
function New-vROParameterDefinition {
    Create a parameter definition for use with workflows such as Invoke-vROWorkflow and Invoke-vROAction
    Create a parameter definition for use with workflows such as Invoke-vROWorkflow and Invoke-vROAction

    Name of the workflow or action parameter

    .PARAMETER Value
    Value of the workflow or action parameter

    Type of the workflow or action parameter
    .PARAMETER Scope
    Scope of the workflow or action parameter



    $Param1 = New-vROParameterDefinition -Name a -Value Apple -Type String -Scope LOCAL
    Invoke-vROWorkflow -Id c0278910-9ae2-46c5-bb45-2292fe88e3ab -Parameters $Param1

    $Param1 = New-vROParameterDefinition -Name Location -Value UK -Type String -Scope LOCAL
    Invoke-vROAction -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133 -Parameters $Param1


    Param (



    [ValidateSet("LOCAL", "TOKEN")]
    [String]$Scope = "LOCAL"


    begin {
    process {

        try {

            # --- Define object
            $ParameterDefinition = @"
                    "name": "$($Name)",
                    "type": "$($Type.ToLower())",
                    "scope": "$($Scope.ToLower())",
                    "value": {
                        "$($Type.ToLower())":{ "value": "$($Value)"}


            $ParameterDefinition | ConvertFrom-Json

        catch [Exception]{



    end {
