
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation
# Disclaimer:
# This is SAMPLE code that is NOT production ready. It is the sole intention of this code to provide a proof of concept as a
# learning tool for Microsoft Customers. Microsoft does not provide warranty for or guarantee any portion of this code
# and is NOT responsible for any affects it may have on any system it is executed on or environment it resides within.
# Please use this code at your own discretion!
# Additional legalese:
# This Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not intended to be used in a production environment.
# We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code and to reproduce and distribute
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        M01 - Get-Time
        M02 - InsertLog
        M03 - Get-PowerStigXMLPath
        M04 - Get-PowerStigXMLVersion
        M05 - Invoke-PowerStigScan
        M06 - Invoke-PowerStigBatch

#region Private

function Get-Time
    return (get-date -UFormat %H:%M.%S)

function InsertLog 
        [ValidateSet('Insert', 'Update', 'Delete', 'Deploy', 'Error')]



    $InsertLog = "EXEC PowerSTIG.sproc_InsertScanLog @LogEntryTitle = '$LogEntryTitle',@LogMessage = '$LogMessage',@ActionTaken = '$ActionTaken'"
    Invoke-PowerStigSqlCommand -SQLInstance $CMSserver -DatabaseName $CMSDatabaseName -query $InsertLog

function Get-PowerStigXMLPath
    $powerStigXMLPath = "$($(get-module PowerSTIG).ModuleBase)\StigData\Processed"
    Return $powerStigXMLPath

Determine the newest stig version that is in the PowerStig directory
Will pull the version number from the STIGs until the highest number is returned
The role that is being tested, valid options are DC (Domain Controller), DNS, MS (Member Server), ADDomain, ADForest, IE11, and IE11
.PARAMETER osVersion
Operating System version that is being targeted. Valid options are 2012R2 and 2016
Get-PowerStigXmlVersion -Role DC -osVersion 2012R2

function Get-PowerStigXmlVersion

    [System.Array]$StigXmlBase = (get-childitem -path (Get-PowerStigXMLPath)).name
    # Regex pattern that tests for up to a two digit number followed by a decimal followed by up to a two digit number (i.e. 12.12,2.8,9.1)
    [regex]$RegexTest = "([1-9])?[0-9]\.[0-9]([0-9])?"
    # Holder variable for the current high value matching the previous regex
    $highVer = $null
    [System.Array]$StigXmlOs = @()

    # Test if the role is similar to ADDomain, ADForest, IE, or FW. If so then ensure that the OS Version is set to all
    if($role -eq "IE11" -or $role -eq "FW" -or $role -like "*2013" -or $role -eq "DotNet" -or $role -eq "FireFox" -or $role -eq "oracleJRE")
        $osVersion = "All"

    # Parse through repository for STIGs that match only the current OS that we are looking for
    foreach($a in $StigXMLBase)
        if ($a -like "*$osVersion*")
            $StigXmlOs += $a

    # If previous check returns nothing, notify the user and terminate the function
    if($StigXmlOs.Count -eq 0)
        Write-Error -Message "No STIGs Matching Desired OS" 
        Return $null

    foreach($g in $StigXmlOs)
        if($g -like "*$role*")
            if($g -match $RegexTest)
                [version]$wStigVer = ($RegexTest.Matches($g)).value

            if($null -eq $highVer)
                [version]$highVer = $wStigVer
            elseif ($wStigVer -gt $highVer)
                $highVer = $wStigVer
    $stringout = $highVer.Major.ToString() + "." + $highVer.Minor.ToString()
    Return $stringout

#endregion Private

#region Public

Uses PowerStig and PowerStigDSC modules to scan a target server and return data as a CSV file
Uses PowerStig and PowerStigDSC modules to scan a target server and return the data as a CSV file. The file can then be processed by the related Import-PowerStigScans script to import results into SQL.
Short name or FQDN of server that is to be scanned. Should ensure that WinRM is enabled on the target server prior to running
Role that is being checked for compliance. Valid Roles include MemberServer2012Check, MemberServer2016Check, DNScheck, DC2012Check, DC2016Check, and IECheck
Invoke-PowerStigScan -ServerName STIGDCTest01 -Role DC2012Check
Invoke-PowerStigScan -ServerName SQL2012Test -Role MemberServer2012Check

function Invoke-PowerStigScan















    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SQL")
        $Role = "SQL"
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "IIS") 
        $Role = "IIS"    
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "JRE")
        $Role = "JRE"

