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        foreach ($target in $targets)
            # todo fixme check online stastus of target
            # fixme $variable script local -> prefix use
            $ret = ""
            if ($UseWMI)
                # use find file first -> regex search
                if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "Find file `"$FileName`""))
                    # check if regex is used
                    $Drive = $FilePathStatic[0..1]-join''
                    $FilePathStaticInput = $FilePathStatic
                    $FilePathStatic = $FilePathStatic[2..($FilePathStatic.length-1)]-join''
                    $FilePathStatic = $FilePathStatic.replace("\", "\\")
                    #$VariableFilePath = $VariableFilePath.replace("\", "\\")
                    #$VariableFileName = $VariableFileName.replace("\", "\\")
                    #$StaticFileName = $StaticFileName.replace("\", "\\")

                    # todo fix fixme ComputerName and Credential add below to wmi
                    # $ret = Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_Datafile -Filter $Filter -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $target -ea Stop
                    # todo fixme allow to use StaticFilePath and VariableFileName
                    if (!$NoRegex)
                        # read directories without regex
                        $Filter = "Drive = '{0}' AND Path = '{1}'" -f $Drive, $FilePathStatic
                        Write-Verbose $Filter
                            #$dirs = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Directory -filter $Filter).getrelated('win32_directory')
                            $dirs = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Directory -filter $Filter).getrelated()
                            # todo use this approach multiple times and build the dir tree
                            #no subdirs
                            Write-Verbose "no directories match"

                        if ($dirs)
                            Write-Verbose "found subdirs for given static directory"
                            $DirMatches = ($dirs | select -unique )
                            $DirMatches = $DirMatches | ? { !$_.path.startswith('\') }
                                $DirMatches = $DirMatches | ? { $_.path[($StaticFilePathInput.length - 1)..($_.path.length - 1)]-join'' -match $VariableFilePath }
                                Write-Verbose "Error in regex match - match filepath"
                        if ($DirMatches)
                            Write-Verbose "variable dir matches found"
                            foreach ($dir in $DirMatches)
                                Write-Verbose "dir: $($dir.path)"
                                $dir = $dir.path[2..($dir.path.length-1)]-join''
                                 if (!$dir.endswith('\'))
                                    $dir += '\'
                                $dirtmp = $dir
                                $dir = $dir.replace("\", "\\")
                                # StaticFileName vs VariableFileName handling different
                                #$VariableFileName = ([Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]$VariableFileName).ToWql()
                                #$Filter = "drive = '$Drive' AND path = '$dir' AND filename LIKE '$VariableFileName'"
                                $Filter = "drive = '$Drive' AND path = '$dir'"
                                Write-Verbose $Filter
                                $files = Get-WmiObject CIM_Datafile -filter $Filter
                                Write-Verbose "names"
                                if ($files)
                                    #$_.path[($StaticFilePathInput.length - 1)..($_.path.length - 1)]-join'' -match $VariableFilePath }
                                        $filesfound = $files | ? { $[($dirtmp.length - 1)..($ - 1)]-join'' -match $VariableFileName }
                                        if ($filesfound)
                                            Write-Verbose "matched filenames"
                                        $ret = $filesfound
                                        Write-Verbose "error in regex - filename matching"
                            } #dirmatches VariableFilePath
                            Write-Verbose "no matches for path"
                    } # Regex search
                        # no regex search
                        #$Filter = "drive = '$Drive' AND path = '$StaticFilePath' AND filename = '$StaticFileName'"
                        $Filter = "name = '$Drive$StaticFilePath'"
                        Write-Verbose $Filter
                        #Write-Verbose $Filter
                        $ret = Get-WmiObject CIM_Datafile -filter $Filter
                    if ($ret)
                        Write-Verbose "File found: $($"
                        $Status = "pass"
                        $Reason = "$($ -join " ; ")"
                        Write-Verbose "file not found"
                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "File not found"
            } #wmi
            elseif ($UseWinRM)
                $Status = "fail"
                $Reason = "method not implemented yet"
            elseif ($UseExternal)
                Write-Verbose "Using ExternalTools / Sysinternals"
                Write-Verbose "BinPath: $BinPath"
                 throw "not implemented"
                if (!(Test-Path -Path "$BinPath\psexec.exe"))
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "Binary psexec not found."
                    # RemoteRegistry is needed for PsExec
                        if (!$NoRemoteRegistry)
                            # Enable RemoteRegistry for psexec
                            $err = Enable-RemoteRegistry -method external -ComputerName $target
                            $returnobject += $err
                            $srr = Start-Service -ComputerName $target -method external -Name "RemoteRegistry"
                            $returnobject += $srr
                            $RemoteRegistryStarted = ($srr.status -match "pass")
                            # assume RemoteRegistry is already started
                            $RemoteRegistryStarted = $true
                        Write-Verbose "Error while enabling and starting RemoteRegistry"
                        $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry"
                        $Status = "fail"

