
function Set-vRAService {
    Set a vRA Service
    Set a vRA Service
    Currently unsupported interactive actions:
    * HoursStartTime
    * HoursEndTime
    * ChangeWindowDayOfWeek
    * ChangeWindowStartTime
    * ChangeWindowEndTime
    The id of the service
    The name of the service
    .PARAMETER Description
    A description of the service
    .PARAMETER Status
    The status of the service
    .PARAMETER Owner
    The owner of the service
    .PARAMETER SupportTeam
    The support team of the service
    The Icon Id of the service. This must already exist in the Service Catalog. Typically it would have already been created via Import-vRAServiceIcon
    Get-vRAService -Name "Default" | Set-vRAService -Owner user@vsphere.local
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1"
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1" -Description "updated from posh"
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1" -Description "updated from posh" -Owner "user@vsphere.local"
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1" -Description "updated from posh" -Owner "user@vsphere.local" -SupportTeam "support@vsphere.local"
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1" -Description "updated from posh" -Owner "user@vsphere.local" -SupportTeam "support@vsphere.local" -Status INACTIVE
    Set-vRAService -Id 25c0f3db-5906-4d42-8633-7b05f695432c -Name "Default 1" -Description "updated from posh" -Owner "user@vsphere.local" -SupportTeam "support@vsphere.local" -Status INACTIVE -IconId "cafe_icon_Service01"


    Param (





    Begin {
    Process {

        # --- Check for existing service
        try {

            Write-Verbose -Message "Testing for existing service"                       

            $URI = "/catalog-service/api/services/$($Id)"
            $Service = Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI

        catch [Exception] {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")){

                Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Name: $($ >> $($Name)"
                $ = $Name


        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description")){

               Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Description: $($Service.description) >> $($Description)"
               $Service.description = $Description


        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Status")){
                Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Status: $($Service.status) >> $($Status)"
                $Service.status = $Status


        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Owner")){

            # --- if the service does not have an owner, add one
            if(-not($Service.owner)) {

                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding owner principal: $($Owner)"

                $CatalogPrincipal = Get-vRACatalogPrincipal -Id $Owner   

                $Service | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "owner" -Value $catalogPrincipal    

            else {

                Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Owner: $($Service.owner.ref) >> $($Owner)"           
                $Service.owner.ref = $Owner



        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SupportTeam")){

            # --- if the service does not have an support team, add one
            if(-not($Service.supportTeam)) {

                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding support team principal: $($SupportTeam)"

                $CatalogPrincipal = Get-vRACatalogPrincipal -Id $SupportTeam   

                $Service | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "supportTeam" -Value $catalogPrincipal    

            else {

            Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Support Team: $($Service.supportTeam.ref) >> $($SupportTeam)"
            $Service.supportTeam.ref = $SupportTeam


        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IconId")){

                Write-Verbose -Message "Updating IconId: $($Service.iconId) >> $($IconId)"
                $Service.iconId = $IconId


        # --- Update the existing service
        try {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Service.Name)){
                # --- Build the URI string for the service
                $URI = "/catalog-service/api/services/$($Id)"
                Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method PUT -URI $URI -Body ($Service | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) -Verbose:$VerbosePreference | Out-Null

                Get-vRAService -Id $Id
        catch [Exception] {

    End {
