
# todo cleanup and update to current parameter list

Function Get-NetworkInterface()
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True, DefaultParameterSetName='Default')]
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "WMI",

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $true,

        [string] $InterfaceIndex,

        [string] $InterfaceDescription,

        [switch] $OnlyIndex


    # todo add switch to show only active interfaces
    # get only active interfaces
    # $ret = Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration -Filter 'ipenabled = "true"' -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $returnobject = @()

    $Arguments = "InterfaceIndex: $InterfaceIndex, InterfaceDescription: $InterfaceDescription, OnlyIndex: $OnlyIndex, OnlineCheck: $OnlineCheck"
    Write-Verbose "Arguments: $Arguments"

    Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Initializing..."

    if (!$InterfaceIndex -and !$InterfaceDescription)
        $Status = "fail"
        $Reason = "no search information supplied"
        $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
    # if all parameters are correctly supplied
        # build target list based on parameters
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        # process every target
        foreach ($target in $targets)
            Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Check connection to $target..."

            if ($OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1))
                Write-Verbose "$target is offline"
                $Status = "fail"
                $Reason = "offline"
                Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Readon network interface information on $target..."

                $ret = $null

                if (($target -eq "localhost") -and $Credential)
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "localhost and WMI and credential not working"
                    $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

                if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "Reading network interface information"))
                        $ret = Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration -ComputerName $target -Credential $Credential -ea stop
                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "error while connecting to remote host through WMI"

                    if (!$ret)
                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "no interface information"
                        $retval = @()
                        foreach ($net in $ret)
                            Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Reading information for interface $($net.Description) ($($net.index)) on $target..."

                            if (($InterfaceIndex -and ($net.Index -eq $InterfaceIndex)) -or ($InterfaceDescription -and ($net.Description -match $InterfaceDescription)))
                                if ($OnlyIndex)
                                    $retval += "$($net.Index)"
                                    $filter = "index = '$($net.Index)'"
                                    Write-Verbose "Filter: $filter"
                                    $ConfigManagerErrorCode = (Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapter -Filter $filter -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $target | select -ExpandProperty ConfigManagerErrorCode)
                                    Write-Verbose "Interface Status: $( if($ConfigManagerErrorCode -ne $null) { $ConfigManagerErrorCode } else { "no status code" } )"
                                    $Disabled = ($ConfigManagerErrorCode -eq 22)

                                    $retval += "Index: $($net.Index), Disabled: $($Disabled), Description: $($net.Description), IPAddress: $($net.IPAddress), DHCPEnabled: $($net.DHCPEnabled), DNSDomain: $($net.DNSDomain)"
                        $Status = "pass"
                        $Reason = $retval
                } # whatif
            } # host online

            $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target
        } # each target
    } # parameters ok

    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
} # Get-NetworkInterface

Function Edit-NetworkInterface()
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True, DefaultParameterSetName='Default')]
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "WMI",

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [string] $InterfaceIndex,

        [string] $InterfaceDescription,

        [ValidateSet("enable", "disable")]
        [string] $Command,

        [switch] $EditAll,

        [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $true

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $returnobject = @()

    $Arguments = "InterfaceIndex: $InterfaceIndex, InterfaceDescription: $InterfaceDescription, EditAll: $EditAll, Command $Command, OnlineCheck: $OnlineCheck"

    Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Initializing..."

    if (!$InterfaceIndex -and !$InterfaceDescription)
        $Status = "fail"
        $Reason = "no search information supplied"
        $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments
        $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName})

        foreach ($target in $targets)
            Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Processing $target..."

            if ($OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1))
                Write-Verbose "$target is offline"
                $Status = "fail"
                $Reason = "offline"
                if (($target -eq "localhost") -and $Credential)
                    $Status = "fail"
                    $Reason = "localhost and WMI and credential not working"
                    $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target

                $Interfaces = (Get-NetworkInterface -InterfaceIndex $InterfaceIndex -InterfaceDescription $InterfaceDescription -OnlyIndex -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $target -OnlineCheck:$false | select -ExpandProperty reason)

                if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "$Command network interface $(if($InterfaceIndex) {$InterfaceIndex})"))
                    $count = $Interfaces.count

                    if ($count -eq 0)
                        $Status = "fail"
                        $Reason = "no interface found"
                        if (($count -gt 1) -and !$EditAll)
                            $Status = "fail"
                            $Reason = "multiple interfaces found, use -$($Command)All"
                            foreach ($adapter in $Interfaces)
                                Write-Verbose "Processing $adapter"
                                # todo fix reading the disable status two times (first Get-NetworkInterface and second here)
                                $filter = "index = '$adapter'"
                                $ret = Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapter -Filter $filter -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $target

                                $Disabled = ($ret.ConfigManagerErrorCode -eq 22)
                                Write-Verbose "Disabled: $($Disabled)"

                                # 2 is connected # 0 disconnected # 7 media disconnected
                                $NetConnectionStatus = $ret.NetConnectionStatus

                                if ((!$Disabled -and ($Command -eq "enable")) -or ($Disabled -and ($Command -eq "disable")))
                                    $Status = "pass"
                                    $Reason = "already in desired state"
                                    # todo use this behaviour also for other actions (service etc)
                                    $val = $ret.$Command()

                                    if ($val.Returnvalue -eq 0)
                                        $Status = "pass"
                                        $Reason = "Interface set to $($Command): Index $adapter, Name: $($ret.Name)"
                                        $Status = "fail"
                                        $Reason = "error - not changed - Returnvalue: $($val.returnvalue)"
                                } # not yet disabled

                            } # foreach interface

                        } #multiple Interface without EditAll

                    } #Interface found

                } #whatif

            } # host online

            $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target
        } # foreach host

    } # parameters ok

    Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
} # Edit-NetworkInterface

Function Enable-NetworkInterface()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "WMI",

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [string] $InterfaceIndex,

        [string] $InterfaceDescription,

        [switch] $EnableAll,

        [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $true

    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $ret = Edit-NetworkInterface -Command "enable" -InterfaceIndex $InterfaceIndex -InterfaceDescription $InterfaceDescription -Credential $Credential -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName}) -EditAll:$EnableAll -OnlineCheck:$OnlineCheck -Method:$Method

    $ret | ? {$_.Function -match "Edit-NetworkInterface" } | % { $_.Function = "Enable-NetworkInterface" }


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $Function"

Function Disable-NetworkInterface()
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string] $ComputerList,

        [string] $Method = "WMI",

        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null,

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null,

        [string] $InterfaceIndex,

        [string] $InterfaceDescription,

        [switch] $DisableAll,

        [switch] $OnlineCheck = $true
    $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Write-Verbose "Entering $Function"

    $ret = Edit-NetworkInterface -Command "disable" -InterfaceIndex $InterfaceIndex -InterfaceDescription $InterfaceDescription -Credential $Credential -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName}) -EditAll:$DisableAll -OnlineCheck:$OnlineCheck -Method:$Method

    $ret | ? {$_.Function -match "Edit-NetworkInterface" } | % { $_.Function = "Disable-NetworkInterface" }


    Write-Verbose "Leaving $Function"

Function Get-DNSSetting()
 # .\Invoke-LiveResponse\CollectionModules\NetworkConnections\Get-DNSCache.ps1
 # $a = Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration -Filter 'ipenabled = "true"'
 # ($a | Get-Member) -match "dns"

Function Set-DNSSetting()
Sets the DNS domain.
Sets the server search order as an array of elements.
Sets the suffix search order as an array of elements.
Indicates dynamic DNS registration of IP addresses for this IP-bound adapter.