                    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "$Function `"$FilePath\$FileName`""))
                        if ($RemoteRegistryStarted)
                            # Output of schtasks is written in OS language
                            # therefore we use XML output which is not written in OS language
                            $pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
                            $pinfo.FileName = "$BinPath\psexec.exe"
                            $pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
                            $pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
                            $pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
                            # todo
                            #$pinfo.Arguments = "\\$target -accepteula -nobanner cmd /C dir `"$FilePath\$FileName`""
                            $p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
                            $p.StartInfo = $pinfo
                            $p.Start() | Out-Null
                            # todo fix timeout
                            $retP = $p.WaitForExit(2000)
                            $stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
                            $stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()

                            if ($p.ExitCode -eq 0)
                                Write-Verbose "Successfully executed PsExec on $target"
                                $Status = "fail"
                                $Reason = "Error while running PsExec on $target"
                                Write-Verbose "stdout"
                                Write-Verbose $stdout
                                Write-Verbose "stderr"
                                Write-Verbose $stderr

                            if ($stdout -and ($p.ExitCode -eq 0))
                                # valid response - response from PsExec
                                $Status = "todo"
                                $Reason = "not implemented yet"
                        } #RemoteRegistryStarted = true
                            $Status = "fail"
                            $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry"
                    } #whatif
                        $Status = "pass"
                        $Reason = "Not executed - started with -WhatIf"

                        if (!$NoRemoteRegistry -and $RemoteRegistryStarted -or $WhatIfPassed)
                            Write-Verbose "Cleanup RemoteRegistry"
                            $srr = Stop-Service -ComputerName $target -method external -Name "RemoteRegistry"
                            $returnobject += $srr
                            $drr = Disable-RemoteRegistry -method external -ComputerName $target
                            $returnobject += $drr
                        Write-Verbose "Error while disabling RemoteRegistry"
                        $Reason = "Error while disabling RemoteRegistry"
                        $Status = "fail"
                } #binary found
            } #UseExternal

             $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

        } #foreach target
    } #parameters are correct, process targets

    if (!$WhatIfPassed)
    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
} #Remove-File

# todo Invoke-WmiMethod -Path "CIM_DataFile.Name='C:\scripts\test.txt'" -Name Rename -ArgumentList "C:\scripts\test_bu.txt"
Function Remove-File()
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ExternComputerName', Position=0)]
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
        [string[]] $ComputerName="empty",

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ExternComputerList', Mandatory=$true)]
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
        [string] $ComputerList = "empty",

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
        [Switch] $UseExternal,

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [Switch] $UseWinRM,

        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
        [Switch] $UseWMI,

        [switch] $NoRemoteRegistry,

        [string] $Name


    Write-Verbose "Entering $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    throw "not implemented"

    $returnobject = @()

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $Arguments = "Filepath $FileName"
    Write-Verbose "Arguments $Arguments"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('whatif') -and $PSBoundParameters['whatif'])
        $WhatIfPassed = $true
        $WhatIfPassed = $false
    Write-Verbose "whatif: $WhatIfPassed"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -and $PSBoundParameters['NoRemoteRegistry'])
        $NoRemoteRegistry = $true
        $NoRemoteRegistry = $false
    Write-Verbose "NoRemoteRegistry $NoRemoteRegistry"

    if (!$FileName)
         $Reason = 'You have to provide a file path (-FileName)'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        $targets = Get-Target $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName $ComputerName $ComputerList

        [regex]$RegexWildcards = "\*|%|_|\?"

        foreach ($target in $targets)
            if ($UseWMI)
                # use find file first -> regex search
                if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "Find file `"$FileName`""))
                    $Filter = "Name = '$("$FileName".replace("\", "\\"))'"
                    # check if regex is used
                    if ($Filter -match $RegexWildcards)
                        $Filter = ($Filter -replace "="," LIKE ")
                        $Filter = ([Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]$Filter).ToWql()
                        Write-Verbose `"$Filter`"
                    $ret = Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_Datafile -Filter $Filter -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $target -ea Stop
                    if ($ret)
                        Write-Verbose "File found: $($"
                        Write-Verbose "file not found"
                if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "Remove file `"$FileName`""))
                     #$del = $ret.Delete()
                    if($del -and $del.returnvalue -eq 0)
                        $Status = "pass"
                        $Reason = "File removed"
                    elseif($del -and $del.returnvalue -eq 2)
                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "Access denied"
                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "File not removed"
            } #wmi
            elseif ($UseWinRM)
                $Status = "fail"
                $Reason = "method not implemented yet"
            elseif ($UseExternal)
                Write-Verbose "Using ExternalTools / Sysinternals"
                Write-Verbose "BinPath: $BinPath"
                if (!(Test-Path -Path "$BinPath\psexec.exe"))
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "Binary psexec not found."
                    # RemoteRegistry is needed for PsExec
                        if (!$NoRemoteRegistry)
                            # Enable RemoteRegistry for psexec
                            $err = Enable-RemoteRegistry -method external -ComputerName $target
                            $returnobject += $err
                            $srr = Start-Service -ComputerName $target -method external -Name "RemoteRegistry"
                            $returnobject += $srr
                            $RemoteRegistryStarted = ($srr.status -match "pass")
                            # assume RemoteRegistry is already started
                            $RemoteRegistryStarted = $true
                        Write-Verbose "Error while enabling and starting RemoteRegistry"
                        $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry"
                        $Status = "fail"

