
#region Header
$rules = Get-RuleClassData -StigData $StigData -Name SkipRule
#endregion Header
#region Resource
Foreach ( $rule in $rules )
    Script (Get-ResourceTitle -Rule $rule)
            This is left blank because we are only using the script resource as an audit tool for
            STIG items that should be part of an orchestration function and not configuration.

        GetScript = {
            Return @{
                'Result' = Get-ResourceTitle -Rule $rule

        # Must return a $true value. The skip rules will be included in the mof but no action is taken
        TestScript = {             
            return $true

            This is left blank because we are only using the script resource as an audit tool for
            STIG items that should be part of an orchestration function and not configuration.

        SetScript = { }
#endregion Resource