
function Get-vRAConsumerResourceOperation {
    Get a consumer resource operation
    Consumer Resource Operation API exposed to users. A resource operation represents a Day-2 operation that can be performed on a resource.
    Resource operations are registered in the Service Catalog and target a specific resource type.
    These operations can be invoked / accessed by consumers through the self-service interface on the resources they own.
    The id of the resource operation


    Get-vRAConsumerResourceOperation -Id "a4d57b16-9706-471b-9960-d0855fe544bb"



    Param (


    try {

        # --- Get resource operation by id

        foreach ($ResourceOperation in $Id ) { 
            $URI = "/catalog-service/api/consumer/resourceOperations/$($ResourceOperation)"

            Write-Verbose -Message "Preparing GET to $($URI)"

            $Response = Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI

            Write-Verbose -Message "SUCCESS"

            Write-Verbose -Message "Returning type: $($Response.'@type')"                

            switch ($Response.'@type') {

                'ResourceAction' {                    

                    [pscustomobject] @{

                        Type = $Response.'@type'
                        Id = $
                        ExternalId = $Response.externalId
                        Name = $
                        Description = $Response.description
                        IconId = $Response.iconId
                        TargetCriteria = $Response.targetCriteria
                        TargetResourceTypeRef = $Response.targetResourceTypeRef
                        Status = $Response.status
                        Entitleable = $Response.entitleable
                        organization = $Response.organization
                        RequestSchema =$Response.requestSchema
                        Forms = $Response.forms
                        Callbacks = $Response.callbacks
                        LifecycleAction = $Response.lifecycleACtion
                        BindingId = $Response.bindingId
                        ProviderTypeRef =$Response.providerTypeRef



                'ResourceExtension' {

                    [pscustomobject] @{

                        Type = $Response.'@type'
                        Id = $
                        ExternalId = $Response.externalId
                        Name = $
                        Description = $Response.description
                        IconId = $Response.iconId
                        TargetCriteria = $Response.targetCriteria
                        TargetResourceTypeRef = $Response.targetResourceTypeRef
                        Status = $Response.status
                        Entitleable = $Response.entitleable
                        ExtensionId = $Response.extensionId





    catch [Exception]{

