
Function Remove-File()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "WinRM",

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [string] $Path,
        [switch] $Recurse,
        [string] $Regex

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $WhatIfPassed = $false
    $returnobject = @()
    $ret = ""
    $Arguments = $Path

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('whatif') -and $PSBoundParameters['whatif'])
        $WhatIfPassed = $true
    Write-Verbose "whatif: $WhatIfPassed"

    if (!($Path))
         $Reason = 'You have to provide a file path path with -Path'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        Remove-FileSystemObject -targets $targets -Method:$Method -File -Path:$Path -Recurse:$Recurse -Regex:$Regex -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

Function Remove-Directory()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "WinRM",

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [string] $Path,
        [switch] $Recurse,
        [string] $Regex

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $WhatIfPassed = $false
    $returnobject = @()
    $ret = ""
    $Arguments = $Path

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('whatif') -and $PSBoundParameters['whatif'])
        $WhatIfPassed = $true
    Write-Verbose "whatif: $WhatIfPassed"

    if (!($Path))
         $Reason = 'You have to provide a file path path with -Path'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        Remove-FileSystemObject -targets $targets -Method:$Method -Path:$Path -Recurse:$Recurse -Regex:$Regex -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

Function Remove-FileSystemObject()
        [string[]] $targets,

        [string] $Method = "WinRM",

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [string] $Path,
        [switch] $Recurse,
        [string] $Regex,
        [switch] $File,

        [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $false

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $returnobject = @()
    $ret = ""
    $items = ""
    $WhatIfPassed = ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('whatif') -and $PSBoundParameters['whatif'])

    $Arguments = "Path: $Path, File: $File, Recurse: $Recurse, Regex: $Regex, WhatIfPassed: $WhatIfPassed"
    $Arguments += ", Onlinecheck: $OnlineCheck"

    if (!($Path))
         $Reason = 'You have to provide a file path path with Path'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        foreach ($target in $targets)
            $params = @{}
            $items = ""
            $ret = ""

            Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Processing $Path with regex `"$Regex`" on $target..."

            $IsLocalhost = ($target -match "localhost")

            if (!$IsLocalhost -and $OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1))
                Write-Verbose "$target is offline"
                $Status = "fail"
                $Reason = "offline"
                if ($Method -match "wmi")
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "method not implemented yet"
                elseif ($Method -match "winrm")
                    Write-Verbose "Using WinRM - File: $Path, Regex: $Regex"

                    $returnobject_temp = Find-FileSystemObject -File:$File -target $target -Method winrm -Path:$Path -Recurse:$Recurse -Regex:$Regex
                    $returnobject += $returnobject_temp

                    $items = $null

                    if ($returnobject_temp -and $returnobject_temp.reason -notmatch "no ")
                        $items = $returnobject.reason.fullname
                        $Status = "pass"
                        $Reason = "Nothing to remove."
                        $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

                        $params += @{
                            'ea' = 'Stop'

                        if ($target -ne "localhost")
                            $params += @{
                                'ComputerName' = $target
                                'SessionOption' = (New-PSSessionOption -NoMachineProfile)

                        if ($Credential)
                            $params += @{
                                'Credential' = $Credential

                        if ($WhatIfPassed)
                            $Status = "pass"
                            $Reason = "WhatIf passed - nothing removed. See output of find function about removed items."
                             $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

                        $params += @{

                            'ScriptBlock' = { `
                                param($p1) $p1 | % { $item = $_; try { Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Remove-Item `
                                   -path "$item" `
                                   -Recurse `
                                   -force `
                                   -WhatIf:$false `
                                   -ea Stop} `
                                   catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] { "INFO - $item - $($_.Exception.Message) This is likely caused by using the -recurse option and when attempting to remove a child item after the parent item was removed already." } `
                                   catch { "ERROR - $item - $($_.Exception.Message)" } `
                            'ArgumentList' = (,$items)

                        $ret = invoke-command @params

                        if (!($ret))
                            $Status = "pass"
                            $Reason = "All files or directories removed. See output of find function about removed items."
                        elseif ($ret -match "ERROR")
                            $Status = "fail"
                            $Reason += $ret
                            $Status = "pass"
                            $Reason = "Remove command return with following information: "
                            $Reason += $ret
                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "$($_.Exception.Message)"
                elseif ($Method -match "external")
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "method not implemented yet"

             $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

        } #foreach target
    } #parameters are correct, process targets


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

Function Rename-Directory()


Function Rename-File()


Function Find-File()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "WinRM",

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [string] $Path,
        [switch] $Recurse,
        [string] $Regex

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $returnobject = @()

    $Arguments = $Path

    if (!($Path))
         $Reason = 'You have to provide a file path path with -Path'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        Find-FileSystemObject -targets $targets -Method:$Method -File -Path:$Path -Recurse:$Recurse -Regex:$Regex


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

Function Find-Directory()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "WinRM",

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [string] $Path,
        [switch] $Recurse,
        [string] $Regex

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $returnobject = @()
    $ret = ""

    $Arguments = $Path

    if (!($Path))
         $Reason = 'You have to provide a path with -Path'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        Find-FileSystemObject -targets $targets -Method:$Method -Path:$Path -Recurse:$Recurse -Regex:$Regex


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

Function Find-FileSystemObject()
        [string[]] $targets,

        [string] $Method = "WinRM",

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [string] $Path,
        [switch] $Recurse,
        [string] $Regex,

        [switch] $File

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $returnobject = @()
    $ret = ""