    #Initialize Variables #

    $workingPath                = Split-Path $PsCommandPath
    $iniVar                     = Import-PowerStigConfig -configFilePath $workingPath\Config.ini
    $logDate                    = get-date -UFormat %m%d
    $logFileName                = "PowerStig"+ $logDate + ".txt"
    $logPath                    = $iniVar.LogPath

    if(!(Test-Path -Path $logPath\$logFileName))
        $logFilePath = new-item -ItemType File -Path $logPath\$logFileName -Force
    else {
        $logFilePath = get-item -Path $logPath\$logFileName
    #Initialize Logging
    Add-Content $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: New Scan - $ServerName"
    Add-Content $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: PowerStig scan started on $ServerName for role $Role."
        Add-Content $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: Config.ini Variables Are: $iniVar"
        Add-Content $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: WorkingPath is: $workingPath"

    #Initialize Logging Complete #

    #Check if currently supported#
    if($role -eq "SQL" -or $role -eq "IIS" -or $role -eq "JRE")
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $Role is currently unavailable in this release. It will be added in an upcoming version."

    #Test Connection to Server #

    #Test Connection
        Add-Content $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: Running (Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $serverName -CommonTCPPort WINRM).TcpTestSucceeded -eq `$false"
    if((Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $serverName -CommonTCPPort WINRM).TcpTestSucceeded -eq $false)
        Add-Content -path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Error]: Connection to $serverName Failed. Check network connectivity and that the server is listening for WinRM"
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: Connection to $serverName successful"

    #Test Connection Complete #

    #Test WSMAN Settings #

    if($ServerName -eq $ENV:ComputerName)
        try {
            [int]$maxEnvelope = (get-childitem wsman:\localhost\MaxEnvelopeSizekb).value
        catch {
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$Servername][$Role][ERROR]: Query for WSMAN properties failed. Check user context that this is running under."
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
        [int]$maxEnvelope = invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock {((get-childitem wsman:\localhost\MaxEnvelopeSizekb).value)}

    #Configure WSMAN if necessary
    if($maxEnvelope -lt 10000 -and $ServerName -ne $ENV:ComputerName)
        Add-Content -path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Warning]: Attempting to set MaxEnvelopeSizeKb on $ServerName."
            invoke-command -computername $serverName -ScriptBlock {Set-Item -Path WSMAN:\localhost\MaxEnvelopeSizekb -Value 10000}
            Add-Content -path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MaxEnvelopeSizeKb successfully configured on $ServerName."
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: Setting WSMAN failed on $ServerName."
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($maxEnvelope -lt 10000 -and $ServerName -eq $ENV:ComputerName)
        Add-Content -path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Warning]: Attempting to set MaxEnvelopeSizeKb on $ServerName."
            Set-Item -Path WSMAN:\localhost\MaxEnvelopeSizekb -Value 10000
            Add-Content -path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MaxEnvelopeSizeKb successfully configured on $ServerName."
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: Setting WSMAN failed on $ServerName."
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: WSMan is correctly configured."

    #Test WSMan Settings Complete #

    #Convert SqlRole to DSCRole #

    #Determine STIG Version
    $dscRole = Convert-PowerStigSqlToRole -SqlRole $Role
        Add-Content $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: DSCRole is $dscRole"

    if(-not(test-path "$logPath\$ServerName"))
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: Creating file path for this server at $logPath\$ServerName"
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$logpath\$ServerName"

    #Convert Role Complete #

    #Check OSVersion #

    [bool]$is2012 = $true
    if($Role -like "*2016*")
            $is2012 = $false
    elseif($role -eq "Client")
        $osVersion = "Windows-10"

    if($is2012 -eq $true -and $osVersion -ne "Windows-10")
        $osVersion = "2012R2"
    elseif($is2012 -eq $false -and $osVersion -ne "Windows-10")
        $osVersion = "2016"

    #Check OSVersion Complete #

    Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: OS Version is $osVersion"

    #Build MOF
    Push-Location $logPath\$serverName

    #Get Stig Version Number #

        $stigVersion = Get-PowerStigXmlVersion -role $dscRole -osVersion $osVersion
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: dscRole is $dscRole"
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: osVersion is $osVersion"

