
function Get-vRABlueprint {
    Retrieve vRA Blueprints
    Retrieve vRA Blueprints
    Specify the ID of a Blueprint

    Specify the Name of a Blueprint

    .PARAMETER Limit
    The number of entries returned per page from the API. This has a default value of 100.



    Get-vRABlueprint -Id "309100fd-b8ce-4e8c-ac8c-a667b8ace54f"

    Get-vRABlueprint -Name "Blueprint01","Blueprint02"


    Param (


    [String]$Limit = "100" 
# --- Test for vRA API version
if ($Global:vRAConnection.APIVersion -lt 7){

    throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) is not supported with vRA API version $($Global:vRAConnection.APIVersion)"

    try {                
        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) 
            "ById"  {                
                foreach ($BlueprintId in $Id){

                    $URI = "/content-management-service/api/contents/$($BlueprintId)"

                    # --- Run vRA REST Request
                    $Response = Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI
                    $Blueprints = $Response | Where-Object {$_.contentTypeId -eq "composite-blueprint"}

                    foreach ($Blueprint in $Blueprints){


                            Name = $
                            Id = $                
                            Description = $Blueprint.description
                            ContentId = $Blueprint.contentId
                            TenantId = $Blueprint.tenantId
                            MimeType = $Blueprint.mimeType
                            SubtenantId = $Blueprint.subtenantId
                            Dependencies = $Blueprint.dependencies
                            CreatedDate = $Blueprint.createdDate
                            LastUpdated = $Blueprint.lastUpdated
                            version = $Blueprint.version

            "ByName"  {                

               foreach ($BlueprintName in $Name){

                    $URI = "/content-management-service/api/contents?`$filter=name%20eq%20'$($BlueprintName)'"

                    # --- Run vRA REST Request
                    $Response = Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI
                    $Blueprints = $Response.content | Where-Object {$_.contentTypeId -eq "composite-blueprint"}

                    if (-not $Blueprints){

                        throw "Unable to find vRA Blueprint: $($BlueprintName)"

                    foreach ($Blueprint in $Blueprints){


                            Name = $
                            Id = $                
                            Description = $Blueprint.description
                            ContentId = $Blueprint.contentId
                            TenantId = $Blueprint.tenantId
                            MimeType = $Blueprint.mimeType
                            SubtenantId = $Blueprint.subtenantId
                            Dependencies = $Blueprint.dependencies
                            CreatedDate = $Blueprint.createdDate
                            LastUpdated = $Blueprint.lastUpdated
                            version = $Blueprint.version

            "Standard"  {

                $URI = "/content-management-service/api/contents?`$filter=contentTypeId%20eq%20'composite-blueprint'"

                # --- Run vRA REST Request
                $Response = Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI

                $Blueprints = $Response.content

                foreach ($Blueprint in $Blueprints){


                        Name = $
                        Id = $                
                        Description = $Blueprint.description
                        ContentId = $Blueprint.contentId
                        TenantId = $Blueprint.tenantId
                        MimeType = $Blueprint.mimeType
                        SubtenantId = $Blueprint.subtenantId
                        Dependencies = $Blueprint.dependencies
                        CreatedDate = $Blueprint.createdDate
                        LastUpdated = $Blueprint.lastUpdated
                        version = $Blueprint.version
    catch [Exception]{