    $Arguments = "Path: $Path, File: $File, Recurse: $Recurse, Regex: $Regex"

    if (!($Path))
         $Reason = 'You have to provide a file path path with Path'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        foreach ($target in $targets)
            $params = @{}
            $ret = ""

            Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Processing $Path with regex `"$Regex`" on $target..."

            if (!(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1))
                Write-Verbose "$target is offline"
                $Status = "fail"
                $Reason = "offline"
                if ($Method -match "wmi")
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "method not implemented yet"
                elseif ($Method -match "winrm")
                    Write-Verbose "Using WinRM - File: $Path, Regex: $Regex"

                        $params += @{
                            'ea' = 'Stop'

                        if ($target -ne "localhost")
                            $params += @{
                                'ComputerName' = $target
                                'SessionOption' = (New-PSSessionOption -NoMachineProfile)

                        if ($Credential)
                            $params += @{
                                'Credential' = $Credential

                        if ($File -and $Recurse)
                            $params += @{
                                'ScriptBlock' = {param($p1,$p2,$p3) Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\get-childitem -Path "$p1" `
                                                                                                      -Recurse `
                                                                                                      -File `
                                                                                                      -force `
                                                                                                      -ea SilentlyContinue }
                                'ArgumentList' = $Path
                        elseif ($File)
                            $params += @{
                                'ScriptBlock' = {param($p1,$p2,$p3) Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\get-item -Path "$p1" `
                                                                                                      -ea SilentlyContinue `
                                                                                                      -force `
                                                                                                      | ? {$_.mode -notmatch "d.*"}}
                                'ArgumentList' = $Path
                        elseif (!($File) -and $Recurse)
                            $params += @{
                                'ScriptBlock' = {param($p1,$p2,$p3) Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\get-childitem -Path "$p1" `
                                                                                                      -Recurse `
                                                                                                      -Directory `
                                                                                                      -force `
                                                                                                      -ea SilentlyContinue}
                                'ArgumentList' = $Path
                        elseif (!($File))
                            $params += @{
                                'ScriptBlock' = {param($p1,$p2,$p3) Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\get-item -Path "$p1" `
                                                                                                      -ea SilentlyContinue `
                                                                                                      -force `
                                                                                                      | ? {$_.mode -match "d.*"}}
                                'ArgumentList' = $Path
                            throw "that should not happen - switch without the truth... file an issue with your command on Github."

                        $ret = invoke-command @params

                        if ($Regex)
                            Write-Verbose "filter with regex $Regex"
                            $ret = $ret | ? { $_.FullName -match "$Regex" }

                        if (!$ret)
                            $Status = "pass"
                            $Reason = "no $(if ($File) {"files"}else{"folders"}) found with $Path and regex `"$Regex`""
                            $Status = "pass"
                            $Reason = @()

                            foreach ($proc in $ret)
                                $Reason += New-Object PSObject -Property $info
                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "$($_.Exception.Message)"
                elseif ($Method -match "external")
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "method not implemented yet"

             $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

        } #foreach target
    } #parameters are correct, process targets


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

function Get-FileHandle()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "external",

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $true,

        [string] $ProcessName,

        [int] $ProcessPid,

        [Switch] $HandlesByProcessName


    $Action = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Action"

    $returnobject = @()

    $Arguments = "ProcessName: $ProcessName, ProcessPid: $ProcessPid"

    Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Action" -Status "Initializing..."

    if (!$ProcessName -and !$ProcessPid)
        $Status = "fail"
        $Reason = "specify ProcessName or ProcessPid"
        $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
    # if all parameters are correctly supplied
        # build target list based on parameters
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        # process every target
        foreach ($target in $targets)
            Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Action" -Status "Checking connection to $target..."

            if ($OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1))
                Write-Verbose "$target is offline"
                $Status = "fail"
                $Reason = "offline"
                $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target
                if (($target -eq "localhost") -and $Credential)
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "localhost and WMI and credential not working"
                    $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

                # todo
                # enable RemoteRegistry
                # start RemoteRegistry
                if ($ProcessName)
                    $ret = Get-Process -ProcessName:$ProcessName -OnlyProcessName:$(if ($HandlesByProcessName){$HandlesByProcessName}) -OnlyPid:$(if (!$HandlesByProcessName) {!$HandlesByProcessName}) -ComputerName $target -Credential $Credential -OnlineCheck:$false | select -ExpandProperty reason
                    $ret = Get-Process -ProcessPid:$ProcessPid -OnlyProcessName:$(if ($HandlesByProcessName){$HandlesByProcessName}) -OnlyPid:$(if (!$HandlesByProcessName) {!$HandlesByProcessName}) -ComputerName $target -Credential $Credential -OnlineCheck:$false | select -ExpandProperty reason

                if ($ret)
                    foreach ($pid in $ret)
                        Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Action" -Status "Collecting handles for $pid on $target..."
                        Write-Verbose "Processing Pid $pid"
                        if ($target -match "localhost")
                            $handles = Start-Process handle.exe -CommandLine "-nobanner -accepteula -p $pid"
                            $handles = Start-Process handle.exe -CommandLine "-nobanner -accepteula \\$target -p $pid"
                        if ($handles.ExitCode -eq 0)
                            $status = "pass"
                            $reason = $handles.stdout
                            $status = "fail"
                            $reason = $handles.stderr
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "error running handle.exe on $target"
                $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Action -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target
                # todo
                # stop RemoteRegistry
                # disable RemoteRegistry


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"