
Function Restart-Computer()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [ValidateSet("external", "wmi")]
        [string] $Method = "wmi",

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [switch] $NoRemoteRegistry,

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $true

    # when using pssexec, a cleanup is not possible after shutdown, obviously
    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    # when using psexec wait until client is online again and cleanup services
    $ret = Edit-Computer -Command "reboot" -Credential $Credential -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName}) -OnlineCheck:$OnlineCheck -Method:$Method -NoRemoteRegistry:$NoRemoteRegistry -BinPath:$BinPath

    $ret | ? {$_.Function -match "Edit-Computer" } | % { $_.Function = "Restart-Computer" }


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $Function"

Function Stop-Computer()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [ValidateSet("external", "wmi")]
        [string] $Method = "wmi",

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [switch] $NoRemoteRegistry,

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $true

    # when using pssexec, a cleanup is not possible after shutdown, obviously
    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    # when using psexec wait until client is online again and cleanup services
    $ret = Edit-Computer -Command "shutdown" -Credential $Credential -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName}) -OnlineCheck:$OnlineCheck -Method:$Method -NoRemoteRegistry:$NoRemoteRegistry -BinPath:$BinPath

    $ret | ? {$_.Function -match "Edit-Computer" } | % { $_.Function = "Shutdown-Computer" }


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $Function"

Function Edit-Computer()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "wmi",

        [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"),

        [switch] $NoRemoteRegistry,

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $true,

        [ValidateSet("reboot", "shutdown")]
        [string] $Command


    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $returnobject = @()

    $Arguments = "Command $Command, OnlineCheck: $OnlineCheck"
    Write-Verbose $Arguments

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('whatif') -and $PSBoundParameters['whatif'])
        $WhatIfPassed = $true
        $WhatIfPassed = $false
    Write-Verbose "whatif: $WhatIfPassed"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -and $PSBoundParameters['NoRemoteRegistry'])
        $NoRemoteRegistry = $true
        $NoRemoteRegistry = $false
    Write-Verbose "NoRemoteRegistry $NoRemoteRegistry"

    if (!$Command)
         $Reason = 'You have to provide an command, e.g. value reboot or shutdown for parameter -Command'
        $Status = "fail"
         $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        foreach ($target in $targets)
            Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Processing $target..."
            $IsLocalhost = ($target -match "localhost")
            Write-Verbose "Localhost: $IsLocalhost"

            if (!$IsLocalhost -and $OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1))
                Write-Verbose "$target is offline"
                $Status = "fail"
                $Reason = "offline"
                if ($Method -match "wmi")
                    # Win32Shutdown method of the Win32_OperatingSystem class
                    # 2 reboot
                    # 8 shutdown

                    $ret = get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem -computername $computername | invoke-wmimethod -name Win32Shutdown -argumentlist $_action
                    # The Reboot method can be used to restart a computer. Like the
                    # Win32Shutdown method, the Reboot method requires the user whose
                    # security credentials are being used by the script to possess the
                    # Shutdown privilege.
                    gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName xxxxxxxxxxxx | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name shutdown
                    # This method immediately shuts the computer down, if possible. The
                    # system stops all running processes, flushes all file buffers to the
                    # disk, and then powers down the system. The calling process must
                    # have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege, as described in the following
                    # example.
                    # (gwmi win32_operatingsystem).psbase.Scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = $true

                    # todo test what is displayed to the user after reboot or shutdown
                    # todo add switch to wait until reboot is finished and host wieder online
                    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "$Command"))
                            $ret = gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $target -ea stop
                            $ret.psbase.Scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = $true
                            $ret | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name $Command

                            if ($ret.returnvalue -eq 2)
                                $Status = "fail"
                                $Reason = "$Command not successfull: Access denied"
                            elseif ($ret.returnvalue -eq 0)
                                $Status = "pass"
                                $Reason = "$Command Successfully executed"
                                $Status = "fail"
                                $Reason = "$Command not successfull"

                        catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]
                            $Status = "fail"
                            $Reason = "$Command not successfull: access denied"

                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "Started with -WhatIf"

                elseif ($Method -match "winrm")
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "method not implemented yet"
                elseif ($Method -match "external")
                    Write-Verbose "Using external tools"
                    Write-Verbose "BinPath: $BinPath"
                    if (!(Test-Path -Path "$BinPath\psshutdown.exe"))
                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "Binary psshutdown not found."
                        # RemoteRegistry is needed for PsExec
                            if (!$IsLocalhost -and !$NoRemoteRegistry -or (!$IsLocalhost -and $WhatIfPassed))
                                $err = Enable-RemoteRegistry -Method external -ComputerName $target -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential
                                $returnobject += $err
                                $srr = Start-Service -ComputerName $target -Method external -Name "RemoteRegistry" -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential
                                $returnobject += $srr
                                $RemoteRegistryStarted = ($srr.status -match "pass")
                                # assume RemoteRegistry is already started
                                $RemoteRegistryStarted = $true
                            $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry"
                            $Status = "fail"
                        $RemoteRegistryStarted = $true

                        if ($RemoteRegistryStarted -or $WhatIfPassed)
                            if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "$Command"))
                                $Param = ""
                                if ($Command -match "reboot") { $Param = "-r" }

                                if ($target -match "localhost")
                                    $proc = Start-Process psshutdown.exe -commandline "-accepteula -nobanner -f -t 1 $Param"
                                    $proc = Start-Process psshutdown.exe -commandline "-accepteula -nobanner -f -t 1 $Param \\$target"

                                if ($proc.ExitCode -eq 0)
                                    Write-Verbose "Successfully executed binary on $target"
                                    Write-Verbose "Error while running binary on $target"
                                    Write-Verbose "stdout"
                                    Write-Verbose $proc.stdout
                                    write-verbose "stderr"
                                    write-verbose $proc.stderr

                                # todo check stdout/stderr from psshutdown
                                if ($proc.stdout)
                                    if ($proc.stdout -match "erfolgreich" -or $proc.stdout -match "successfull")
                                        $Status = "pass"
                                        $Reason = "Executed $Command"
                                        $Status = "fail"
                                        $Reason = "Fail: $($proc.stdout), $($proc.stderr)"
                                } # stdout has result
                                    $Status = "fail"
                                        $Reason = "Fail: $($proc.stdout), $($proc.stderr)"
                            } # whatif
                                $Status = "pass"
                                $Reason = "Not executed - started with -WhatIf"
                        } #RemoteRegistry started
                            $Status = "fail"
                            $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry"

                            if (!$IsLocalhost -and !$NoRemoteRegistry -and $RemoteRegistryStarted -or (!$IsLocalhost -and $WhatIfPassed))
                                Write-Verbose "Cleanup RemoteRegistry"

                                $srr = Stop-Service -ComputerName $target -Method external -Name "RemoteRegistry" -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -OnlineCheck:$false
                                $returnobject += $srr

                                $drr = Disable-RemoteRegistry -Method external -ComputerName $target -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -OnlineCheck:$false
                                $returnobject += $drr
                        } # disable RemoteRegistry
                            $Reason = "Error while disabling RemoteRegistry"
                            $Status = "fail"

                    } # binary found

                } #UseExternal

            } # host online

            $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

        } #foreach target

    } # parameters ok

    Write-Verbose "Leaving $Function"