    #Get Stig Version Complete #
    #Create MOF #

    Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: Stig Version is $stigVersion"

    if($dscRole -eq "DNS")
        #Run DNSDSC
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: Running: $workingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigDNSCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OsVersion $osVersion -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $workingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigDNSCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OsVersion $osVersion -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $mofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigDNSCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "IE11")
        #run IEDSC
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: Running: $workingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigBrowserCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -Role $dscRole -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $workingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigBrowserCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -Role $dscRole -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $mofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigBrowserCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "MS" -or $dscRole -eq "DC")
        #run MSDCDSC
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: Running: $workingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigMSDCCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -Role $dscRole -OsVersion $osVersion -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $workingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigMSDCCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -Role $dscRole -OsVersion $osVersion -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $mofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigMSDCCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "FW")
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: Running: $workingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigFWCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $workingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigFWCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $mofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigFWCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "Word2013")
        try {
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $app -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $dscRole -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $MofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigOfficeCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "Excel2013")
        try {
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $app -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $dscRole -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $MofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigOfficeCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "PowerPoint2013")
        try {
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $app -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $dscRole -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $MofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigOfficeCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "Outlook2013")
        try {
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $app -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $dscRole -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $MofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigOfficeCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "Client")
        try {
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigWinCliCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigWinCliCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $MofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigWinCliCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "DotNet")
        try {
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigDotNetCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigDotNetCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $MofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigDotNetCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "FireFox")
            # Determine install Directory
            $InstallDirectory = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servername -Scriptblock {(get-itemproperty "HKLM:\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\$((get-itemproperty "HKLM:\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox").currentversion)\Main")."Install Directory"}
            try {
                    Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigFiFoCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -StigVersion $stigVersion -InstallDirectory $InstallDirectory"
                & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigFiFoCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -StigVersion $stigVersion -InstallDirectory $InstallDirectory
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
                $MofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigFiFoCall"
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    <#elseif($dscRole -eq "IIS")
        try {
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $app -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOfficeCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -OfficeApp $app -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $tempMofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigOfficeCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"

    elseif($dscRole -eq "OracleJRE")
        try {
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOraJRECall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -ConfigPath $ConfigurationPath -PropertiesPath $PropertiesPath -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigOraJRECall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -ConfigPath $ConfigurationPath -PropertiesPath $PropertiesPath -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole"
            $MofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigOraJRECall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
    elseif($dscRole -eq "SQL")
        try {
                Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName[$Role][Debug]: Running: $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigSqlSerCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -SqlVersion $SqlVersion -SqlRole $SqlRole -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -Database $Database -StigVersion $stigVersion"
            & $WorkingPath\DSCConfigurations\PowerStigSqlSerCall.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName -SqlVersion $SqlVersion -SqlRole $SqlRole -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -Database $Database -StigVersion $stigVersion
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: MOF Created for $ServerName for role $dscRole, Instance $SqlInstance, Database $Database"
            $MofPath = "$logPath\$ServerName\PowerStigSqlSerCall"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
        Add-content -Path $logFilePath -value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Warning]: Skipping $dscRole on $ServerName. Role $dscRole is not a supported technology at this time."
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: mofPath is $mofPath"

    #Run scan against target server
    $mof = get-childitem $mofPath
    Push-location $mofPath

    Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: Starting Scan for $mof"
        $scanMof = (Get-ChildItem -Path $mofPath)[0]

        $scanObj = Test-DscConfiguration -ComputerName $ServerName -ReferenceConfiguration $scanMof
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: mof variable is $mof"


    Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: Converting results to PSObjects"

        $convertObj = Convert-PowerStigTest -TestResults $scanObj
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][ERROR]: $_"
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Debug]: Object Results:"
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "DesiredState`tFindingSeverity,`tStigDefinition,`tStigType,`tScanDate"
        foreach($o in $convertObj)
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$($o.DesiredState),`t$($o.FindingSeverity),`t$($o.StigDefinition),`t$($o.StigType),`t$($o.ScanDate)"

    Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ServerName][$Role][Info]: Importing Results to Database for $ServerName and role $Role."

    Import-PowerStigObject -Servername $ServerName -InputObj $convertObj


function Invoke-PowerStigBatch


    $workingPath = Split-Path $PsCommandPath
    $iniVar = Import-PowerStigConfig -configFilePath $workingPath\Config.ini

    if($null -eq $cmsServer -or $cmsServer -eq '')
        $cmsServer = $iniVar.SqlInstanceName
    if($null -eq $CMSDatabaseName -or $CMSDatabaseName -eq '')
        $CMSDatabaseName = $iniVar.DatabaseName

    # Create logging functions

    # Name the PowerSTIG scan jobs
    # This needs to be "something else", like pulled from database or not sure in a future release
    $JobName = "$(get-date -uformat %m%d)_PowerSTIGscan"
    [int]$concurrentJobs = (Get-PowerStigSqlConfig -ConcurrentScans).ConfigSetting