                    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "$Action `"$FilePath\$FileName`""))
                        if ($RemoteRegistryStarted -or $WhatIfPassed)
                            # Output of schtasks is written in OS language
                            # therefore we use XML output which is not written in OS language
                            $pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
                            $pinfo.FileName = "$BinPath\psexec.exe"
                            $pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
                            $pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
                            $pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
                            # todo
                            #$pinfo.Arguments = "\\$target -accepteula -nobanner cmd /C rm `"$FilePath\$FileName`""
                            $p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
                            $p.StartInfo = $pinfo
                            $p.Start() | Out-Null
                            # todo fix timeout
                            $retP = $p.WaitForExit(2000)
                            $stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
                            $stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()

                            if ($p.ExitCode -eq 0)
                                Write-Verbose "Successfully executed PsExec on $target"
                                $Status = "fail"
                                $Reason = "Error while running PsExec on $target"
                                Write-Verbose "stdout"
                                Write-Verbose $stdout
                                Write-Verbose "stderr"
                                Write-Verbose $stderr

                            if ($stdout -and ($p.ExitCode -eq 0))
                                # valid response - response from PsExec
                                $Status = "todo"
                                $Reason = "not implemented yet"
                        } #RemoteRegistryStarted = true
                            $Status = "fail"
                            $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry"
                    } #whatif
                        $Status = "pass"
                        $Reason = "Not executed - started with -WhatIf"

                        if (!$NoRemoteRegistry -and $RemoteRegistryStarted -or $WhatIfPassed)
                            Write-Verbose "Cleanup RemoteRegistry"
                            $srr = Stop-Service -ComputerName $target -method external -Name "RemoteRegistry"
                            $returnobject += $srr
                            $drr = Disable-RemoteRegistry -method external -ComputerName $target
                            $returnobject += $drr
                        Write-Verbose "Error while disabling RemoteRegistry"
                        $Reason = "Error while disabling RemoteRegistry"
                        $Status = "fail"
                } #binary found
            } #UseExternal

             $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target
        } #foreach target
    } #parameters are correct, process targets

    if (!$WhatIfPassed)
    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
} #Remove-File

Function Rename-File()


# todo see Find-File
Function Find-Directory()


Function Rename-Directory()


Function Remove-Directory()


function Get-FileHandle()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "external",

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $true,

        [string] $ProcessName,

        [int] $ProcessPid,

        [Switch] $HandlesByProcessName


    $Action = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Action"

    $returnobject = @()

    $Arguments = "ProcessName: $ProcessName, ProcessPid: $ProcessPid"

    Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Action" -Status "Initializing..."

    if (!$ProcessName -and !$ProcessPid)
        $Status = "fail"
        $Reason = "specify ProcessName or ProcessPid"
        $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
    # if all parameters are correctly supplied
        # build target list based on parameters
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        # process every target
        foreach ($target in $targets)
            Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Action" -Status "Checking connection to $target..."

            if ($OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1))
                Write-Verbose "$target is offline"
                $Status = "fail"
                $Reason = "offline"
                $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target
                if (($target -eq "localhost") -and $Credential)
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "localhost and WMI and credential not working"
                    $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

                # todo
                # enable RemoteRegistry
                # start RemoteRegistry
                if ($ProcessName)
                    $ret = Get-Process -ProcessName:$ProcessName -OnlyProcessName:$(if ($HandlesByProcessName){$HandlesByProcessName}) -OnlyPid:$(if (!$HandlesByProcessName) {!$HandlesByProcessName}) -ComputerName $target -Credential $Credential -OnlineCheck:$false | select -ExpandProperty reason
                    $ret = Get-Process -ProcessPid:$ProcessPid -OnlyProcessName:$(if ($HandlesByProcessName){$HandlesByProcessName}) -OnlyPid:$(if (!$HandlesByProcessName) {!$HandlesByProcessName}) -ComputerName $target -Credential $Credential -OnlineCheck:$false | select -ExpandProperty reason

                if ($ret)
                    foreach ($pid in $ret)
                        Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Action" -Status "Collecting handles for $pid on $target..."
                        Write-Verbose "Processing Pid $pid"
                        if ($target -match "localhost")
                            $handles = Start-Process handle.exe -CommandLine "-nobanner -accepteula -p $pid"
                            $handles = Start-Process handle.exe -CommandLine "-nobanner -accepteula \\$target -p $pid"
                        if ($handles.ExitCode -eq 0)
                            $status = "pass"
                            $reason = $handles.stdout
                            $status = "fail"
                            $reason = $handles.stderr
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "error running handle.exe on $target"
                $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target
                # todo
                # stop RemoteRegistry
                # disable RemoteRegistry


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"