
function New-vRAExternalNetworkProfile {
    Create a vRA external network profile
    Create a vRA external network profile
    The network profile Name
    .PARAMETER Description
    The network profile Description

    .PARAMETER SubnetMask
    The subnet mask of the network profile

    .PARAMETER GatewayAddress
    The gateway address of the network profile

    .PARAMETER PrimaryDNSAddress
    The address of the primary DNS server

    .PARAMETER SecondaryDNSAddress
    The address of the secondary DNS server

    The DNS suffix

    .PARAMETER DNSSearchSuffix
    The DNS search suffix

    An array of ip address ranges

    .PARAMETER PrimaryWinsAddress
    The address of the primary wins server

    .PARAMETER SecondaryWinsAddress
    The address of the secondary wins server



    $DefinedRange1 = New-vRANetworkProfileIPRangeDefinition -Name "External-Range-01" -Description "Example 1" -StartIPv4Address "" -EndIPv4Address ""
    $DefinedRange2 = New-vRANetworkProfileIPRangeDefinition -Name "External-Range-02" -Description "Example 2" -StartIPv4Address "" -EndIPv4Address ""

    New-vRAExternalNetworkProfile -Name Network-External -Description "External" -SubnetMask "" -GatewayAddress "" -PrimaryDNSAddress "" -SecondaryDNSAddress "" -DNSSuffix "corp.local" -DNSSearchSuffix "corp.local" -IPRanges $DefinedRange1,$DefinedRange2



    Param (


        [ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]  

        [ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]  

        [ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]  

        [ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]  




        [ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })] 

        [ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]  


    xRequires -Version 7.1

    try {

        # --- Define the network profile template
        $Template = @"

                "@type": "ExternalNetworkProfile",
                "name": "$($Name)",
                "description": "$($Description)",
                "createdDate": null,
                "lastModifiedDate": null,
                "isHidden": false,
                "definedRanges": [],
                "reclaimedAddresses": null,
                "IPAMEndpointId": null,
                "IPAMEndpointName": null,
                "addressSpaceExternalId": null,
                "profileType": "EXTERNAL",
                "subnetMask": "$($SubnetMask)",
                "gatewayAddress": "$($GatewayAddress)",
                "primaryDnsAddress": "$($PrimaryDNSAddress)",
                "secondaryDnsAddress": "$($SecondaryDNSAddress)",
                "dnsSuffix": "$($DNSSuffix)",
                "dnsSearchSuffix": "$($DNSSearchSuffix)",
                "primaryWinsAddress": "$($PrimaryWinsAddress)",
                "secondaryWinsAddress": "$($SecondaryWinsAddress)"


        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IPRanges")) {

            $Object = $Template | ConvertFrom-Json

            foreach ($IPRange in $IPRanges) {

                $Object.definedRanges += $IPRange


            $Template = $Object | ConvertTo-Json


        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)){

            $URI = "/iaas-proxy-provider/api/network/profiles"
            # --- Run vRA REST Request
            Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method POST -URI $URI -Body $Template -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null

            # --- Output the Successful Result
            Get-vRAExternalNetworkProfile -Name $Name -Verbose:$VerbosePreference


    catch [Exception]{


