
function Global:xRequires {
    Checks the required API Version for the current function
    Checks the required API Version for the current function
    .PARAMETER Version
    The API Version that the function supports
    .PARAMETER Context
    The functions execution context. This should always be $MyInvocation
    function Get-Example {
        # This function does not support API versions lower than Version 7
        xRequires -Version 7 -Context $MyInvocation


    Param (



        # --- Test for vRA API version
        if (-not $Global:vRAConnection){

            throw "vRA Connection variable does not exist. Please run Connect-vRAServer first to create it"

        elseif ($Global:vRAConnection.APIVersion -lt $Version) {

            throw "$($Context.MyCommand) is not supported with vRA API version $($Global:vRAConnection.APIVersion)"