    $StepName = 'Start queued scans'
    $StepMessage = 'Scans Started'
        # Logging
        InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken 'UPDATE' -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName
        $GetQueuedScans = "EXEC PowerStig.sproc_GetScanQueue"
        $RunGetQueuedScans = (Invoke-PowerStigSqlCommand -SqlInstance $cmsServer -DatabaseName $CMSDatabaseName -Query $GetQueuedScans )
        $QueuedScans = @($RunGetQueuedScans)
        $uniqueComplianceTypes = $QueuedScans | Select-Object ComplianceType -Unique

        foreach($ct in $uniqueComplianceTypes)
            $compTypeJobs = @($QueuedScans | Where-Object {$_.compliancetype -eq $ct.ComplianceType.ToString()})
            $numJobs = $compTypeJobs.Length

            for($i = 0; $i -lt $numJobs;$i++)
                While((Get-Job | Where-Object {$_.state -eq "Running" -and $ -like "*PowerSTIG*"}).count -ge $concurrentJobs)
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
                    $stepMessage = "Starting Job $($i+1) of $numJobs for Role $($ct.ComplianceType)"
                    InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken 'UPDATE' -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName

                    $TargetToScan = $compTypeJobs[$i].TargetComputer
                    $ComplianceType = $compTypeJobs[$i].ComplianceType

                    Start-Job -Name $JobName -scriptblock { Param ($TargetToScan, $ComplianceType) Invoke-PowerStigScan -Servername $TargetToScan -Role $ComplianceType} -ArgumentList $TargetToScan, $ComplianceType | Out-Null
                    $StepMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    $StepMessage = $StepMessage -replace '['']',''
                    InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken 'ERROR' -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName    


            $StepMessage = $null
            $JobCount = 0
            ## Wait for Jobs to Complete
            While((Get-Job | Where-Object {$_.state -eq "Running" -and $ -like "*PowerSTIG*"}).count -gt 0)
                $JobCountNew = (Get-Job | Where-Object {$_.state -eq "Running" -and $ -like "*PowerSTIG*"}).count
                If($JobCountNew -ne $JobCount)
                    $JobCount = $JobCountNew
                    $StepMessage = "Waiting on $JobCount jobs to finish for role $($ct.ComplianceType). Checking job status every 2 seconds."
                    InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken 'UPDATE' -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName       

                Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

        # Logging
        $StepMessage = "Scans Complete"
        InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken 'UPDATE' -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName

        # Logging
        $StepMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        $StepMessage = $StepMessage -replace '['']',''
        InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken 'ERROR' -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName

    $StepName ='Retrieve CKL path'
    $StepMessage = 'Retrieving CKL path from config database'
        # Logging
        InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken 'UPDATE' -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName
        $GetCKLpath = "EXEC PowerSTIG.sproc_GetConfigSetting @ConfigProperty = 'CKLfileLoc'"
        $RunGetCKLpath = (Invoke-PowerStigSqlCommand -SqlInstance $CMSserver -DatabaseName $CMSDatabaseName -Query $GetCKLpath )
        $CKLpath = @($RunGetCKLpath) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ConfigSetting
        # Logging
        $StepMessage = "CKL Path retrieval complete"
        InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken 'UPDATE' -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName
        # Logging
        $StepMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        $StepMessage = $StepMessage -replace '['']',''
        InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken "ERROR" -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName
    $StepName =  'Generate Checklist files (CKLs)'
    $StepMessage = 'Generating Checklist files'
        # Logging
        InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken "UPDATE" -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName
            $GetLastCKLdata = "EXEC PowerStig.sproc_GetLastDataForCKL"
            $RunGetLastCKLdata = (Invoke-PowerStigSqlCommand -SqlInstance $CMSserver -DatabaseName $CMSDatabaseName -Query $GetLastCKLdata )
            $LastCKLdata = @($RunGetLastCKLdata)
            foreach ($CKL in $LastCKLdata)
                $TargetComputer = $CKL.TargetComputer
                $ComplianceType = $CKL.ComplianceType
                $Guid = $CKL.ScanGUID
                $Timestamp = (get-date).ToString("MMddyyyyHHmmss")
                $CKLfile = $CKLpath+$TargetComputer+"_"+$ComplianceType+"_"+$Timestamp+".CKL"

                $CKLRole = Convert-PowerStigSqlToRole -SqlRole $ComplianceType

                New-PowerStigCKL -Servername $TargetComputer -OSversion 2012R2 -Role $CKLRole -Outpath $CKLfile -GUID $Guid

        # Logging
        InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken "UPDATE" -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName
        # Logging
        $StepMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        $StepMessage = $StepMessage -replace '['']',''
        InsertLog -LogEntryTitle $StepName -LogMessage $StepMessage -ActionTaken "ERROR" -CMSServer $cmsServer -CMSDatabase $CMSDatabaseName

#endregion Public