
function Remove-vRAIcon {
    Remove a vRA Icon
    Remove a vRA Icon from the service catalog. If the icon is one of the default system icons, it will be reverted to its default state instead of being deleted.

    The id of the Icon



    Remove-vRAIcon -Id "cafe_default_icon_genericAllServices"

    Set the default All Services Icon back to the original icon. Note: admin permissions for the default vRA Tenant are required for this action.

    Get-vRAIcon -Id "cafe_icon_Service01" | Remove-vRAIcon -Confirm:$false

    Delete the Icon named cafe_icon_Service01


    Param (

    begin {

        # --- Test for vRA API version
        xRequires -Version 7.1
    process {

        foreach ($IconId in $Id) {

            # --- Remove the service
            try {

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($IconId)){                
                    $URI = "/catalog-service/api/icons/$($IconId)"
                    Invoke-vRARestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference              
            catch [Exception] {

    end {
