
function Set-vRAService {
    Set a vRA Service
    Set a vRA Service
    Currently unsupported interactive actions:
    * HoursStartTime
    * HoursEndTime
    * ChangeWindowDayOfWeek
    * ChangeWindowStartTime
    * ChangeWindowEndTime
    The id of the service
    The name of the service
    .PARAMETER Description
    A description of the service
    .PARAMETER Status
    The status of the service
    .PARAMETER Owner
    The owner of the service
    .PARAMETER SupportTeam
    The support team of the service
    Get-vRAService -Name "Default" | Set-vRAService -Owner user@vsphere.local
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1"
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1" -Description "updated from posh"
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1" -Description "updated from posh" -Owner "user@vsphere.local"
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1" -Description "updated from posh" -Owner "user@vsphere.local" -SupportTeam "support@vsphere.local"
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1" -Description "updated from posh" -Owner "user@vsphere.local" -SupportTeam "support@vsphere.local" -Status INACTIVE


    Param (




    begin {
    process {

        # --- Check for existing service
        try {

            Write-Verbose -Message "Testing for existing service"                       

            $URI = "/catalog-service/api/services/$($Id)"
            $Service = Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI

        catch [Exception] {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")){

                Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Name: $($ >> $($Name)"
                $ = $Name


        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description")){

               Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Description: $($Service.description) >> $($Description)"
               $Service.description = $Description


        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Status")){
                Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Status: $($Service.status) >> $($Status)"
                $Service.status = $Status


        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Owner")){

            # --- if the service does not have an owner, add one
            if(-not($Service.owner)) {

                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding owner principal: $($Owner)"

                $CatalogPrincipal = Get-vRACatalogPrincipal -Id $Owner   

                $Service | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "owner" -Value $catalogPrincipal    

            else {

                Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Owner: $($Service.owner.ref) >> $($Owner)"           
                $Service.owner.ref = $Owner



        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SupportTeam")){

            # --- if the service does not have an support team, add one
            if(-not($Service.supportTeam)) {

                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding support team principal: $($SupportTeam)"

                $CatalogPrincipal = Get-vRACatalogPrincipal -Id $SupportTeam   

                $Service | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "supportTeam" -Value $catalogPrincipal    

            else {

            Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Support Team: $($Service.supportTeam.ref) >> $($SupportTeam)"
            $Service.supportTeam.ref = $SupportTeam


        # --- Update the existing service
        try {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Service.Name)){
                # --- Build the URI string for the service
                $URI = "/catalog-service/api/services/$($Id)"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Preparing PUT to $($URI)"                
                $Response = Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method PUT -URI $URI -Body ($Service | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)

                Get-vRAService -Id $Id
        catch [Exception] {
