
$prefix = '/v1/'

   Return an Object containing Vault connection details.
   This is session variable required by all other Cmdlets.
   PS C:\> $vault = Get-Vault -Address -Token 46e231ee-49bb-189d-c58d-f276743ececa

function Get-Vault
        # Server Address
        $Address = $env:VAULT_ADDR,

        # Client token
        $Token = $env:VAULT_TOKEN

    [PSCustomObject]@{'uri'= $Address + $prefix
                      'auth_header' = @{'X-Vault-Token'=$Token}
                      } |


   Test connectivity to the Vault server.
   This method returns the health of the server if it can connect.
   PS C:\> Test-Vault $vault
   initialized sealed standby
   ----------- ------ -------
          True False False

function Test-Vault
        # The Object containing Vault access details.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]


    $uri = $VaultObject.uri + 'sys/health'

    Write-Debug $uri

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $VaultObject.auth_header | Write-Output

   Access a Secret in the Vault
   This can return a [PSCustomObject] base don the raw Secret or attempt to return a [PSCredential] object.
   PS C:\> Get-Secret -VaultObject $vault -Path secret/hello
   PS C:\> Get-Secret -VaultObject $vault -Path secret/username -AsCredential
   UserName Password
   -------- --------
   username System.Security.SecureString
   At the current version, Vault does not yet promise backwards compatibility even with the v1 prefix. We'll remove this warning when this policy changes. We expect we'll reach API stability by Vault 0.3.

function Get-Secret
        # The Object containing Vault access details.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]

        # The Path to the secret as you would pass to Vault Read.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]

        # Attempt to convert the Secret to a [PSCredential]. If the Secret contains a username property that will be used else the function will fall back to using the Secret name.

    $uri = $VaultObject.uri + $Path

    $result = [string]::Empty

    Write-Debug $uri

        $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $VaultObject.auth_header
        # Do nothing

    if ($result)
        if ($result.GetType().Name -eq 'PSCustomObject')
            if ($result | Get-Member -Name data)
                $data = $result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty data

                if ($AsCredential)
                    $username = [string]::Empty

                    if ($data | Get-Member -Name username)
                        $username = $data.username
                        Write-Verbose "Found a username property in the results. [$username]"
                        $username = $Path.Split('/')[-1]
                        Write-Verbose "Did not find a username property, parsing path. [$username]"

                    if ($data | Get-Member -Name password)
                        New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
                        -ArgumentList $username, ($data.password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
                        Write-Debug $result
                        throw "The data did not contain a password property."
                    Write-Output -InputObject $data
            throw $result
        Write-Debug $result
        Write-Verbose "No Secret found. [$Path]"


   Create or update a Secret
   This will set the contents of a Secret.
   PS C:\> Set-Secret -VaultObject $vault -Path secret/new -Secret @{value="secret"}
   PS C:\> Get-Secret $vault secret/new

function Set-Secret
        # The Object containing Vault access details.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]

        # The Path to the Secret as you would pass to Vault Read.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]

        # The Secret. This will be converted to JSON. A simple Hash works best.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=2)]

    $uri = $VaultObject.uri + $Path

    Write-Debug $uri

        $data = $Secret | ConvertTo-Json

        Write-Debug $data
        throw "Cannot convert Secret to JSON"

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Headers $VaultObject.auth_header -Body $data | Write-Output


   Delete a Secret
   This will set the delete of a Secret.
   PS C:\> Remove-Secret $vault secret/new
   PS C:\> Get-Secret $vault secret/new -Verbose
   VERBOSE: No Secret found. [secret/new]

function Remove-Secret
        # The Object containing Vault access details.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]

        # The Path to the Secret as you would pass to Vault Read.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]

    $uri = $VaultObject.uri + $Path

    Write-Debug $uri

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Delete -Headers $VaultObject.auth_header| Write-Output
