
function Invoke-vROAction {
    Invoke a vRO Action

    Invoke a vRO Action

    The id of the action requesting an action by id will return additional information

    The name of the action
    .PARAMETER Category
    The category that the action is in. This must be used with the name parameter

    .PARAMETER Parameters
    The parameters, if any, that the action expects. The input expects an array of New-vROParameterDefinition



    $Param1 = New-vROParameterDefinition -Name Location -Value UK -Type String -Scope LOCAL
    Invoke-vROAction -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133 -Parameters $Param1

    $Param1 = New-vROParameterDefinition -Name Location -Value UK -Type String -Scope LOCAL
    Invoke-vROAction -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133 -Parameters $Param1 | ConvertTo-Json

    Invoke-vROACtion -Id 92768e86-d7bc-400d-bb6d-11e6e10eb133









    begin {


    process {

        try {

            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

                'Id' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($Id)/executions"


                'Name' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/actions/$($Category)/$Name/executions"




            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Parameters")) {

                $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{

                    parameters = @()


                foreach ($Parameter in $Parameters) {

                    $Object.parameters += $Parameter

                $Body = $Object | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

            else {

                $Body = "{}"


            $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method POST -URI $URI -Body $Body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

            if ($Response) {


                    Type = $Response.type
                    Value = $Response.value



        catch [Exception]{


    end {

